
出版社:Garnet Publishing
作者:Ibn Al-Salah Al-Shahrazuri,伊本·萨拉赫
页数:Pp. xxvi + 356页


After the Qur'an itself, the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad form the most important foundation of Islamic thought. The hadith were accounts—usually brief—of the words and actions of the Prophet. As such, they were subjected to intense scrutiny by generations of Muslim scholars. Better known as the Muqaddima, Ibn al-Salah (1181-1245) composed this work while serving as the head of the Dar al-Hadith al-Ashrafiya in Damascus, one of the most prestigious institutions for the study of hadith in the Islamic world. The book provides a complete overview of the science devoted to the study of the words and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, and is also a guide to the terminology and techniques of the scholars of hadith as it summarizes most of the previous work on the subject and forms the basis of almost all later activity in the field.


The translator Eerik Dickinson has degrees from the University of Michigan and Yale University. He has taught Arabic and Islam at Yale and Hunter College in New York City. In addition to publishing several articles on hadith and the Arabic biographical tradition in learned journals, he has contributed to the Encyclopaedia of Islam, the Encyclopaedia of the Qur'an and Medieval Islamic Civilization: An Encyclopedia. His first book The Development of early Sunnite Hadith Criticism appeared in 2001. He also writes on Arabic dialectology.

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  •     源地址:http://www.reviewofislam.com/archives/1146译文为《伊斯兰评论》专稿,仅供学术交流,转载请标明译者出处。评《圣训学导论》[美]斯科特·C. 卢卡斯 著王立秋 译伊本·萨拉赫·沙赫拉祖里(Ibn al-Salah al-Shahrazuri):《圣训学导论》(An Introduction to the Science of the Hadith). Translated by Eerik Dickinson. The Great Books of Islamic Civilization. Reading, U.K.: Garnet Publishing, 2005. Pp. xxvi + 356. $95.《圣训学导论》伊本·萨拉赫(Ibn al-Salah, d. 643/1245)的著名的《导论》(Muqaddima, ‘Introduction’)很可能是逊尼传统中,圣训(hadith, ‘ulum al-hadith)学这个文类中最重要的作品了。许多伟大的马穆鲁克穆斯林学者都撰写过关于此书的评注或简论,但他们中是否有人成功地在原书的六十五个类目的结构的基础上有所改进,还是一个有待争论的问题。需要知道传述和接受圣训的八种技艺么?答案在第二十四章。对谁可以算作先知的伙伴感兴趣么?参看第三十九章。不确定传述者的名字是塞拉姆(Sallam)还是萨拉姆(Salam)么?去第五十三章学习在圣训文献中以萨拉姆未名的唯一五个人的身份吧。翻译伊本·萨拉赫的《导论》有两大不同寻常的挑战:书中充斥着大量的姓名和阿拉伯语的技术性术语。埃里克·迪金森在这两方面都做了杰出的工作。它提供了关于成百上千为传述者和学者的基本的传记信息,并近乎完美地直译了他们的名字。他在为每个阿拉伯语的技术性术语提供对应的英文翻译的技艺甚至更引人瞩目(关于这些术语中的大多数,参见第2-4页)。许多这些术语都翻译得讨人喜欢,比如说以“异常的”译shadh,以“同形的名称”译al-mu’talif wa-‘l-mukhtalif,以“误释”译tadlis。我还发现以“专家”来译hafiz,“公平”来译hasan,“疑者和信士”来译al-jarh wa-‘l-ta’dil是相当令人信服的。在较注重,迪金森不时地提供一些深入翻译特定术语的洞见,如mastur(“完全可接受的”)和munkar(“不熟悉的”),因为他们的语义范围在过去的几个世纪中并不连贯一致。至于mudtarib,我偏好“不一致的”而不是迪金森的选择,“被中断的”,我也觉得用“松散的”来译mursal差强人意,这个词经常具有“在其伊斯纳德中缺乏同伴的叙述”的特定的意思。类似地,用“病”来译saqam(或suqm)有点出乎我的意料因为对一个与“健全”(sihha)相对的术语来说,这么翻有点太过于流于字面的意思;我认为“不稳固”或“有缺陷”更可取。然而,这么说就过于挑剔了,因为迪金森值得我们的感谢——他提供了我们许多人,包括我在内,更愿意保留原文不译的许多术语的英译。迪金森作为一名译者的技艺远远超越了对阿拉伯语的技术性术语的纯粹的直译和英文的还原。他的译文相当灵动,正如以下两个例子中可以看到的那样。他把wa ghalib ‘ala al-akhbariyyin al-ikthar wa-‘l-takhlit fima yarwunabu,译作“世俗历史学家的叙述中常有冗长和混淆”(p.211)。迪金森很少囿于字面的翻译,关于多产的阿布·胡赖拉(Abu Hurayra)的专名,他写道:“他的名字和他父亲的名字受到的争论,甚于伊斯兰之事件前后的别的任何一个人的名字”,这段话的原文为ukhtulifa fi-ismihi wa-ism abihi ikhtilaf kathir jiddan lam yukhtalaf mithluhu fi-ism ahad fi-‘l-jahiliyya wa-‘l0islam(p. 253)。本书的编排和印刷均属上品,因为我只发现两个小错:达哈比(al-Dhahabi)的卒日(n.5, p. 15)被印成了1374年而非1347年(但伊历日期印对了);伊本·阿布杜·巴尔(Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr)的正确的尊称为阿布·欧玛尔(Abu ‘Umar)而不是书中印的阿布·阿穆尔(Abu ‘Amr)(p.302)。总的来说,这个译本对伊斯兰研究的学生和教师来说都是不可取代的,它对不断成长的圣训研究领域做出了巨大的贡献。埃里克·迪金森和穆斯林对文明的贡献研究中心(卡塔尔)应该因为在这个高度精准明晰的译本成功地把复杂的古典圣训学术学科引入英语世界而得到称赞。【注】译自Scott C. Lucas, ‘Review on An Introduction to the Science of the Hadith’, in Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 70, No. 1 (Aprill 2011), pp. 168-169.

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