




上篇  应试技巧&捷径训练  第一章  写作(Writing)  第二章  快速阅读(Fast Reading-Skimming and Scanning)  第三章  听力理解(Listening Comprehension)  第四章  仔细阅读(Reading in Depth)    第一节  简要回答问题    第二节  选择题型篇章阅读理解  第五章  改错与完型填空(Error Correction&Cloze)  第六章  汉译英(Translation)中篇  实战演练&步步为“赢”  Test 1  Test 2  Test 3  Test 4  Test 5  答案与解析下篇  真题库  2006年12月大学英语六级考试试题  2007年6月大学英语六级考试试题  2007年12月大学英语六级考试试题  2008年6月大学英语六级考试试题  2008年12月大学英语六级考试试题  2009年6月大学英语六级考试试题  2009年12月大学英语六级考试试题




  改革后的大学英语六级考试于2006年12月在一定范围内试点举行,2007年6月已在全国范围内展开。与以往的六级考试相比,改革后的六级考试主要有以下四个方面的变化:  听力理解比重由原来的20%增加到35%,命题形式包括短对话理解多选题、长对话  理解多选题、短文理解多选题以及复合式听写。  阅读测试方式多样化,包括快速阅读、篇章词汇选择以及多选题形式的仔细阅读。  主观题量加大,在原来15分作文的基础上新增5分的汉译英。  六考试程序有了全新调整。  Part I:考试开始后,考生首先在答题卡(一)上完成作文部分。  PartⅡ:考试进行到第31分钟时,监考人员发试题卷,考生完成快速阅读(15分钟)。15分钟之后,即考试进行到第45分钟之后,监考人员收答题卡(一)。  PartⅢ:发答题卡(二),考生完成听力部分(35分钟)。  PartⅣ:进行仔细阅读部分(25分钟)的测试。  Part V:进行完型填空或改错部分(15分钟,二者选其一)的测试。  PartⅥ:进行翻译部分(5分钟)的测试。  测试题型的变化必然导致应考者学习方式的变化,原来大家熟悉的套路与应试技巧可能不一定适用了。这里特别提请考生注意:新六级不再考“词汇选择”题,但这并不意味着不用背单词了。恰恰相反,由于快速阅读900-1200词的大容量语篇。所测试的词汇广度大大增加。考生要更加卖力地背单词,尤其是要扩大识别性词汇量。由于听力比重加大,考生的听力词汇量也必须增长,平时还应扩大泛听量。关于如何应对写作、翻译、快速阅读等方面的新挑战,本书的上篇“应试技巧&捷径训练”部分。为大家提供了简洁有效的最优学习计划、参考书目以及各种题型的针对性解题诀窍。  本书中篇推出了根据新题型真卷精心设计的5套预测卷及答案解析,下篇特别给出自2006年12月大学英语六级新题型推出以来的全部7套真题,助考生实战演练,步步为“赢”!  本书在编写过程中得到华东理工大学顾建华、史晓慧、赵蔚、朱晓琴、华静、董慧敏、秦颖、朱文辉、张慧芳等多位老师的帮助与支持,在此表示感谢。  囿于作者的学识与水平,书中错漏之处在所难免,恳请广大读者批评指正。


  To understand the importance of controlled observation in psychology, we look at a horse by the name of Hans. Hans could reason and "talk". Hans had been trained by a math teacher, Mr. Osten, to communicate by tapping forefoot and moving his head. A head nod meant yes, and a shake suggested no. Mr. Osten developed a code for verbal information in which each letter was represented by a pair of numbers. The letter A was coded as one tap, pause, one tap, and the letter I was three taps, pause, two taps. Once Hans learned to tap his foot or move his head when questioned, he was given simple problems and then fed a piece of bread or carrot for correct responses. By the end of his training, Hans could spell words, and he excelled in math. He became a hero in Germany —— his picture was on wine bottles and toys.  An official commission examined the horse, testing him to see if he really did all the things claimed. They came away very impressed and issued a statement that there was no evidence of any intentional influence or aid on the part of Hans questioners.  But there was one scientist who was not so sure that Hans was as intelligent as he had been portrayed. Oskar Pfungst, a sharp observer, had detected that Hans always faced his questioners. Pfungst hypothesized that this might have something to do with his math ability. The scientist set up a very simple experiment. He wrote numbers on a card and held them up one at a time, asking Hans to tap out the numbers written on each card. Half of the cards were held so that only Hans, not Pfungst himself, could see. Hans was his usual brilliant self, getting 92% of them correct. But for the numbers Pfungst could not see, Hans was no longer a brilliant horse, getting 8% correct.





农业基础科学,时尚,美术/书法,绘画,软件工程/开发项目管理,研究生/本专科,爱情/情感,动漫学堂PDF下载,。 PDF下载网 

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