




A 蓝色诱惑――揭开爱琴文明之谜
第一章 荷马史诗的召唤
1 古老美丽的神话传说
2 金苹果引起的祸端
第二章 走进特洛伊
1 浪漫情怀的施里曼
2 发现特洛伊城和宝藏
3 宝藏何处去
第三章 探索米诺斯文明
1 爱琴海得名
2 发现克诺索斯宫
第四章 再现迈锡尼文明
1 发现阿加门农的城堡
2 硝烟战火中的迈锡尼
B 古典之光――古希腊文明探源
第一章 灿烂青铜
第二章 谱写历史的希腊英雄
第三章 古希腊著名战役
C 凯旋瞬间――古罗马文明赞叹
第一章 永恒之城――罗马
D 守望永恒――探寻古埃及文明
E 丛林里的奇迹――走进玛雅古城
F 龙的故乡――凝视中华古文明
G 血腥中的从容――寻找阿兹特克人的足迹


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  •     令现代工程师们深感迷惑的是这些金字塔是怎样建成的呢?在6000年前,劳动者是没有带轮子的运载器械来帮助他们运送如此沉重的石块的,这些石块重几吨到几十吨,他们只能借助于圆木段的滑行来艰难地移动石块。多年来,专家们认为劳动者都是被强迫来做工的奴隶:然而新的发现使他们相信劳动者并不是奴隶,他们是埃及的公民。在金字塔的一些石块上发现的标记为这种想法提供了证据。专家们认为这些标记是劳动者写明他们的工作以表示他们为建造金字塔而自豪的方式。这些标记是以占代象形文宇书写的,它们是劳动者的人名。美国耶鲁大学和埃及考古学家在金字塔附近还发现了一座大建筑物的废墟。他们相信这里曾经是储藏粮食和供烤面包的场所。他们认为这个地方所生产出来的食物可供养10万工人。也有科学家认为建造金字塔的巨石不是天然的,而是人工浇筑的。不久以前,科学家约瑟·大力杜维斯提出了他惊人的见解:金字塔上的巨石是人造的。大卫杜维斯借助显微镜和化学分析的方法,认真研究了巨石的构造。他根据化验结果得出这样的结沦:金字塔上的石头是用石灰和贝壳经人工浇筑混凝而成的,其方法类似今天浇灌混凝土。由于这种棍合物凝固硬结得十分好,人们难以分辨出它和天然石头的差别。此外,大卫杜维斯还提出一个颇其说服力的佐证:在石头中他发现了一缕约2.5厘米长的人发,惟一可能的解释是,工人在操作时不慎将这缕头发掉进了混凝土中,保存至今。这缕头发可能就是古埃及金字塔是如何建选的人辛勤劳动和伟大智慧的见证。多少年来,人们公认的说法是埃及金字塔是由埃及的奴隶们在公元前3000多年手工建造的,但这种说法却在今天受到了考古学家们的挑战:根据金字塔的建造规模,有关专家估计,在修建大金字塔时,埃及居民至少应有5000万。然而,据历史资料统计,在那个时期,世界总人口才有2000万,这是一个多么惊人的矛盾。更令人不解的是,建造金字塔的石块都是从很远的地方运到吉萨沙漠去的。这些石块大的有50吨,小的也有2.5吨,仅胡夫大金字塔就用了230万块这样的石块。按埃及当时的科技水平来看,还没有能力运输如此又重又多的大石块。因此,有人大胆设想,石块不是从陆地或水上运输的,而是山宁宙来客在空中运输的。这种大胆设想或许被认为太过荒谬了,但是以胡夫金字塔来说,该塔底边长230米,误差不到20厘米,塔高146.5米,相当于40层楼高,其东南角与西北角的高度误差仅为1.27厘米,如此低的误差率,即使许多现代建筑也望尘莫及。更让人惊奇的是,胡夫大金字塔的塔高乘上10亿等于地球到太阳的距离;用二倍塔高除以塔底面积,等于圆周率,即3.14159,而该塔建造好差不多过了3000年后,人们才把圆周率算到了这个精度。穿过胡夫金字塔的了午线正好把地球上的陆地和海洋分成相等的两半,塔的四边正对着东南西北四个方向,塔的周长米数止好与一年的天数相吻合(即365.24) ,其周长乘以2正好是赤道的时分度,坡面的高是纬度的6%,塔的自重乘以1015正好是地球的重量。因此,无论是谁选定的这个塔址,都应该对地球体结构、陆地和海洋的分布等有充分了解。显然,在五六千年前的古埃及人不可能具有这种能力。------------------------------------------------How Do You Build A Pyramid? Go Fly A KiteBy Dan Cray/Los Angeles Monday, Dec. 06, 1999Kneeling before a 400-lb. concrete obelisk in the hills northwest of Los Angeles, Maureen Clemmons mutters a prayer to the ancient Egyptian god of wind. An hour passes. Then a strong gust straightens the lines that attach the obelisk to two nylon kites, shaped like the ones used in parasailing. Soon the kites flip the obelisk and drag it across a grassy field. Clemmons and her 12 assistants erupt in cheers.For three years, Clemmons, 42, who runs a hair-care-products company and has no formal scientific training, has devoted her spare time and more than $10,000 of her own money to solving everyone's favorite engineering enigma: how the Egyptian pyramids were built. Over the years, researchers have experimented with everything from ramps to levers in failed attempts to move counterparts of the three-ton pyramid stones.Inspired by winds that buffet her home in Reseda, Calif., each November, Clemmons recalled that even stronger winds blow in Egypt from February through June. Then she remembered that the Egyptians mass-produced linen for sailcloth, and that some of their hieroglyphs suggest that the pyramids were raised by "invisible gods in the sky." Clemmons concluded that the ancient Egyptians could have used a system of large kites to lift the pyramid stones into place. Sound ludicrous? That's what her friends said. So Clemmons did some research and conferred with Mory Gharib, an aeronautics engineer at the California Institute of Technology, who surprised everyone by endorsing her concept. According to Gharib, two 6-ft. by 15-ft. kites, used in conjunction with three pulleys, will easily lift the average pyramid stone in a 25-m.p.h. wind. "It needs more study," Gharib says, "but all of the math works." Others were persuaded by what they witnessed. "I thought it was bull," admits Lynn Velazquez, an administrator at Pepperdine University who assists with the field tests. "Then I saw Maureen use a kite to lift a log, and I started to believe." The kite theory evokes a rolling of eyes, however, from professional Egyptologists, most of whom believe the pyramid builders used ramps. Many of these experts are weary of amateurs' pushing bizarre theories that often involve space aliens. "Even if Caltech demonstrates you can lift heavy blocks using kites, that doesn't prove the Egyptians could have built a pyramid that way," says Edward Brovarski, an Egyptologist at Brown University. Mark Lehner, a Harvard archaeologist widely regarded as the leading U.S. expert on the pyramids, was so appalled at the kite theory that he declined comment. Zahi Hawass, Under Secretary of State for Egypt's Giza plateau, explained that "Egyptologists call people with these kinds of theories 'pyramidiots.'" Nonetheless, Caltech's Gharib is drafting plans to assemble a full-scale, 15-ft.-wide kite for use with a pulley system capable of lifting blocks as heavy as the pyramid stones. The initial tests will take place in California's Mojave Desert--once someone secures the $100,000 required to fund the research. To that end, Clemmons persuaded several companies to collaborate on a new perfume dubbed Ala (Latin for "wing"), which goes on sale in pyramid-shaped bottles in December, with all profits donated to the kite-research project. If Caltech's experiments are successful, Clemmons says, she wants to demonstrate her theory on a grander stage: in the shadow of the Giza pyramids outside Cairo, in what she envisions as the most notable kite flight since Ben Franklin's. In the meantime, Clemmons is taken with the idea that a hobbyist like herself might somehow scoop all the pyramid experts. "Other research expeditions had a bunch of men pushing and pulling," she says. "Mine will be me and my girlfriends with kites and a pack of beer, sitting in lawn chairs, waiting for the wind to kick up." Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,992760,00.html#ixzz147DGs1US

精彩短评 (总计5条)

  •     小学时买的,那时捧着读了好久,从这本书里第一次知道了玛雅、特洛伊木马、罗马的由来……等等,文化史的启蒙书。现在看来,书中有错误也有许多幼稚的文字,但就看在启蒙这一点上,给五颗星。
  •     小时候N遍的书啊。
  •     龙骨
  •     初中在长三角书市买的,从中第一次知道了玛雅历法和2012。
  •     我看见这本书里讲2012的时候还是初二 那时觉得2012还很遥远= =现在近在眼前了

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