Dolores Claibome(热泪伤痕)

出版社:Nel Books
页数:307 页页


Dolores Claiborne has a story to tell.

But not quite what the police had expected.

Dolores Claiborne has a confession to make...

She will take her time. Won't be hurried. Will do it her way, sparing neither details nor feelings. Hers or anyone else's.

This is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Truth that takes you to the edge of darkness.

Dolores Claiborne has a story to tell and you'd better pay attention - or else.

"[King] deploys his talents to formidable effect...the tension is unrelenting and the narrator/heroine with her vivid colloqualisms and her sharp, homespun wit, is a tour de force of authorial ventriloquy. This is a work not just of imagination but of geniune pathos"
                              ---------Daily Telegraph

length: (cm)17.8                 width:(cm)11.1

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精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     我至今也想不到stephen king能写出这么优秀的非恐怖题材作品。一个酒鬼混蛋父亲,一个矜持乖张的母亲,一个充满戾气的女儿,一个看似平静但却险象环生的畸形家庭,一个封闭的新英格兰海岛小镇。爱能承受多大的打击?那个尖刻的老寡妇富婆含着热泪对Dolores说道:“一个女人,一个没有什么一技之长的女人,尤其是等她人老珠黄时,要想在一个男权的世界体面地生存下去,有时候必须做出刻薄和残忍的事情!”



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