

Mrs Warren's Profession 《华伦夫人的职业》潘家洵译

to work your way into an honorable profession and live on it and not upon me. 自己过日子,别靠我吃饭。the Duke of Wellington 魏凌腾公爵Take warning by your father’s follies, sir; and don't make them an excuse for your own.你应该把你父亲做的错事当做前车之鉴,不应该拿它当自己的护身符。You are incorrigible. 你这孩子没法儿治了。This is George Crofts, as large as life and twice as natural. 雄伟博大(?)it runs in the family 这是我们的家风Let us be good friends now. 咱们现在和和气气别再吵嘴了。As long as you don't fly openly in the face of society, society doesn't ask any inconvenient questions; and it makes precious short work of the cads who do.只要你不在众人面前明目张胆做,大家决不戳穿你的纸老虎。it’s love’s young dream.恋爱的青春梦I withdraw gracefully and leave the field to the gilded youth of England.我愿意客客气气地从战场上退下来,把阵地让给英国的王孙公子。--------------------1923 华伦夫人之职业 译者小序---------------这个剧本我在三年前曾经把他译出来登载《新潮》二卷一号上头,后来仔细一看,不妥当的地方很多,并且加上了许多印刷的错误,有些地方竟弄得连意义都不十分明了。这番译的匆促同校勘的疏忽不但对于原著人十分地有罪,就是对于读者——尤其是细心的读者——亦非常地抱歉。因此我费了一个多月的工夫——比原译时用的工夫或许还多些——把他用心改译了一番,把原译改动了几乎有十之七八。这样一来,我并不敢说处处都妥帖明晰了,因为萧伯讷的文章俏皮得很,有时候顾了他的原意就不能用很现成的中国话,用了现成的中国话就不能十分保持他的原意。不过我相信经这一番修改之后,这个译本至少可以给读者一个对于这个剧本的意义的正确观念,不至于引起许多误解同怀疑。拿错误的译书来出版是一桩罪过。我当然不敢说我没有罪过,不过我总想竭尽心力减少我的罪过。我本想做一篇萧伯讷的传附在前面,但是我因为手头参考书太少不敢动手。后来蒙我的朋友雁冰先生答应替我做一篇关于萧伯讷的历史同解释《华伦夫人之职业》的文章登在这里,我的文章就决意等着将来再做了。我应该谢谢他的帮助。一九二二,十二,十四,北京。[我真偏爱他。他说什么都让人舒服。十分想听他对萧的看法,不知最终写了没有。1926年重译了Lady Windermere's Fan,易卜生作品也一直修改,据此推断应该重译了Widower's House 《陋巷》。读完茅盾的萧评,更加巩固了对这两个人的偏见。]

Major Barbara 《巴巴娜上校》林浩庄译

...well dressed and yet careless of her dress, well bred and quite reckless of herbreeding, well mannered and yet appallingly outspoken and indifferent to the opinion of her interlocutory, amiable and yet peremptory, arbitrary, and high-tempered to the last bearable degree, and withal a very typical managing matron of the upper class, treated as a naughty child until she grew into a scolding mother, and finally settling down with plenty of practical ability and worldly experience, limited in the oddest way with domestic and class limitations, conceiving the universe exactly as if it were a large house in Wilton Crescent, though handling her corner of it very effectively on that assumption, and being quite enlightened and liberal as to the books in the library, the pictures on the walls, the music in the portfolios, and the articles in the papers.衣饰华贵,但对穿着漫不经心;富有教养,但举止言谈,全然置自己的教养于不顾;彬彬有礼,但说话直率得惊人,与人交谈时,对于对方的意见,常等闲视之;和蔼可亲,而又一意孤行,颐指气使,动辄暴跳如雷,令人几乎无法容忍。此外,她还是上层社会家庭主妇十足的典型,在别人看来,一向是个顽皮孩子,但是到了她自己儿女成行,却又对儿女叱责不休,终归走上持家度日的道路,具备了充分的办事能力和丰富的处世经验;家庭和阶级出身的局限性,对她产生了非常奇特的影响……她治理宇宙的一角——她自己那个小小王国——倒真是指挥如意,说道家里藏什么书,壁间挂什么画,夹中搁什么乐谱,报纸上看什么文章,也还见地豁达,不拘一格。He is a gravely correct young man under 25, taking himself very seriously, but still in some awe of his mother, from childish habit and bachelor shyness rather than from any weakness of character.一本正经的青年。他自命不凡,然而对母亲仍有些畏惧,这倒不是由于他性格懦弱,而是由于童年养成的习惯和未婚男子的羞怯心情。I know your quiet, simple, refined, poetic people like Adolphus—quite content with the best of everything!沉静、朴素、文雅、有诗意的人,样样东西全得是最好的才能使他们称心如意!His sense of humor is intellectual and subtle, and is complicated by an appalling temper. The lifelong struggle of a benevolent temperament and a high conscience against impulses of inhuman ridicule and fierce impatience has set up a chronic strain which has visibly wrecked his constitution. He is a most implacable, determined, tenacious, intolerant person who by mere force of character presents himself as—and indeed actually is—considerate, gentle, explanatory, even mild and apologetic, capable possibly of murder, but not of cruelty or coarseness.他的幽默感比较深刻,也比较细致,但又羼杂着一种大得可怕的脾气。他一方面生性仁慈,有崇高的良心,另一方面却时常感到冲动,要狠毒地笑骂人,暴烈地发脾气,这个矛盾在他心中斗争,经常害得他忐忑不安,显然损坏了他的健康。他的本性是异常地不妥协、不动摇、不随和、不容忍的;然又全靠意志力量的抑制,他不但在表面上显得,而且在实际上也是真是能体谅人,温存和蔼,遇事耐心解说,甚至谦恭柔顺,常是责己恕人。LOMAX But really, don’t you know! Oh I say!LADY BRITOMART [frigidly] What do you wish to convey, Charles?LOMAX. Well, you must admit that this is a bit thick. 太那个啦吧。Not since she was a little kid, Charles, as you express it with that elegance of diction and refinement of thought that seem never to desert you.那时候莎拉还是个你所说的“黄毛丫头”。查尔士,你这种文雅的措辞、美妙的思想,好像如影随身,哪时要那时有哇。On the surface, a stoutish, easygoing elderly man, with kindly patient manners, and an engaging simplicity of character. But he has a watchful, deliberate, waiting, listening face, and formidable reserves of power, both bodily and mental, in his capacious chest and long head. His gentleness is partly that of a strong man who has learnt by experience that his natural grip hurts ordinary people unless he handles them very carefully, and partly the mellowness of age and success. He is also a little shy in his present very delicate situation.论外表,身躯稍胖,意态悠闲,垂垂欲老,风度慈祥,有涵养,性格平易可亲近。然看起面容,便知是善于察言观色、深思熟虑、待机而动、眼观四路耳听八方的人物……他待人温柔和善,就像一个身强力猛的人凭经验体会到用他那份腕力跟一般人握手就会伤了人家,因此同他们接触时,不得不小心翼翼;此外,也是由于他年事已高,功成业就,养成了醇厚的气度。然在目前这种难处的场合下,他更有些拘谨。I am not one of those men who keep their morals and their business in watertight compartments.把道德跟事业分得清清楚楚,认为是井水不犯河水。peace on earth 天下太平As Euripides says, one man’s meat is another man’s poison morally as well as physically.这个人的美酒佳肴,就许是那个人的穿肠毒药。we have done things we ought not to have done, and left undone things we ought to have done, and that there is no health in us.做了好些不该做的事,自己的本分反倒未尽,“咱们无德无行”。to restrain them, to deny them things they want, to set them tasks,管教他们,不能要什么给什么,得派他们做这个做那个common hewers of wood and drawers of water 劈柴挑水It combs our air and makes us good little blokes to be robbed and put upon…“where will you spend eternity?”摆弄得服服帖帖的,乖乖儿地由着人家坑,由着人家骗。“你死后无穷无尽的日子,打算到哪儿去过呀?”half hardened, half worn-out感情半已麻木、体魄半已耗尽you’ll find rest and peace and appiness ere歇歇、享点儿太平福paid my way all through 没有该过谁的帐,欠过谁的情I never took anything before.我一辈子没白受过人家的好处。Glory Hallelujah!啊,至善至美的上帝,光荣归于你!brave manhood on earth and eternal glory in heaven生前在世上学英勇做人,死后升天堂享无尽荣华it marches to fight the devil with trumpet and drum, with music and dancing, with banner and palm, as becomes a sally from heaven by its happy garrison.我们进军同魔鬼作战,却是吹着号,敲着鼓,奏着乐,跳着舞,打着旗,高举着胜利的棕树,快乐逍遥的天兵天将出征上阵,原该如此呀。self-suppressed自己跟自己过不去lets loose the rhapsodist in him; reveals the true worship of Dionysos to him; sends him down the public street drumming dithyrambs马上露出了狂放书生的本色,拜倒在酒仙的驾前……拣着那放荡不羁的曲牌子,敲打上一番。One and anotherIn money and guns may outpass his brother;And men in their millions float and flowAnd seethe with a million hopes as leaven;And they win their will; or they miss their will;And their hopes are dead or are pined for still:But whoe’er can knowAs the long days goThat to live is happy, has found his heaven.世人纷纷积黄金,挥利刃,容可胜他人;腰缠万贯任浮沉千百希望摧其心有些人如愿以偿,有些人枉费精神;有些望绝心亦死,有些一直盼到今;但是谁能看得透这日复日春复春人生即是无穷乐,那才是进入了天堂福境。Is it so hard a thing to seeThat the spirit of God—whate’er it be—The Law that abides and changes not, ages long,The Eternal and Nature-born: these things be strong.What else is Wisdom? What of Man’s endeavor,Or God’s high grace so lovely and so great?To stand from fear set free? to breathe and wait?To hold a hand uplifted over Fate?And shall not Barbara be loved for ever?有何难一眼看出天心神意——无论其托于何事何物——千秋不易的法度万古长存的日月星宿:这一切都无比强固?舍此何事堪称智慧明悟?人努力胼手胝足;天赐恩优隆眷顾,此二者,又何如?一身无忧无恐无牵挂?俯仰呼吸待天年?支手掌运命、回天数?我爱巴巴娜,怎能不生生世世,直到那石烂海枯?pathfinder 开辟救世道路的人a most infernal old rascal 穷凶极恶的老奸巨猾Methodist (Methodist Episcopal) 美以美会Barbara is quite original in her religion. 在宗教信仰上是自成一派的。I shall hand on my torch to my daughter. She shall make my converts and preach my gospel把我的衣钵传给我的女儿,叫她宣传我的救世新教,普度众生……command of life and command of death生杀予夺之权Father Colossus—Mammoth Millionaire顶天立地的老爷子……活财神……I never ask for what I can buy.可以花钱买的东西,我绝不向人求。draws their teeth 削弱穷人的斗争意志suits me exactly 正中下怀You can’t buy your Salvation here for twopence: you must work it out.改过向善Mile End Waste 一里堡大洼Cheap Jack 做小买卖的马基雅弗利《霸术》(《君主论》)tied house 代销店[直销店]the bad blood of the fierce little cowards at home who egg on others to fight for the gratification of their national vanity! 那群气焰万丈又死没出息的东西,他们咬牙切齿,要满足自己的民族虚荣心,却叫别人去上战场当炮灰!I am never richer, never busier than when the papers are full of it.生意最兴隆,财源最茂盛Infinite Goodness至善至美万有万能the nominal head of this household 府上那位挂名的家长Prince of Darkness 混世魔王would be down on him like kites on a battle field 像天上的鹞鹰扑向战场上的死尸It would be dishonest of me to leave the cannon foundry to my son.失信于天下if he shows the least ability, he is fastened on by schoolmasters; trained to win scholarships like a racehorse; crammed with secondhand ideas; drilled and disciplined in docility and what they call good taste; and lamed for life so that he is fit for nothing but teaching. 把别人的思想塞进他的脑袋去,把他训练管教的服服帖帖,变得像他们所谓的风流儒雅。talk my head off 说得天花乱坠Don’t rub it in; and above all, don’t apologize. 别再描啦,更不用认错儿赔不是。Freedom should be generous 自由的人应当大气。a fair start in life 把你好好儿领进门去He will find his natural and proper place in the end on the Treasury bench. 得其所哉,入阁拜相pay the piper and call the tune 文戏武戏,就得由着我点hightoned 唱高调儿的it gives you a ripping feeling of security 稳坐钓鱼台lost creatures with blackened faces stirred up smoky fires 一群迷途的羔羊,满脸漆黑,在那里翻腾烈火,烟雾腾腾a primitive one and a sophisticated one 海派it’s all horribly, frightfully, immorally, unanswerably perfect. 好得可恼、可怕、可恶,叫人无话可说。a woman of the people 小家碧玉Once in ten thousand times it happens that the schoolboy is a born master of what they try to teach him. 生而知之You are a shark of the first order, Euripides. So much the better for the firm!你可算得是第一流的奸商,这也是咱公司的造化。If God Gave the Hand, Let Not Man Withhold the Sword.上帝赐人以双手,人又岂可不操刀。All Have the Right to Fight: None Have the Right to Judge. 人人皆可拼刀枪,谁有权利断曲直?To Man the Weapon: To Heaven the Victory. 打仗靠武器,胜负靠上帝。Peace Shall Not Prevail Save with a Sword in Her Hand. 和平女神不持剑,和平永远不实现。Nothing Is Ever done in This World until Men Are Prepared to Kill One Another if It Is Not Done.若不能以死逼人,世间万事做不成。Morality mongering 道德贩子little tinpot tragedy 鸡毛蒜皮的伤心事Don’t persist in that folly. 别跟着犯这份儿傻气,死钻牛角尖。I saw poverty, misery, cold and hunger. 看见了一群受穷、受罪、饥寒交迫的人。七宗罪:骄、贪、淫、怒、馋、嫉、懒。the deadly seven. Food, clothing, firing, rent, taxes, respectability and children.吃喝、穿戴、煤火、房租、捐税、体面、孩子all the other dishonors are chivalry itself by comparison. strikes dead the very souls of all who come within sight, sound or smell of it. a murder here and a theft there, a blow now and a curse then:一切卑鄙龌龊的勾当,相形之下,都成了肝胆照人的义举。无论谁看见它那副尊荣,听见它的声音,闻到它的气味,都要吓得丢魂落魄。这里杀个人,那里失回盗,今儿有人打人,明儿有人骂人You are wickeder than ever 你越来越不成话了。Jesuit 面带忠厚,内藏奸诈CUSINS. I also want to avoid being a rascal.UNDERSHAFT. You lust for personal righteousness, for self-approval, for what you call a good conscience, for what Barbara calls salvation, for what I call patronizing people who are not so lucky as yourself.那是因为你想独善其身,孤芳自赏,求你自己所谓的无愧于心never, never, never could I let it go 一辈子、两辈子、三辈子也不放弃。an eternal light 万年灯

John Bull's Other Island 《英国佬的另一个岛》 朱光潜译

第一幕He is a robust, full-blooded, energetic man in the prime of life, sometimes eager and credulous, sometimes shrewd and roguish, sometimes portentously solemn, sometimes jolly and impetuous, always buoyant and irresistible, mostly likeable, and enormously absurd in his most earnest moments.他年富力强,身体魁梧,有时热烈而轻信,有时很机警狡猾,有时像煞有介事地严肃,有时又热热闹闹,急躁任性,通常总是活泼英俊,在多数场合中他很逗人喜欢,可是在他最认真的时候,却又非常可笑。it is under their heel that Ireland is now writhing. 这般家伙的毒手improvident 顾今天不顾明天cosmopolitan riffraff 没有国籍的在世界上东飘西荡的渣滓economic heresy 经济邪说Damn your advice! 把你那鬼主意收起来吧在那种湿润的空气里,在那些白色的,软绵绵的大路上,在那些烟雾迷茫的芦苇和褐色的湖沼里,在那些长着紫红色石楠花的花岗岩山坡上,一个人的精神就凝聚不起来,时常处在散漫流动的状态。在你们英国这里,天上没有那样的色彩,望到的远远的景致没有那样的魔力,夜晚也没有那样凄凉的情调。啊,哪里的梦想!梦想!那种叫人痛苦伤心而永远不能叫人满意的梦想,梦想,梦想!幻想永远叫他不得安宁,没有信心,不能满意,叫他既不能面对现实,应付现实,又不能征服现实,只能嘲笑那些有这种能力的人,并且像街上的烂婊子一样,“对生人倒是顶和蔼的”。这样办,就用不着思想,用不着工作,用不着一切,只消幻想来,幻想去;而幻想是叫人这么痛苦,你要不喝酒就没法忍受。最后到了这步田地,你就简直不能应付现实,你宁可挨饿,也不顾烧饭,您可穿破烂,显得肮脏,也不肯下个决心,去洗一洗,拾掇一下。你痛恨你周围的所有人,因为他们都是些肮脏懒散的废物,和你自己一样。到处都听到那些讨厌的无聊的存心不善的嬉笑声。要是你还年轻,你就和旁的年轻人互相请客、喝酒、谈淫秽故事。你既然没有本领帮助他们、鼓舞他们,你就责骂他们、冷笑他们、嘲弄他们,因为你自己所不敢做的事他们也没有做到。而同时你却常在嬉笑,嬉笑,嬉笑!永无止境的嘲弄,永无止境的妒忌,永无止境的愚蠢,永无止境的胡作非为、拆烂污、丢丑,等到你到了另外一个国家,看见人们认真地考虑问题,认真地解决问题,你就嘲笑他们,说他们没有幽默感,自己无用,反而以此自豪,仿佛正因为你无用,你倒比他们高明些。第二幕the collar and waistcoat of a parish priest. 牧师服和蚱蜢对话的前牧师先生:You’ve come out to make yourself miserable by admiring the sunset. 欣赏落日的景致,好引起一阵清愁。you couldn’t jump away from your own heart an its punishment. 跳不出你自己的心,跳不出你心中的苦楚。Sure it’s the wise grasshopper yar to know that! 你既然明白这一点,一定是个有智慧的蚱蜢。Misther Unworldly Wiseman 超凡轶俗的有智慧的先生I accept your apology; but don’t do it again. 下回可不能这样无礼啦。purgatory 净世界I wondher what you and me did when we were alive to get sent here. 被谪到这个世界来被吓傻的农夫:What were you doin there, Patsy, listnin? Were you spyin on me? 偷听我和蚱蜢说话吗?你在暗地里侦探我的行动吗?For shame 你这真是丢人How dar you, Patsy Farrell, put your own wicked little spites and foolishnesses into the heart of your priest? 你这又妒忌又愚蠢的东西,怎么胆敢以小人之心度君子之腹?the inhabitants of fatter-fed, crowded, hustling and bustling modern countries 住在拥挤扰攘的国度里的吃肥鱼大肉的人娜拉:with the caressing plaintive Irish melody of her speech 特有的那种妩媚和谐,缠绵悱恻an attractive woman, whom he would even call ethereal. 很有诱惑力的女子,没有尘世烟火气的人物helpless, useless, almost sexless, an invalid without the excuse of disease, an incarnation of everything in Ireland that drove him out of it. 毫无办法,毫无用处,而且几乎毫无性感,没有病而是一个废人I won’t tell you all I noticed about women; but I’ll tell you this. 关于女人的事,我不便把我所看到的都将给你听。Galong with you! 去你的吧! one of the last survivors of the public vehicles 剩下来的寥寥无几a colossal salmon 一条老大的鲑鱼goes grumbling in disgrace 一边走,一边埋怨,满腔委屈what can’t be cured must be injoored 碰到没有办法的事,只好忍耐着吧。he’d say hwatever was the least trouble to himself and the pleasantest to you 只要他说着便当,你听着高兴,他就信口开河lizard 四脚蛇The almost total atrophy of any sense of enjoyment in Cornelius, or even any desire for it or toleration of the possibility of life being something better than a round of sordid worries, relieved by tobacco, punch, fine mornings, and petty successes in buying and selling 整天都在为一些琐屑俗事操心……几乎没有什么享乐的感觉,甚至没有什么享乐的欲望,甚至绝不相信有办法生活得更好。So off he goes, full fed, happy and enthusiastic 于是他就扬长而去,吃得饱饱的,心满意足,兴致勃勃a condition of extreme sentimentality 特别多情的样子NORA. How dare you touch me? 你怎么胆敢对我动手动脚呢?BROADBENT. There are not many things I would not dare for you. 为着你,还有许多事我都敢做哩。drove me out of my senses 神魂颠倒How could I be such a bea— [he trips again] damn the heather! 我怎么就这样出丑呀——嗐,这石南花真够他妈的!第三幕they rub me the wrong way all over 我觉得他们横竖都不对劲儿stirabout [乌麦或玉米稀饭]糟糕粥An oldish peasant farmer, small, leathery, peat faced 稍显老相的农夫,身材短小,皮肤坚韧,面孔像泥煤捏的That man’s industry used to make me sick, even as a boy. 我还年轻的时候,那家伙的刻苦耐劳就叫我看着难受。he never does more than he can help—and hard enough to get him to do that without scamping it 对付工作,不得不干,他才干,干起来叫他不敷衍塞责是很不容易的。What’s the good of the man… 这种人怎么要得?you’re never satisfied 总是满腹牢骚you were evidently in a state of blithering sentimentality 又多情,又多嘴I wasn’t comparin you to your disadvantage. 我并没有拿你和什么人打比,把你比坏了。An who are you, to offer to taitch me manners? 你是什么东西,敢教训我?Very well: I’ll overlook it this time. 这一次我姑且包涵一点。stupid, lazy, good-for-nothing sort of thing 愚蠢无益的懒办法begging her bread 讨饭吃 [人家就想吃面包嘛]priestridden 僧侣骑在头上there’s more in your head than the comb will take out 你脑子里真有一套,连用梳子也梳不清He’s a clever lad: there’s the making of a man in him yet. 前途还未可限量哩。How the divil are we to live on wan anodher’s sufferins? 就仗着彼此受苦,咱们怎么能活下去呢?What is there to do there but gas a bit, an chivy the Government 不过乱吹一阵牛,和政府捣捣乱he was as pleased as Punch 高兴得什么似的so I’d like to know how much spoil there is before I commit meself. 我要先知道可掠夺的东西究竟有多少,然后再作决定。The valley? Oh, I follow you: yes: I’m Mr Broadbent’s valet. 陪人?哦,我明白你的话了。……仆人Paddy 痞娃子第四幕Knitting 做针线reeling in an ecstasy of mischievous mirth 非常开心地顽皮地嬉笑,笑得晃来晃去They are screaming with laughter, doubled up, leaning on the furniture and against the walls, shouting, screeching, crying. 哄堂大笑,腰都笑弯了,一会儿倒到家具上,一会儿倒到墙壁上,尖声怪气地笑个不休。It was a case of Excelsior widhat ambitious baste 那个志气不小的畜生是要步步高升的had two fingers out o jynt 脱榫take the shock off 镇定一下心神death stared me 面临着死路一条a clear-eyed resignation 清清楚楚地体会到听天由命的道理imagined one was remembering the days of old 幻想自己是在悠然怀古I don’t mean it—at least I do mean it 我并不是有意的——可是至少我是诚意的。to be open, to be frank, to be explicit. 应该开诚布公,坦坦白白了,应该把话说得爽爽快快了。I don’t want to be petted and blarneyed. 我不愿人家拿花言巧语来哄我。You’re as heartless as Larry 木石心肠he likes em solid and bouncing and rather keen about him. 他欢喜的女人要很茁壮,蹦蹦跳跳的,要对他很热烈。I’ve done with all that long ago. Love affairs always end in rows. We’re not going to have any rows: we’re going to have a solid four-square home: man and wife: comfort and common sense—and plenty of affection我久已不闹什么初恋了。恋爱的结局往往是吵闹。我们要的不是吵闹,我们要的是个结实牢靠的家庭;夫妻两口,过舒服日子,按照常识来相处——再加上无限的恩爱。He has absolutely no capacity for enjoyment: he couldn’t make any woman happy. He’s as clever as be-blowed; but life’s too earthly for him: he doesn’t really care for anything or anybody.他简直没有享受生活的本领,任何女人跟他都不会有幸福。他比鬼还聪明,但是他把生活看得太平凡,他不把任何东西或是任何人放在心上。[He puts her arm into his and sweeps her out into the garden as an equinoctial gale might sweep a dry leaf]. 一下就把她拖到花园里,像暴风扫落叶似的。my tongue kept clacking to cover the loss I was at. 嘴里尽管在唠唠叨叨地讲,目的只是不要露窘相。I’m done with you 从此一刀两断She’s weak; and it makes her fanciful. 她很娇弱,因此就不免心眼儿多。I come here in the evenings to meditate on my madness; to watch the shadow of the Round Tower lengthening in the sunset; to break my heart uselessly in the curtained gloaming over the dead heart and blinded soul of the island of the saints,沉浸于我的狂想里,静观落日中逐渐拖长的圆塔的影子,在苍茫的暮色中凭吊这个圣徒的岛国,凭吊她已死了的心和昏沉了的灵魂,发出一些无聊的哀戚how to get butter out of a dog’s throat. 从狗嘴里怎样可以抢回来肉骨头呢?bait a mousetrap with toasted cheese 在打鼠机上安上肉来诱杀老鼠In the end it will grind the nonsense out of you, and grind strength and sense into you.把你们原来的那些荒谬思想磨得一干二净,让你们学聪明一点,长强壮一点。Mountjoy prison 欢喜冈监狱The ass, sir, is the most efficient of beasts, matter-of-fact, hardy, friendly when you treat him as a fellow-creature, stubborn when you abuse him, ridiculous only in love, which sets him braying, and in politics, which move him to roll about in the public road and raise a dust about nothing.驴……实事求是,吃苦耐劳。你要是把它当人看待,它也很和善,你虐待它,它才顽强;只要在两种场合才显得滑稽可笑,一种是在恋爱的时候,它就伸着脖子大叫,一种是在搞政治的时候,它就在公路上乱打滚,本来没什么事,却闹得乌烟瘴气。



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