葛培理传记(Billy Graham: His Life and Influence)

出版社:Thomas Nelson
出版日期:October 9, 2007
作者:David Aikman


If there were such a job as the nation's pastor, Billy Graham would be the prime candidate.
Having known more American presidents, foreign leaders, and famous people than any other American living or dead, he has been uniquely able to speak to the heart of the average person and bring peace and clarity to a nation in trying times. Graham's ministry flourished during a challenging period in the American experience, when the nation was coming to terms with its unexpected new strength in the world and grappling with the most serious racial and social upheavals since the Civil War. Now acclaimed author and former Time magazine senior correspondent David Aikman sheds new and deserved light on that influence, probing critical episodes of Graham's life that help explain his profound impact, both on the public life of America and other nations and the private lives of their cultural and political leaders. Aikman's previous books, Jesus in Beijing and A Man of Faith have been praised by Foreign Affairs, The New Republic, and First Things.

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  •     《经济学家》(The Economist)已经多次把华里克(Rick Warren)比作美国的下一个葛培理(Billy Graham),随着2008美国大选日益临近,本周的来克星顿专栏做出更加确定的专论(http://www.economist.com/world/unitedstates/displaystory.cfm?story_id=11920933;http://www.economist.com/world/unitedstates/displayStory.cfm?story_id=11950329&source=features_box_main),本周的《时代》(Time)周刊美国版封面也不约而同(http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1830147,00.html)。要当总统的人为何要听这个做牧师的?不仅如此,当上了总统或不再当总统的人都仍要继续有这样的人常常在身旁出现,他们在生活中有一个角色是很多国家有钱有势的人没有的:小羊。他们身旁常常出现的人就是小羊的牧者,又叫牧师。就像去年葛培理图书馆开馆时的情形。大卫·艾克曼博士(David Aikman)的葛培理传记(Billy Graham: His Life and Influence)很值得一读。

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