(布鲁克林的荒唐事)Brooklyn Follies Auster

出版社:Picador USA
作者:Paul Auster


Nathan Glass has come to Brooklyn to die. Divorced, estranged from his only daughter, the retired life insurance salesman seeks only solitude and anonymity. Then Nathan finds his long-lost nephew, Tom Wood, working in a local bookstore - a far cry from the brilliant academic career he'd begun when Nathan saw him last. Tom's boss is the charismatic Harry Brightman, whom fate has also brought to the "ancient kingdom of Brooklyn, New York." Through Tom and Harry, Nathan's world gradually broadens to include a new set of acquaintances - not to mention a stray relative or two - and leads him to a reckoning with his past. Among the many twists in the delicious plot are a scam involving a forgery of the first page of The Scarlet Letter, a disturbing revelation that takes place in a sperm bank, and an impossible, utopian dream of a rural refuge. Meanwhile, the wry and acerbic Nathan has undertaken something he calls The Book of Human Folly, in which he proposes "to set down in the simplest, clearest language possible an account of every blunder, every pratfall, every embarrassment, every idiocy, every foible, and every inane act I had committed during my long and checkered career as a man." But life takes over instead, and Nathan's despair is swept away as he finds himself more and more implicated in the joys and sorrows of others. The Brooklyn Follies is Paul Auster's warmest, most exuberant novel, a moving and unforgettable hymn to the glories and mysteries of ordinary human life.

 (布鲁克林的荒唐事)Brooklyn Follies Auster下载 更多精彩书评



精彩书评 (总计2条)

  •     和《小人物日记》形式差不多,都是一个老男人在写琐碎小事。不过《布》更像一本小说,让我走进这个家族去了解他们的每一位成员。我觉得内森是个好人,尽管他总把自己说的像个流氓。我还是希望有一个内森这样的舅舅。 其实对待一件事,完全取决你的态度。你可以消极也可以充满阳光,是自己选择的。但结果,却必须承受。请珍惜现在的生活,无论安逸或流离失所。
  •     Thought was gonna be interesting, but as the trip rolled out I found my time only reasonably investered, without much to give, or take from the story, or the narrative.

精彩短评 (总计6条)

  •     I was looking for a quiet place to die. Someone recommended Brooklyn.
  •     晦涩
  •     学校图书馆借阅的~我一向不怎么擅长看小说的~不过还是坚持看完了,整体还不错,很具生活气息的一部作品~
  •     一个人要有胆识拒绝社会要他干的事情,他便可以过上按自己意愿过的生活。
  •     蛮好看的,但是不如幻影书闪电般直击人心。
  •     每个小人物的生活都需要一个Uncle Nathan从而由悲转喜。

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