






  超长DVD全程讲解书中每个问题!  老师随时就在你身边!  不用辛苦上课、报班,也能轻松过四级!  全新无书拼读式MP3,由美籍资深外教Timothy Campbell全程拼读  坐车、运动、熄灯、用眼疲劳、也能随心所欲背单词


  快把耳朵唤醒  从刚接触英语的那天起,老师就一直向我反复灌输这样一个观念:要想学好英语,就必须全面培养“听、说、读、写”四大能力。可在我最初学习英语的那个时候,英语有声读物还不太多,用耳朵可以“接触”纯正英语的渠道还比较窄,这就使得“听”这一赫然列在首位的能力要求,多少被打了些折扣。而受听力水平的掣肘,我的口语表达能力也提升得比较慢,所以,有那么几年的时间可以说一直学的是“聋哑”英语。“我的耳朵需要被唤醒!”——或许这是你我心中都曾发出过的呐喊。  在决定报考英语四级的那一刻,你内心里的这种呼唤一定尤为强烈!残酷的竞争面前,你别无选择,只有改变自己,如今已到了你必须把“口号”转变成“行动”的时候了。用什么唤醒你的耳朵?这本“尖刀连”系列之一的《大学英语四级听力:零起点10天强攻强练》会助你一臂之力!  特点一、摒弃传统的讲授式教育,全程多媒体聊天式讲解“以聊代讲”!新颖独特的指导方式,拉近你与指导员的距离,消除你在考前的挫折感、孤独感和恐惧感,有效激发兴趣,增强自信。  特点二、独创“尖刀连计策”解题法,以不变的计策PK万变的题目!一切从临考实际出发,精解的每道题目都能够应用到独创的“尖刀连计策”,绝对不是简单的、事后诸葛亮式的分析解答!


  Reducing the amount of sleep students get at night has a direct impact on their performance at school during the day.According to classroom teachers, elementarand middle school students who stay up late exhibit morelearning and attention problems.This has been shown byBrown Medical School and Bradley Hospital research. In thestudy, teachers were not told the amount of sleep students received when completing weekly performance reports, yet they rated the students who had received eight hours or less ashaving the most trouble recalling all the material, learning new lessons and completing high-quality work. Teachers also reported that these students had more difficulty paying attention The experiment is the first to ask teachers to reporton the effects of sleep deficiency in children. Just staying uplate can cause increased academic difficulty and attention problems for otherwise healthy, well——functioning kids, saidGarharn For|one, the studys lead author. So the results provide professionals and parents with a clear message:when a child is having learning and attention problems, the issue of sleep has to be taken into consideration. "If we dont ask about sleep and try to improve sleep patterns in kids  struggling academically, then we arent doing our job", For lone said. For parents, he said, the message is simple, "getting kids to bed on time is as important as getting them tcschool on time". Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.  26. What were teachers told to do in the experiment?  27. According to the experiment, what problem can insufficient sleep cause in students?  28. What message did the researcher intend to convey to parents?





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