
作者:(美)Bruce Schneier


内容旧了,脱离当前的密码学实用现状,对椭圆曲线ECC一笔带过,对AES完全没有涉及,GCM模式也没有,AEAD也没有,OTR也没有。基本上是上个世纪的密码学历史故事集。翻译自:http://blog.cryptographyengineering.com/2011/11/in-defense-of-applied-cryptography.html"此书误导了一些读者,让一些读者误以为自己已经能够专业地实现密码学算法了,导致他们的商业产品充满了可怕,滑稽,破损的密码学算法。例如一个 Diebold voting machine, circa 2003,其中的码农可悲地用了lcg作为PRNG""Unfortunately, some readers, abetted by Bruce's detailed explanations and convenient source code examples, felt that they were now ready to implement crypto professionally. Inevitably their code made its way into commercial products, which shipped full of horribly ridiculous, broken crypto implementations. This is the part that was not so good. We're probably still dealing with the blowback today.Just for one modest example, take this fragment of code spotted in a Diebold voting machine, circa 2003:// LCG - Linear Conguential Generator - used to generate ballot serial numbers // A psuedo-random-sequence generator // (per Applied Cryptography, by Bruce Schneier, Wiley, 1996) #define LCG_MULTIPLIER 1366 #define LCG_INCREMENTOR 150889 ...Thanks to Applied Cryptography, the Diebold coders were able to write a perfectly functional Linear Congruential Generator in no time at all. You certainly can't blame Bruce for anything here -- the LCG code is fine. It's certainly not his fault that Diebold missed the part where he warned never to use LCGs for security applications. Whoops!Although it's all said with love, some people really do blame Applied Cryptography for this sort of thing. Even Bruce has at various points himself apologized for this aspect of the book.(Not coincidentally, you'll notice that his more recent books are nowhere near as brazenly useful as AC. Where Practical Cryptography is all crapped up with grave warnings about the dangers of rolling your own crypto implementations, Applied Cryptography just laid it all out there sans apology, like a copy of the Anarchist Cookbook left open in a middle school library.)""What's magical about Applied Cryptography is really two things. First of all, it's an incredible historical document. If there's a cipher that was used in the period 1970-1996, you'll read about it in Applied Cryptography. Even if the cipher was based on the cryptographic equivalent of an abacus, even if it was broken in the same conference in which it was published, Bruce will still give you a full design description and the address of the guy who owns the patent."



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