高一年级 下





  阅读理解与信息匹配,完形填空与语法填空。配合广东课程改革、高考改革、严格契合广东高考题型。  ◆名师主笔专家审稿◆  本套丛书由广东及其他省市国家级示范中学和省级示范中学的特高级教师、优秀骨干教师联合编写,由中外教育专家审定把关。  ◆设计新颖操作灵活◆  本套丛书采取“阅读理解+信息匹配+完形填空+语法填空”四合一的编写体例,内容按周次设计,既有利于教师课堂定时检测,又适合学生同步自测,操作灵活方便、节时高效。  ◆同步性好适用性广◆  本套丛书以新课标及广东最新考纲为依据编写,适用于广东地区学生。  ◆选材新颖题材丰富◆  所收短文选材真实新颖,题材丰富,内容翔实,涵盖面广,符合学生的兴趣爱好,融趣味性和知识性于一体。  ◆难度适中考点明确◆  全书试题难度循序渐进,包括当前中、高考的各种题型及创新型题型。


  This past August 1 began my first year as a college student. Coming from Houston, the fourth-largestcity in the country, to a town surrounded by trees with a population of 60,000 was quite an adjustment. Atfirst it seemed a dream, but after a couple of weeks, I knew I was beginning a journey of new experiencesand adventures in college.  Leaving home, my parents and family, and separating from some of my closest friends, was one of thehardest things I ever did. It felt frightening at first, but knowing that I was on my own and in charge of whatI did and when l did it, was an exciting concept. Seeing new faces, being in new surroundings and meetingpeople was also an experience I was ready to take on.  When ! came to college I was looking for new challenges, including having a roommate. I have alwayshad my own room and space. With college, all that has changed. Combining two people with differentbackgrounds into one room can be chaotic (混乱的).  Becoming a freshman in college is very different from being a high-school freshman. College freshmenare set for a whole new awakening. I had tons of work with deadlines, parties and friends who are always inmy face, and no one to tell me what to do or when to do it. This is very unlike high school, where the teachergives an assignment with a week-long deadline and step-by-step guidelines. College is very different fromhigh school or home where rules are set and you coast through life. College is a new beginning, anopportunity to grow up and mature.  Becoming a freshman again can stir up doubts, fears and even tears but I now know that the fear at firstis better than not experiencing it at all. Every new face, new surrounding and meeting people is an unknownjourney that I look forward to as I go to class each day. I took my first real steps, now I am walking tall andfearless in this unknown adventure that awaits me.


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