
作者:埃尼德·布赖顿,Enid Blyton



The books are about a secret club with official meetings and everything. The club members were Peter, Jack, Barbara, George, Pam, Colin, Janet and of course Scamper (the dog). They fancy themselves a pretty sharp group of detectives, and, they prove themselves to be. The Seven manage to retrieve stolen goods, capture crooks and scoundrels, and having the most brilliant adventures, they also contribute to good causes. They helped buy a violin for a destitute blind boy called Benny Bolan, after his was destroyed in a fire. They retrieved stolen medals for an elderly war veteran, who lived next door to Colin, and whose medals had enormous sentimental value to him. They also raised money to send Lame Luke to the sea.



Enid Blyton, the author of the series, wrote over 400 children's books by the time she died in 1968, including the sister series, The Famous Five. Blyton is probably the most successful children's author of all time--although not the most famous. She published an amazing number of children's or juvenile books, 600 by one account. She certainly was the most prolific author of all time, and with over 700 books and 10,000 short stories to her name, she is likely to remain so for years to come. Her importance is that she wrote books that children loved to read and attracted them to books--much like J.D. Rowlings. Blyton's most famous series was The Famous Five. Blyton's works painted an idyllic vision of rural England and hearty Englishness and in recent years she has been criticized for this. It is interesting that Rowlings who also attracts children to books has been criticized for just the opposite--a dangerous forbidding world of wizardry.




精彩短评 (总计7条)

  •     童年最好礼物之一,完爆名死神的少年侦探团
  •     非常怀念
  •     童年的回忆
  •     曾经的孩子
  •     很小的时候看过的一套书,现在想买但是已经买不到了,为着这本书当年还搭建秘密小屋,制作徽章和制定接头暗语,分配人员上街跟踪路人写跟踪报告。。。
  •     童年的书,现在找不到了...只记得里面有个秘密基地
  •     童年啊!!!!

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