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马丁.惠特曼,一位与格雷厄姆有类似经历的投资名家,在耶鲁商学院执教超过30年,创办的基金公司取得了长期投资成功的业绩。由于该书较为晦涩难懂,没有受到大众的欢迎,但这不能掩盖该书历久弥新的光芒。附:第三大道价值基金的投资哲学PhilosophyThird Avenue Management adheres to a disciplined, fundamental value approach to investing. Our team of investment professionals utilizes a time-tested investment process to analyze companies from the bottom-up with a focus on balance sheet analysis. We seek absolute returns for our clients over the long term, while minimizing investment risk.TAM focuses on the associated risks and costs of each investment decision. We believe the cheaper you buy, the greater the potential investment reward and the cheaper you buy, the less the inherent risk. The low price paid limits downside market risk and increases appreciation potential. Our analytical approach concentrates on "what is" in terms of understanding a business, in contrast to "what the market thinks." At TAM, stock market prices do not determine business value. This means we take market risk, but limit investment risk. Investment risk is limited by seeking companies with very strong financial positions whose securities are priced at significant discounts to private market value.What We Look ForOne proven value philosophy guides each of our investments. We seek to invest in safe companies that are cheaply priced:Key criteria are as follows:Safe Companies• Strong Finances: High-quality assets with conservative and appropriate leverage • Competent Management: Proven track record and interests aligned with outside, passive, minority shareholders • Understandable Business: Comprehensible business model with meaningful financial information readily available • Sound Political and Regulatory Environment: Presence of a legal framework that protects a business and shareholder rights Cheaply Priced• Significant Discount to Intrinsic Value: Priced substantially below a conservative estimate of the business’ value as a private entity or takeover candidate • Attractive Growth Prospects: Potential for attractive growth in the value of a company's net assets over the next 5 years We analyze companies from the bottom up, reviewing all public documents, speaking with outside experts and contacts, identifying value and risk drivers and interviewing management before making an investment decision.We analyze the quality and quantity of resources existing in a business, rather than its projected future revenues and earnings. We think that the current balance sheet is the best, albeit not the only, measure of a company's value. Predictions based on future operating earnings do not capture the possible impact of corporate events such as mergers and acquisitions, changes of control, management buyouts, share repurchases, refinancings, reorganizations, asset sales, spin-offs, investments in new ventures and corporate liquidations.Our stringent research gives us conviction in our best ideas, allowing us to establish concentrated positions.We invest only in companies that we believe have the potential to create value for our clients over the long term, withstanding cyclical downturns and evolving as leaders among their competition. Our long-term focus minimizes portfolio turnover and enhances the tax efficiency of our funds and private portfolios.




还应该指出,以定额美元定期购买证券的做法减弱了战胜通货膨胀的需要,因为货币价值的变化,从长期看,很可能被证券收益所抵消。定额美元定期购买证券——写定投 会死么?因为货币价值的变化,从长期看,很可能被证券收益所抵消。—— 就不能写 “因为从长期看,货币价值的变化很可能被证券收益所抵消。”?用鼻子也能猜出来原文基本上长成这样It should be noted, too, that dollar averaging diminishes the needto beat inflation, because changes in the value of money probablywill, in the long run, be offset by changes in the returns on securities.不浪费时间了。直接拉黑,去看英文。




虽然本书的最初是在1979年出版的,但讲解的内容时至今日仍然很有价值。如同书中所述“ 我们采用与大多数收购公司的控股买主相同的方法来分析证券”,从这个角度,我们可以看到更广阔的世界,“ 消极投资者越了解金融世界的现实,那么,无论采用什么投资方法,就越有可能获得成功”。虽然是从控股买主的角度去思考,但是其法则对于普通股投资者仍然非常实用,且能够以更小的风险获得满意的回报。本书并不是写给以打败市场作为目标的投资者,而因为借贷投资等原因无法承受市场短期波动的人也不是本书的目标对象。作者给出了判断投资对象的四个基础作为进一步判断的出发点:(1)相关公司应该具有良好的财务状况,而衡量财务状况的好坏不应该拘泥于有多少资产或者没有沉重的债务或抵押负担,无论这些因素是披露在财务报表附注中的资产负债表内容,还是根本没有在财务报表中披露的信息。(2)相关公司应该由非常讲诚信的管理和控制群体经营。公司管理和控制群体尤其在如何认定内部人方面能够考虑到债权人和其他证券持有人的利益。(3)投资者应该能够获得相当数量的相关信息,尽管在任何情况下“充分披露”是极其罕见的。(4)股票买入价应该低于投资者对资产净值的合理估计值。作者并不否认以盈利为主要判断依据来对普通股的价值作出评估,但认为此判断仅适用于高度市场相关的小范围。在作者提出的财务健全法(在本版序言中作者将其更名为“安全低价策略”)中,作者认为对价值的判断应该综合考虑资产的数量、资产的质量、创造财富的能力,其中创造财富的能力除了报告的盈利外,还应包括创造未实现增值和实现已创造增值。纵览本书,可以发现作者的学识相当渊博,作者认为普遍情况下,任何观点都不是绝对的,而应该结合情景来判断,而且在行文中随处可见对此观点的实证。因为站在另一个高度和角度,所以书籍包含的内容涉及的方面相当多,阅读起来感觉连贯性不够强,且读起来有些费力,但并不影响本书的价值。和惠特曼的另一本书《价值投资--一种平衡分析方法》比起来,个人更推荐普通投资者阅读此书,因为此书的内容更加面向普通投资者,即作者所谓的外部消极投资者,另外阅读上相比另一本也更为顺畅一些。在文中作者在表述自己观点时一般也会和常见的投资观点做比较,因此此书也有对比阅读的价值,而具体接受哪种观点取决于读者自己。



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