
作者:Stephen King



《勿忘我》,收錄五個橫跨1960至1999年的故事,分別發生在美國新英格蘭地區深受越戰遺毒的五個小鎮,故事之間好像各自獨立,卻又互有關聯,彼此交織出一整個龐大的故事架構,揭露了小孩子之間的純真友誼、成人醜惡的掠奪世界,以及美國人在越戰之後對抗不安的生存法則。危險、焦慮、還有人性最深層的蠢蠢慾望與期待救贖的希望,讓你置身其中、無法抽離……,深刻體驗史蒂芬‧金說故事鬼才的超凡魅力。而書中所介紹的經典電影、流行歌曲和書本,將美國的六○ 年代重新編織在讀者的眼前!

史蒂芬金的《勿忘我》,承襲1998年《白骨袋》以來益發純熟的文學技巧,鋪陳出他自己最滿意的一種敘事氛圍。這一部小說收錄五個橫跨1960至1999 年的故事,揭露了小孩子之間的純真友誼、成人醜惡的掠奪世界,以及美國人在越戰之後對抗不安的生存法則。危險、焦慮、還有人性最深層的蠢蠢慾望與期待救贖的希望,讓你置身其中、無法抽離……五篇故事,分別發生在美國新英格蘭地區深受越戰遺毒的五個小鎮,彼此再交織出一整個龐大的故事架構,令讀者深受震撼。










一九六六年,史蒂芬.金自里斯本高中(Lisbon Falls High School)畢業後便進入緬因州立大學英語系就讀。大學時代的他十分活躍,除了大二擔任校刊的專欄主筆外,也積極參與校園政治活動,並大力支援反越戰運動。一九七○年大學畢業後,隨即取得高中教師資格。本來該入伍服役的他,卻因為高血壓、弱視、扁平足及嚴重受損的耳膜等疾患而免去當兵的義務。

一九七一年一月完成終生大事的史蒂芬.金,由於當時還未找到教職工作,因此夫妻倆就靠著他在洗衣店打工的薪水及太太過去的一些積蓄過活,偶爾也會寫些短篇故事投稿至男性雜誌,以賺取稿費。婚後數年間,他仍不斷寫作,並賣給男性雜誌。這些作品後來多集結於《玉米田的孩子》(Night Shift)一書中,或是刊登於其他文集裡。

第一部小說《魔女嘉莉》(Carrie),締造四十萬本的銷售佳績。一九七一年秋天,他開始在漢普頓學院(Hampden Academy)教授高中英語課程,並利用晚上及週末時間繼續創作短篇故事,同時著手第一部長篇小說。一九七三年春天,第一部小說《魔女嘉莉》(Carrie)獲得出版社的青睞並決定於次年出版,並締造了四十萬本的銷售佳績。這讓他明白了一件事,即一本暢銷的小說會為他帶來財富,於是從此丟開教鞭,全心全力投入小說的創作。三十多年來,他一共創作了四十多部作品,包括《吸血鬼復活記》(Salem's Lot)、《寵物墳場》(Pet Semanary)、《四季奇譚》(Different Seasons)、《再死一次》(The Dead Zone)、《世事難料》(Everything's Eventual)等作品。其豐沛的創造力,讓他榮獲2003年美國國家圖書基金會「傑出貢獻獎」,以及2004年世界奇幻文學獎的「終身成就獎」的肯定。



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精彩书评 (总计3条)

  •     Guys like us, why shouldn't there be a place for guys like us?Adolescent flamboyance,exaggeration of emotion,sharpness of words and hiatus in people's relations are the things that make me cry consecutively. why does this novel touch my heart slowly from the beginning but powerfully in the end?I figured there was a Ted who forgot to send the rose petals .it was almost painful to see how the story ended. how could a kid suffer things like these? but generally , it is kids who hurt most for they are so innocent ,pliant and brittle. there are the mirrors of the adults' life, which are not so proud for us to teach. Bobby had an exhausted and broken childhood for his father was never with him and his mother's blaspheming of his father all the time. u ll never know how a lonely heart would feel. they are not the same. they are like the kaleidoscope in a sad ocean. each of them hides from the sun and the crowd. you'll never know,coz you ll never care to see. this is how bobby feels as a kid. her mom is a prude who is telling wise maxims all the time , which is more like her complaints towards the hard life. life carries load .never an easy journey .the heaviness we feel under the cloudthe tears laden with hunches and premonitionsyoung kid dieslike a flower blossomed in Julybeautifully deceasing and perishing you held my hand oncehow could you throw it in the air after all ?i can't go with you leaving with your bold fantasiesgrowing up is when you look backyou know exactly what you have abandoned and forever and always on your own.
  •     the little one grows up over a night.this novel can undoubtedly be assorted as the science fiction ,both for the writer is Stephen King and the character in this story involves aliens. however,I prefer to treat it as a tragic but exquisite poem. when i was reading this book, my heart was incessantly touched by words the hero said , the horrible experience he underwent and the complexity his young heart felt. at the last page of the book, my tears dropped on it for the child forever said goodbye to his youth and childhood. being strong and bright is the way for us to survive in this cruel world,but being feeble and perplexed is the very way to show we r human. the pain and the hardship you have suffered during your childhood and youth are part of making who you are today.rather than despise and veto them, we can turn back and look at them in a thankful manner,because no experience like this will ever happen again to you.Bobby lives with his mother who is quite hysteric and garrulous to him. he never meets his father, the only fragment information of him is from his mom, which is so petty and mean.at the end, Bobby starts to know half the way his mother put it about his father is biased and wrong. anyway bobby is a loveless child,who neither receives much care from his mom nor enough attention from his friends,even though he has some buddies to hang out with.what he lacks most,like all the teenagers do at their adolescence , is the one he can really talk to and guide him to a way with the aroma of roses and warmth of sunshine.that's the moment Ted comes, an old and shrewed fella.he is cryptic and always out in a trance all of a sudden.as he moves in the same building with Bobby, they gradually become friends and form respect and trust to each other. the very thing that distinguish the two is not the age but the fact that Ted is from another world and under some excruciating surveillance.finally they take Ted away when Bobby finds it almost impossible to live without him.but anyway Ted is gone after Bobby makes the choice to stay in this world rather than go along with Ted who also demands Bobby to stay, for the other world is no pain but no love either. Bobby also can't deny the truth that he loves his mother ,because this is never a choice ,but he is born to do it.in the end of the story, after many years of no hearing from Ted, one day bobby receive a petal of rose wrapped in a envelope . Bobby knows it is Ted and he is free gain,and most important, he remembers Bobby. he has been to many worlds ,but he still remembers Bobby. the boy is grown up by this letter.he is remembered by somebody he deeply loves and trusts. what else can make a boy become a man?i don't have a Ted in my life. most of the time during my adolescent time i grope in the darkness ,fall hard,and stand up again. there are whispering from my parents to ask me to be iron-minded,and yelling from my friends to warn me not to get behind.but every now and then,i feel alone and puzzled. it feels like stand on a tread and the balance is just too difficult to hold.and the hollowness you feel inside is killing you everyday.even now i don't think i've really grown up,because there is a lesson of love and trust i have missed.
  •     看的第一本史蒂芬.金是《撒冷镇》,他用无异于在漂流中打桩描绘一件不太可能的事儿。在《战悚游戏》,安妮发动除草机碾过年轻警察,而我眼前的场景似乎是—— 一个驾驭着没有炮塔的坦克车,肩上扛着巨大棒球棍,面目狂热或者干脆一派冷漠的异教族,由远及近朝我而来。在《呼—吸—呼—吸》,意念的作用力强悍到发指。很多小说,我都喜欢把自己当成主人公,《笑傲江湖》里把自己当成令狐冲,《沧浪之水》里又把自己当成池大为,《勿忘我》里我更像是巴比的另个玩伴。追忆童年,更多的是“如果再回到童年”,我们给自己很多假设,我们在画板上涂满蓝天和彩霞,我们在日不落的帝国里享受麦芽糖和冰激凌雪糕,我们在夕阳下的沙滩上筑就王子的城堡和护城河。夜落天明。于是我们开始懂得。我们的年轻,夹杂了太多的距离,太多的音调,太多的游戏,太多的罪与救赎。年轻的时光淹漫,心之城沦陷。我开始憧憬早点在黑暗中碰到那只鞋子。

精彩短评 (总计4条)

  •     睡不着……
  •     好看,看一下眼球便被綁架
  •     10星书
  •     强行塞进了黑暗塔的内容是个败笔。 电影版删减的太多了,不推荐。

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