


《买圣诞礼物》([奥] 施尼茨勒著),原载于1924年3月《太平洋》第四卷第五号。
三幕剧《罗森堡夫妇》([英] 伊立克·派司、威廉·白兰德著),1955年9月作家出版社出版。
独幕话剧《十二镑钱的神情》([英] 杰·马·巴蕾著),载《剧本》月刊1962年8月号。
独幕话剧《上了锁的箱子》([英] 约翰·梅斯菲尔德著),载《剧本》月刊1963年5月号,收入全集的是修订本。
独幕话剧《一代天骄——拿破仑》([英] 萧伯纳著),译于1964年,修订于1971年,未曾出版。

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精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     ----------------------The Twelve-Pound Look by J. M. Barrie 《十二磅钱的神情》----------------------Success… For they share. 荣华富贵。夫荣妻贵(For she is proud of HARRY) 哈利值得她骄傲(KATE does not fall to the floor.) 没有被吓倒(...looking so gay, feeling so jolly that we bleed for him.) 我们为他捏一把汗Successful in everything. 事事如意。A moral man, and chatty 正人君子,有说有笑Your want of ideals was clear-sightedness. 你的缺少理想是你能看透一切。He had got on so well that he was very, very stout. 他是如此地成功,使他非常非常地发胖。But don’t let us part in anger. 不要让我们不欢而散。KATE (who likes LADY SIMS: a presumption on her part.) 她喜欢西摩斯夫人:她的冒昧之处。It is a spirituelle face. 秀外慧中的脸He is pettish. 沉不住气的人(who will dote on it presently) 现在还无暇玩赏----------------------译批《十二磅钱的神情》后记----------------------中国有句俗话,可能不十分正确,更可能十分不正确。①①果然是豹子改不了斑纹。----------------------The Locked Chest by John Masefiled 《上了锁的箱子》----------------------O, don’t “sorry” me. 不要对我左一个对不起,右一个对不起。THORD. Use your sense, woman. 动动你的脑筋,女人。VIGDIS. But I do. 我动了。VIGDIS. I’m so sorry.THORD. Yes, so that you might have more money to spend on jewelry. 对啊,你抱歉没有更多的钱买你的首饰。That big swaggering fellow 那个臭架子十足的家伙They used to quarrel all day, as though they were man and wife. 他们一天到晚吵架,就像两夫妻那样。①①腐女乎?What are you glowering there for? 还在那里瞪着眼做什么啊?Bless us and save us. 上帝保佑,消灾降福。I’ll kiss you for that. 为了这个,我要和你亲嘴。VIGDIS. Oh, none of your nonsense, now. This is no kissing matter. 哦,现在不要胡闹。这不是亲嘴的事。You think of no one but yourself. It’s always the way with you women. 你们这些娘儿们总是这样。Don’t contradict. 不要跟我顶嘴。My head is like the seven mills of Milltown. 我的脑袋像磨子城的七面磨子,在那里不停地打转。②②Blackadder Goes Forth 里有说mad as a wheelIt’ll be my death. 摆在我面前的是死。Why didn’t I marry a man? 我为什么没有嫁给一个像样的男人?Don’t flop there like a done-out old gather-up of a bachelor. 不要垂头丧气,活像一个悲观失望的老鳏夫。Is there anything you would like to take? 要不要吃点什么、喝点什么?VIGDIS. Those naughty baggages at Reykjavik. 那些烂婊子。INGIALD. I won’t mention a single baggage. 我一个烂婊子也不提。Three silver marks. Just whisper. 三个银马克,只须咬个耳朵。Throw the whole house overboard 把整个家都抄了It was a sight for sore eyes on a sunny morning to see him going over the hills. 阳光暖和的早晨,看到他走过山头,多么令人称心悦目啊。You were the joy of a woman’s eye. 女人看到你真是眼福不浅。You were as stately as a stag. You were as comely as a king’s darling. 你像只雄狮那样庄严。你像王子那样清秀。On my boy, my poor cousin, my own dear, my heart’s darling. 我的孩子,我可怜的表弟,我的爱人,我心上的宝贝。③③乱了套了。A little of that goes a long way. 有了这一点点表表心意就够了。You bloody men. 这些杀人不眨眼的人!You and your gang 狐群狗党Now we’ll part, my sir. 现在我们分离,我的老爷。④④ 中国封建时代,丈夫可以休妻,西方妻子可以休夫,太好了!④④原批。I’ll change my religion. 上帝太不仁慈了。----------------------译批《上了锁的箱子》后记-------------------------“他”和“她”……我把第三、第四句中的he意译作“这位先生”;不是巧译,而是苦译。----------------------The Man of Destiny by George Bernard Shaw 《一代天骄——拿破仑》-------------------------these trials have ground the conceit out of him, and forced him to be self-sufficient and to understand that to such men as he is the world will give nothing that he cannot take from it by force. 这些折磨粉碎了他的自尊心,逼得他完全依靠自己,并且了解到凡是不能用强力取得的东西,世人是不会奉送给像他这种人的。----------------------Christmas Shopping (Weihnachtseinkäufe) by Dr. Arthur Schnitzler----------------------Anatol Gabriele我以前也做过老实人,把旁人也都当做老实人,说话从来不带讽刺,结果怎样?吃了好多次亏,心上留了好多处伤痕,都不想告诉别人。

精彩短评 (总计4条)

  •     好好读读再叫“喜剧之王”。
  •     对译作品味高过原创剧作,喜剧之王却诞生在几近扭曲的年代
  •     J. M. Barrie, John Masefield and Shaw
  •     还是独幕剧好啊

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