查理的战争 Charlie Wilson's War

出版社:Oversea Publishing House
作者:George Crile


电影封面版!改编同名电影由汤姆汉克斯 Tom Hanks 与茱莉亚罗勃兹 Julia Roberts 两大巨星共同主演,讲述传奇国会议员 Charlie Wilson 的故事,入围多项金球奖,问鼎奥斯卡金像奖!2003 年出版时,荣登 New York Times纽约时报、Washington Post华盛顿日报、Los Angeles Times 洛杉矶时报三大畅销榜!

Charlie Wilson 是德州的国会议员,他的形象放荡不羁,但他的内心实在是一位忠心的爱国份子、并且关怀弱势,只是绯闻多了点。在1979年苏联入侵阿富汗,这事完全激发了他同情阿富汗、抵抗苏联的正义感与同情心,于是与 CIA 的一名探员合作,为阿富汗的斗士筹措资金、准备武器及资源;为了达成这个目标,在冷战期间, Wilson和他的搭档想尽办法争取官方和非官方的资源,不仅让美国政府资助对抗苏联的行动经费增加两百倍到十亿美元,也打通各种关节让资源可以顺利到阿富汗自由斗士们的手上,这一切的努力,都使得最后苏联不得不从阿富汗撤退,让 Wilson 成为冷战史上让人无法遗忘的重要人物。

A gripping and vibrant book soon to be released as a major motion picture starring Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts and directed by Mike Nichols, Charlie Wilson’s War was a New York Times, Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times best seller when it was published in 2003. Crile’s book is the true story of how a Texas Congressman and a rogue CIA agent conspired to launch the biggest, meanest, and most successful CIA campaign ever — the operation to fund the mujahideen in their fight against the Soviet army that had invaded Afghanistan. Moving from the back rooms of the Capitol to secret chambers at Langley, from arms dealers’ conventions to the Khyber Pass, Charlie Wilson’s War presents an astonishing chapter of our recent past, and the key to understanding what helped trigger the sudden collapse of the Soviet Union and ultimately led to the emergence of a brand-new foe in the form of radical Islam.


Author's NoteIntroduction: A Strange Award at LangleyChapter 1: A Hot Tub in Las VegasChapter 2: Defender of TrinityChapter 3: A Rogue Elephant in the Agency WoodsChapter 4: A Texas BombshellChapter 5: The Secret Life of Charlie WilsonChapter 6: The Curse of AliquippaChapter 7: How the Israelis Broke the Congressman's Heart and He Fell for the MujChapter 8: The Station ChiefChapter 9: Cocaine CharlieChapter 10: The Congressman Takes His Belly Dancer to theJihadChapter 11: The Rebirth of Gust AvrakotosChapter 12: The United States v. Charles WilsonChapter 13 : The Seduction of Doc LongChapter 14: Gust's SecretChapter 15: The Opening SalvoChapter 16: Howard of AfghanistanChapter 17: Cogan's Last StandChapter 18: The Birth of a ConspiracyChapter 19: The RecruitmentChapter 20: No Wasps Need ApplyChapter 21: Man of DestinyChapter 22: Mohammed's Arms BazaarChapter 23: The Senator and His Even Crazier Right-Wing FriendsChapter 24: Techno Holy WarriorsChapter 25: "The Noblest Smuggling Operation in History"Chapter 26: Dr. Doom Declares Charlie DeadChapter 27: Charlie's IrregularsChapter 28: The Silver BulletChapter 29: The Other Silver BulletChapter 30: The Brown BomberChapter 31: "It's My War, Goddamn It"Chapter 32: AJihad to RememberChapter 33: The Price of GloryChapter 34: "Here's to You, You Motherfucker"Epilogue--Unintended ConsequencesSource NotesAcknowledgmentsIndex

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精彩短评 (总计7条)

  •     影帝影后的片子,好的无话可说。
  •     大嘴姐
  •     同名电影查理的战争由汤姆汉克斯主演,这是电影的原版小说。讲述了一个为冷战的结束做出巨大贡献的人。不容错过!先去看电影吧,相信你有兴趣回来读这本书的
  •     电影
  •     很早的电影了。不错!
  •     讨厌战争
  •     电影揭示了很多大事件的背后都有着人在运营。

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