啊,拓荒者O Pioneers!

出版社:New Amer Library Classics
作者:Willa Cather


`For the first time, perhaps, since that land emerged from the waters of geologic ages, a human face was set toward it with love and yearning.  It seemed beautiful to her, rich and strong and glorious.'     Willa Cather's second novel, O Pioneers! (1913) tells the story of Alexandra Bergson and her determination to save her immigrant family's Nebraska farm.  Clear-headed and fiercely independent, Alexandra's passionate faith in the prairie makes her a wealthy landowner.     By placing a strong, self-reliant woman at the centre of her tale, Cather gives the quintessentially American novel of the soil a radical cast.  Yet, although influenced by the democratic utopianism of Walt Whitman and the serene regionalism of Sarah Orne Jewett, O Pioneers! is more than merely an elegy for the lost glories of America's pioneer past.  In its rage for order and efficiency, the novel testifies to the cultural politics of the Progressive Era, the period of massive social  and economic transformations that helped to modernize the United States in the years between the Civil War and World War.   --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


IntroductionPARTI The wild LondPARTII Neighboring FieldsPARTIII Winter MernoriesPARTIV The White Mulberrg TreePARTV Alexandra

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精彩短评 (总计8条)

  •     原来担心字小,拿到觉得还可以,性价比不错!
  •     是这次课程需要买的书,还不错~比较满意
  •     名家名作,内容不错,就是排版太密、字体较小。
  •     能这么低价买到原版书,谢谢当当网。这本书的纸张是国外常见的微微发黄的纸,整本书很轻。对美国女作家薇拉•凯瑟感兴趣的读者值得拥有。小小的不足:边距不够,有顶天立地的感觉。
  •     书不错。轻字又大。国外在书上还是做得蛮好的。再生纸。
  •     Cather是很细腻的女作家,其作品以西部题材为主。这本书还没有读完,但是有几个问题:1、印刷着墨太重,有晕染现象,很多rn看着像m,清晰度不怎么样。2、有错别单词,如缺少结尾字母,拼写错误等等
  •     好久就想买了 这次下定决心拍下 ,回去慢慢品味 印刷还很不错
  •     到货挺快的,纯英文的,正在阅读中....

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