
作者:[英] 简·奥斯丁








作者:(英国)奥斯丁(Jane Austen)  奥斯丁(Jane Austen)(1775—1817),世界言情小说圣手,在英国是与莎翁比肩而立的经典作家。奥斯丁以其敏锐的洞察力和风趣、隽永的语言刻画日常生活场景与人物,在其短暂而宁静的一生中为我们留下了六个长篇和三个中短篇小说,举凡《傲慢与偏见》、《理智与情感》、《曼斯菲尔德庄园》等作品,都是文学史上历久弥新的典范之作,一直为各国的读者所喜爱。英国著名作家司各特评价奥斯丁在抒情、写景方面“是我所见过的最高妙的”,其他诗人和作家柯尔律治、骚塞、麦考利、吉卜林、菲茨杰拉德、纳博科夫等,均对奥斯丁的作品有极高的评价。


版权页:   On quitting the Cobb, they allwent in-doors with their new friends, and found rooms so small as none but those who invite from the heart could think capable of accommodating so many.Anne had a moment's astonishment on the subject herself; but it was soon lost in the pleasanter feelings which sprang from the sight of aLI the ingenious contrivances andnice arrangements of Captain Harville, to turn the actual space to the best account, to supply the deFiciencies oflodging-house furniture, and defend the windows and doors against the winter storms to be expected.The varieties in the fitting-up of the rooms, where the common necessaries provided by the owner, in the common indifferent plight, were contrasted with some few articles of a rare species ofwood, excellently worked up, and with something curious and valuable from all the distant countries Captain Harville had visited, were more than amusing to Anne; connected as it allwas with his profession, the fruit ofits labours, the effect ofits influence on his habits, the picture ofrepose and domestic happiness it presented, made it to her a something more, or less, than gratification. Captain Harville was no reader; but he had contrived excellent accommodations, and fashioned very pretty shelves, for a tolerable collection of well-bound volumes, the property of Captain Benwick.His Iameness prevented him from taking much exercise; but a mind of usefulness and ingenuity seemed to furnish him with constant employment within.He drew, he varnished, he carpentered, he glued; he made toys for the children;he fashioned new netting-needles and pins with improvements; and if everything else was done, sat down to his large fishing-net at one corner of the room. Anne thought she left great happiness behind her when they quitted the house; and Louisa, by whom she found herself walking, burst forth into raptures of admiration and delight on the character of the navy; their friendliness, their brotherliness, their openness, their uprightness; protesting that she was convinced of sailors having more worth and warmth than any other set of men in England; that they only knew how to live, and they only deserved to be respected and loved.





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