




002归去来辞 010 天爵《孟子》 014 惆怅 一 行宫 二 寻隐者不遇 三 丑奴儿书博山道中壁 022 花癖 024 品香 026 焚香之趣 030 慵庵铭 036 小窗幽记 048 三十三不亦快哉 068 颜周说齐王《战国策》 072 马蹄《庄子》 080 石壕吏 082 大学 003 Ah, Homeward Bound I Go Tao Yuanming 011 Nobility of God Mencius 015 Disconsolateness 1 Country Palace Yuan Chen 2 Failing to meet a Hermit Chia Tao 3 Sorrow Hsin Chi-Chi 023 Lovers of Flowers Yuan Chunglang 025 The Appreciation of Incense Mao Pichiang 027 The Enjoyment of Incense Tu Lung 031 Inscription on the Hall of Idleness Po Yuchien 037 Sketches by the Little Window Chen Jiru 049 Thirty-three Happy Moments Chin Shengtan 069 Yen Chuo Chunkuotseh 073 Horses' Hoofs Chuangtse 081 The Bailiff of Shihao Tu Fu 083 The College Confucius 084 寓言 一 螳螂捕蝉《庄子》 二 有忘铁者《列子》 三 惧内者《雪涛小书》 四 化缘《雪涛小书》 094 闲情偶寄 一 衣衫 二 口腹 三 蟹 四 穷人行乐法 110 新版附录




版权页:   其一:朝眠初觉,似闻家人叹息之声,言某人夜来已死。急呼而讯之,正是一城中第一绝有心计人。不亦快哉! 其一:夏月早起,看人于松棚下,锯大竹作筒用。不亦快哉! 其一:重阴匝月,如醉如病,朝眠不起。忽闻众鸟毕作弄晴之声,急引手搴帷,推窗视之,日光晶荧,林木如洗。不亦快哉! 其一:夜来似闻某人素心,明日试往看之。人其门,窥其闺,见所谓某人,方据案面南看一文书。顾客人来,默然一揖,便拉袖命坐日:“君既来,可亦试看此书。”相与欢笑,日影尽去。既已自饥,徐问客日:“君亦饥耶?”不亦快哉! I wake up in the morning and seem to hear some one in the house sighing and saying that last night some one died. I immediately ask to find out who it is, and learn that it is thesharpest, most calculating fellow in town. Ah, is this not happiness? I get up early on a summer morning and see people sawing a large bamboo pole under a mat-shed, to be used as a water pipe.Ah, is this not happiness? It has been raining for a whole month and I lie in bed in the morning like one drunk or ill, refusing to get up. Suddenly I hear a chorus of birds announcing a clear day. Quickly I pull aside the curtain, push open the window and see the beautiful sun shining and glistening and the forest looks fresh as if having just been bathed.Ah, is this not happiness? At night I seem to feel someone was thinking of me in the distance. The next day I go to call on him. I enter his door and look about his room and see that this person is sitting at his desk, facing south, reading a document. He sees me, nods quietly and pulls me by the sleeve to make me sit down, saying "Since you are here, come and look at this." And we laugh and enjoy ourselves until the shadows on the walls have disappeared. He is feeling hungry himself and slowly asks me "Are you hungry, too?" Ah, is this not happiness? 其一:本不欲造屋,偶得闲钱,试造一屋。自此日为始,需木,需石,需瓦,需砖,需灰,需钉,无晨无夕,不来聒于两耳。乃至罗雀掘鼠,无非为屋校计,而又都不得屋住,既已安之如命矣。忽然一日屋竞落成,刷墙扫地,糊窗挂画。一切匠作出门毕去,同人乃来分榻列坐。不亦快哉! 其一:冬夜饮酒,转复寒甚,推窗试看,雪大如手,已积三四寸矣。不亦快哉! 其一:夏日于朱红盘中,自拔快刀,切绿沉西瓜。不亦快哉。




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