
作者:Gerd Kerkhoff


The political and economic opening up of India, China, Turkey and the eastern European states have led to a change in competition on the world's markets. These countries are already considered attractive procurement markets, especially by European companies.    However, global sourcing can mean hidden costs for those who are unaware of the international markets and their modes of operation.In this book, Gerd Kerkhoff proves that companies can still be successful in their global sourcing - despite the risks involved. He shows which goods and services are suited to global sourcing and introduces the key procurement markets and their strengths. Concrete examples illustrate how international buying can be successfully planned.


ForewordChapter 1: A World without Borders  Politics charts the path  Dynamic development processes in the economy  Significant changes in society  Germany: Example of a Western Economy slowly adapting to globalization  Large backlog in Western society  Globalization cannot be held back any moreChapter 2: Global Sourcing – Procuring from all over the World  What exactly is global sourcing?   What opportunities and challenges does global sourcing offer?   What differentiates global sourcing from other sourcing strategies?   What does a global sourcing process look like?   How do successful companies profit from global sourcing? Four case studies  What general conditions are required for efficient global sourcing? Chapter 3: Global Sourcing – The Most Attractive Regions for International   Procurement  The most important criteria when selecting the country  The most significant tools for country assessment  Sourcing market China  Sourcing market India  Sourcing market Turkey  Sourcing market Eastern EuropeChapter 4: Global Sourcing as a Profit Booster  Which products are suitable for global sourcing?   Is your purchasing department correctly positioned for global sourcing?   Operational procurement – An unavoidable routine  Strategic procurement management – Basis for profitable growth  Self-test: How well is your purchasing organization positioned?   Comprehensive data collection – Clear decision for or against global sourcing  Detailed product specification – Prerequisite for comparable offers  Which country is suitable for which products  Sourcing market research – The first step towards finding an optimal supplier  From supplier information to Best-in-Class supplier for global sourcing  Visits to suppliers – The final decision for a foreign partner  The final selection of suppliers  Procurement controlling – Basis for sustainable success in global sourcing  Purchasing organization – Target-oriented distribution of tasks during global sourcingChapter 5: Legal Aspects of Global Sourcing  Assessment of country and debtor risk  Basic elements of a global sourcing contract  The significance on global sourcing of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale f Goods  Agreements on default  Payment terms  Securities  Enforcement of claims in international businessChapter 6: How Global Sourcing Promotes Profitable Growth and Increases the Shareholder Value  How does global sourcing influence the rating based on the Basel II guidelines?   How global sourcing additionally illuminates the profit and loss statement  Global sourcing as a growth booster  Global sourcing as a value enhancement instrument for private equity houses  Global sourcing in the case of listed companies – positive effects on the shareholder valueIndex


Gerd Kerkhoff is managing director of Kerkhoff Consulting GmbH, the leading consultants specialized in optimizing procurement. His clients include DAX-listed companies as well as SMEs. He is also recommended by, among others, the larger German banks.

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  •     在国内做Global Sourcing的一般都是从实践中自己总结经验,公司同事言传身教,或在相应的贸易论坛上互相交流经验。相对于销售市场书架上各类琳琅满目的参考书,Sourcing鲜有相应的指导书。而这本书却恰恰是一本很好的补充。德国在欧洲商贸业算是一个比较活跃的国家,加上德国人也比较善于理性思考。正因为有这样的一个基础,写出来的东西还是比较切合实际的。有很多操作手法可直接用于工作中。

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