
作者:Joseph Heller


At the heart of Joseph Heller's bestselling novel, first published in 1961, is a satirical indictment of military madness and stupidity, and the desire of the ordinary man to survive it. It is the tale of the dangerously sane Captain Yossarian, who spends his time in Italy plotting to survive.

length: (cm)19.8                 width:(cm)12.9


Joseph Heller was born in 1923 in Brooklyn, New York. He served as a bombardier in the Second World War, afterwards attending the colleges of New York University and Columbia University and then Oxford, the last on a Fullbright Scholarship. He then taught for two years at Pennsylvania State University, before returning to New York, where he began a successful career in the advertising departments of, progressively, Time, Look and McCall’s magazines. It was during this time that he had the idea for Catch-22. Working on the novel in spare moments and evenings at home, it took him eight years to complete and was first published in 1961.
  His second novel, Something Happened, was published in 1974, Good as Gold in 1979, God Knows in 1984, and Closing Time in 1994. He is also the author of the play We Bombed in New Heaven.
  Joseph Heller is a honorary fellow of St. Catherine’s College, Oxford, to which he comes periodically and meets with students who are writing fiction. He lives in East Hampton, New York.




精彩短评 (总计4条)

  •     雖然早就知道讀一部名著的翻譯本,肯定會和原著想要表達的意思有這樣或是那樣的偏差,可是沒想到這個翻譯本的水平這麼低。誠然,海勒寫作的風格多少帶有《等待戈多》那種荒誕的意味,所以書中人物瘋瘋癲癲,語無倫次(例如德里德爾將軍的名言,“我唯一的缺點就是沒有缺點”),幾乎每件事情都支離破碎,所以對於翻譯者來說難度很大,可是即便不能做到“信達雅”,至少也有“形散神不散”吧,4顆星
  •     因为写论文需要,找遍了,若就CATCH-22这个故事本身而言就这个还算完整跟原汁原味的。若是纸张质量有点欠缺,看着有点不怎么舒服。不过还是可以凑合的。价格得话,我个人觉得如果是这种纸质的还是偏高了太多了。
  •     这本书的出版社不是中央编译,是英国的vintage,是简装版,封底所印的定价是7.99英镑。我对这本书很满意。
  •     买来看了两三遍,感觉很不错哦,就是纸质有点怪,有点像盗版的

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