


⊙ Perrin英译本smouldering with a lingering flame of Zeus-sent fire,And that Solon was not proof against beauty in a youth, and made not so bold with Love as ‘to confront him like a boxer, hand to hand,’ may be inferred from his poems. He also wrote a law forbidding a slave to practise gymnastics or have a boy lover, thus putting the matter in the category of honorable and dignified practices, and in a way inciting the worthy to that which he forbade the unworthy.⊙ 据此译出的商务版(陆永庭、吴彭鹏等译)“宙斯送来的神火,余焰还在慢慢地燃着。”梭伦并不能抵制青年之美的吸引,他对爱神拿不出这样的勇气,“象一个拳师一样,用拳足交加来对抗。”从他的诗里可以看得出这点。他又曾写下一种法律,不许奴隶作体育锻炼,也不许奴隶有娈童;这就是把这种事列为高尚的行为,把不许下贱人做的,鼓励高贵的人去做。⊙ Dryden英译本"Still in its embers living the strong fire" of their love and dear affection. For that Solon was not proof against beauty, nor of courage to stand up to passion and meet it-"Hand to hand as in the ring," we may conjecture by his poems, and one of his laws, in which there are practices forbidden to slaves, which he would appear, therefore, to recommend to freemen.⊙ 据此译出的吉林出版集团版(席代岳译)曾经沧海相思苦,死灰复燃情意浓。梭伦不可能抗拒年轻貌美的诱惑,或是有勇气抛弃这些激情,以及双方相会的时候:双手紧扣如金环。我们可以从他的诗篇中推测双方的关系,同时在他制定的法律中,禁止奴隶有这种行为,看来”分桃断袖“的雅事只能适用于自由人。————————————————可以看出,有些地方确实是由于英译本的不同造成的,但基本意思都不一样就不是“译本差别”所能解释的了,更何况“双方相会的时候:双手紧扣如金环”和最后那句“‘分桃断袖’...只能适用于...”已经完完全全是脑补了真心觉得,连“信”都达不到,就甭提“雅”了,况且是否真“雅”还见仁见智至于为什么拿这段来对比……仅仅是翻评论看到有人吐槽了第一行的诗歌,查了原文之后顺便又往下看了一段……——正因为不是刻意挑的,才更觉恐怖Orz



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