
出版社:索达吉堪布 南方出版社 (2012-10出版)




关于慈善的思考——第四届“国际公益慈善论坛”演讲 放生利众勤修佛法——河北万佛禅寺开示 真正的“财富”——北京万人放生开示 佛教空性观——北京大学哲学系演讲 附:北京大学哲学系问答 藏文化的修心养生观——清华大学科技园演讲 附:清华大学科技园问答 信仰与人生——北京大学宗教文化研究院演讲 附:北京大学宗教文化研究院问答






版权页:   插图:   Later,the charity banquet slogan was changed to:"Charity is not money,it is the heart." The protagonist of that day's charity dinner was not Warren BuffeR,who donated three million dollars,nor Bill Gates,who donated eight million dollars,but the little girl,who donated just thirty dollars.She was well received,and the crowd gave her the most enthusiastic applause. What does this story tell us? That an ordinary person can participate in charity; that it is not just a privilege of the rich.In this matter,Jet Li's "One Foundation" has set a very good example.He encourages each person to donate at least one dollar per month,or do an hour of voluntary charitable work.This way,as long as there is a kind heart,anyone can participate in a charitable event. Charity's Present Situation and Its Historical Causes Social polarization is now very serious.Wealthy people spend money like water and are extravagant.In contrast,poor people do not have enough clothes to wear,do not have enough food to eat,and even their basic needs are not guaranteed.The prominent Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty,Du Fu,once wrote,"While the mansion of the rich has spoilt wines and rotten meats,the roadside has the frozen bones of the dead." This is as true a picture of the current state of affairs as it was of his.In order to improve the situation in this environment,each of us should generate a non-discriminative love toward others,and,as much as we can,help living beings.If everyone can achieve the idea expressed in the saying "While taking care and honoring our own elder relatives,we should not forget about other elderly.While raising and educating our own children,we should not forget about other children," then building a harmonious society will be very easy,and just around the corner.




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  •     推荐阅读弟子规的上师…我还是了解一下中观好了。
  •     顶礼上师仁波切。
  •     包装的很严实,很喜欢这本书
  •     上师的大学演讲~
  •     收获颇多 感恩堪布
  •     这是一本非常不错的书,值得推荐
  •     有些问题好有深度
  •     索达吉堪布

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