新课标 英语阶梯阅读丛书(全十册)









插图:Computers enable film-makers to achieve imageryI thatother forms of special effects can't. They can put actors oftoday into old films so that they look as though they werepart of the original scene. They can copy small crowds ofmoving people and repeat them to make one huge crowd.Monsters and dinosaurs2 have never looked so frightening andreal. Even babies and animals can look as though they aretalking to each other. Let's take the talking baby as anexample of how computers are used to produce special effects.The audience sees a baby girl sitting up in a cot, lookingup at her favourite toy. The baby is obviously too young totalk. Suddenly, she opens her mouth and starts speakingfluently to the toy. The talking baby doesn't look fake. Shelooks completely real. How is this done?First, the film-makers film a baby sitting up in a playpen.They get the baby to look up to where the toy would be.Next, the film-makers film a young girl talking. She is askedto say the words the baby will say and to move her head asthe baby moved her head.The child's whole face isn't filmed - just her mouth.These two pieces of film will be combined in the computer.After the film is developed, it is put into a computer using aprocess called digitising. This turns the frames of the filminto frames on the computer.The computer operator then replaces the baby's lips withthe child's lips. It is similar to using scissors to cut lips fromone photo and paste5 them onto another.


 新课标 英语阶梯阅读丛书(全十册)下载




农业基础科学,时尚,美术/书法,绘画,软件工程/开发项目管理,研究生/本专科,爱情/情感,动漫学堂PDF下载,。 PDF下载网 

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