


ABCD,80/20 principles,Tasks with priority.
Time waste differs from material waste in that there can be no salvage.The easiest of all wastes and the hardest to correct is the waste of time,because wasted time does not litter the floor like wasted material.---Henry Ford
Embrace reality and see what you can do to take advantage of it.
The key is action.Pick the ideas and strategies that apply to you.Then take action and make them work.
This book is for anyone who would like to become more efficient ,get more done in less time,and have balance in their life.
24 principles:
To became a ringmaster,you must realize that there's a time and a place for everything.Successful time managers realize that it's all about discipline.
U've got to be careful if you don't know where you're going,because you might not get there.
Communicate your expectations to others so they know what they will need to do to help you achieve your goals.Also,ask them what they will need of you and your group to achieve their goals.
A plan without action is daydream;action without a plan is a nightmare.
Procrastination makes easy things hard,hard things harder.
It is more important to know where you are going than to get there quickly.Do not mistake activity for achievement.
People ask me how I got good at managing my time.One week at a time.Each Friday afternoon I took over what I've accomplished for the week and what I could do better the next week and what I could do better the next week and where I could save time.
There is no correlation between how long you sit at your desk and what you accomplish.
It took me a long time to realize that others were taking advantage of my best time to get things done.They were reducing my most productive time of the day to a "pimple"--and I was letting them.
The number-one reason why people don't prioritize correctly is that they're trying to prioritize without the necessary information-why it's important and when it must be done.
Successful people have learned to negotiate a way to fit an interruption or a request into their daily plan.Can you create a win-win situation.
Multitasking allows screwing up several things at once.
We shall never have more time.We have,and we have always had,all the time there is.
Order is the best manager of Time;for unless work is properly arranged,Time is lost
Order is most useful in the management of everything..Its maxim is-A place for everything,and everything in its place.
Always evaluate your interruptions.Ask yourself,"Is this truly sth I must handle right away?"
Email is the most abused form of communication in the workplace today.
Consider carefully what you write and who may read it eventually.If the president of your company received your email,what would he or she thinks?
On the average,one out of every two business calls is not about business.The telephone is an interruption.You stop your work when it rings...So you have to learn how manage it .
On average ,an unplanned phone call takes five minutes longer than one that has been planned .Planning a phone call can be as easy as a 30-second outline of what you want to say or ask.
There is a great man who makes every man feel small.But the really great man makes every man feel great.
90% of business people surveyed said half the time they spend in meetings could have been spent more productively.The average employee loses 31 hours a month in unproductive meetings.
There is no best time to schedule an unnecessary meeting.
Nobody knows then the first meeting took place ,but it's a safe bet that the meeting seemed too long to some participants,poorly organized to others,and boring to at least a few,and it's likely that some were disappointed in the results.

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