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  •     源地址:http://ocweng.com/en/?p=106Course: Reformation HistoryProfessor: Rev. Luke LuDate: 2015 SpringIntroductionThe publication of the book is in consideration of Calvin's 500th Anniversary in 2009 and this is the only one. It is a selection which consists of five parts contributed by at least seven writers, including both western theologians and Chinese Reformed leaders. Furthermore, the translator Rev. Charles Chao dedicates nearly fifty years of his life to Chinese Reformed translation ministry, and Chao plays a significant role in modern Chinese Reformed church history.SummaryThe selection approach Calvin and his heritage from several angles. It begins with a short introduction of Calvin's life and teachings which written by John. H. Bratt. After that is a spiritual work —— The Golden Booklet of The Christian Life, this booklet is also included in vol. 3 of Institutes. The third in the Selection, Steele and Thomas describe the Five Points, i.e., TULIP, traditionally considered as the most representative term of Reformed Theology. In the fourth part, B. B. Warfield argues some fundamental theological ideas of Calvinism. Finally, Rev. Samuel Ling and the other Chinese scholar Virginia give us a comprehensive perspective of the historical progress that shaped by reformed concept from the early reformation era to our age. Critical EvaluationUnlike secular or Catholic scholars, as a Protestant writer, Bratt features Calvin as a person who stands firmly on biblical truth and eagers to bring the church out of darkness. Not simply views Calvin as a positive character, he also has the favorable attitude to most Calvin's doctrines and teachings like sovereign of God, predestination and some reformed ideas on practices of Christian life. Calvin's Golden Booklet is a wonderful spiritual contribution to the Christian Church. As an outstanding biblical interpretation expert, he clearly clarifies christian's reasonable obligation and life wisdom with accurate and adequate scripture resources. Although it was published in 1550, sounds too far away from us, almost all of his teachings can still inspire contemporary churches.As any other Calvinists appear, it seems that Steele and Thomas's approach to Five Points are also follows a ‘die-hard’ style. They stand on the side of TULIP and list a number of proof texts to support their arguments, like most Reformed scholars have done. They conclude by rebutting the meaning of FOREKNEW which insisted by Arminianism commentators. Overall, nearly all viewpoints of chapter 3 are “classical themes” of Calvinism vs Arminianism debate conversations. It is probably inevitable that as a conservative Calvinist, notwithstanding Warfield draws attention to the limitation of Calvin theology which given by these anti-Calvinists, he speaks highly of Calvin's contribution to the Protestant theology world. Needless to say, Warfield's words are truly spiritual and religious, when we read such messages, how can we not bow down to the Lord our God, and praise that the orthodox belief is still preserved in the world that attacked by heresies, philosophical ideas?Besides western reformed scholars's works, RTF also selects a 40-page-article by Chinese reformed church leaders Rev. Ling and Virginia Yip. They view Calvinism as a consistent movement and link main historical events from reformation age to nowadays appropriately. At the end of part 5, they clarify some misunderstandings to Calvinism of non-Calvinists, the distinction between reformed and non-reformed, and the challenge of Calvinists in our age.ConclusionIn sum, For the sake of its remarkable and concise, despite the fact that all articles in this selection are relatively short pieces, we can also acquire enough useful information about John Calvin from these God's servants. In addition, as an evangelical tradition Church raised christian, I admire Calvin's conservative theological position and his far-reaching influence upon the Protestant Church deeply and sincerely. What is more, in view of the increasing needs of Chinese churches, this landmark book worths highly recommended for every Chinese background minister, seminarian, and layperson.

精彩短评 (总计5条)

  •     终于写完这本书的作业了,这本书太坑人了。
  •     加尔文的政治观念,我过去有所挣扎,并且认为时代的不同所以不能再用加尔文的老思想了。但现在敞亮了。加尔文在教会权力和世俗权威关系上的看法,我完全赞同,而且是超赞!
  •     很值得一读。
  •     加尔文和加尔文主义似乎特别强调基督徒生命的“应然”,只是人心的“实然”又如何能回避呢?“应然”与“实然”的距离需要改教鼻祖路德所说的基督徒无时无处不在的“忧虞Anfechtung”(加尔文主义也讲忧虞,不过讲的不多)来弥平!
  •     了解加尔文的最佳入门作品之一。附录非常有价值。

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