
出版社:Palgrave Macmillan
作者:Tom Doctoroff


Today, most Americans take for granted that China will be the next global superpower. But despite the nation's growing influence, the average Chinese person is still a mystery—or, at best, a baffling set of seeming contradictions—to Westerners who expect the rising Chinese consumer to resemble themselves. Here, Tom Doctoroff, the guiding force of advertising giant J. Walter Thompson's (JWT) China operations, marshals his 20 years of experience navigating this fascinating intersection of commerce and culture to explain the mysteries of China. He explores the many cultural, political, and economic forces shaping the twenty-first-century Chinese and their implications for businesspeople, marketers, and entrepreneurs—or anyone else who wants to know what makes the Chinese tick. Dismantling common misconceptions, Doctoroff provides the context Westerners need to understand the distinctive worldview that drives Chinese businesses and consumers, including:
why family and social stability take precedence over individual self-expression and the consequences for education, innovation, and growth;
their fundamentally different understanding of morality, and why Chinese tolerate human rights abuses, rampant piracy, and endemic government corruption; and
the long and storied past that still drives decision making at corporate, local, and national levels.
Change is coming fast and furious in China, challenging not only how the Western world sees the Chinese but how they see themselves. From the new generation's embrace of Christmas to the middle-class fixation with luxury brands; from the exploding senior demographic to what the Internet means for the government's hold on power, Doctoroff pulls back the curtain to reveal a complex and nuanced picture of a facinating people whose lives are becoming ever more entwined with our own.


Tom Doctoroff is the Northeast Asia Area Director and Greater China CEO for J. Walter Thompson, the author of Billions, and a leading authority on marketing in China and Chinese consumer culture, with more than thirteen years of experience in mainland China. He has appeared regularly on CNBC, NBC, Bloomberg, and National Public Radio and is frequently featured in publications ranging from the Financial Times and Business Week to The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times.  He is also a columnist for the China Economic Review and the Chinese magazine Global Entrepreneur.  Doctoroff is the recipient of the Magnolia Government Award, the highest honor given by the Shanghai municipal government to expatriates, and was selected to be an official torchbearer for the Beijing 2008 Olympics.

 《中国人想要什么:文化、共产主义和中国的现代消费者》下载 更多精彩书评



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  •     // 简言之,消费型社会彻底取代传统工业型社会成为当下中国的主流社会形态,还是发生在近二三十年的事情。从前大量附属于组织和单位的“单位人”逐渐脱离组织单位,进入市场成为了相对独立的“社会人”。在这个漫长的角色转变过程中,中国产生了改革开放后新一批的“中产阶级”。在Tom Doctoroff看来,正是这些人构成了日后中国消费大军的主力成员。但这些新晋升级为中产阶级的中国人,并没有随着收入的稳步增加而喜笑颜开,其内心长期充满着一种迫切的焦虑感:他们期望能证明自己在脱离“组织”以后,依然活得很有尊严和地位,甚至比以前过得更好。消费自然就成了他们向旁人传达这一讯息的最直接手段。因此,Doctoroff认为,今天中国中产阶级身上穿戴的名牌标识,某种程度上就如同60、70年代革命青年别在胸前的主席像章,后者是用来证明自己比别人更有觉悟,而前者则是用来证明自己在当今社会中更有经济地位。“中国的中产阶级把获得一定的经济地位视为一种不进则退的持续抗争,生怕一松劲儿就会滑落到底层。”作者如是说。在这样的集体心理暗示下,住宅、汽车、珠宝、奢侈名牌、国外教育等等高消费品都被中国人视为踏进某个阶层的凭证,而假如缺少这样的凭证,一个人则会在中国寸步难行。中国人疯狂消费源于缺乏安全感Doctoroff对中国的观察让我联想到多年前一本颇为轰动的同类著作——James McGregor的《十亿消费者》。在这本书里,McGregor非常直接地将中国新兴的中间阶层视为一群“纯经济动物”。直白地说,当代中国人的价值观里边基本上只容得下金钱,甚至只能理解用金钱换算的事物。McGregor写道:“在这个国度,人们在新年的互相问候是‘恭喜发财’,就像我们说‘圣诞快乐’一样。此外,在中国的葬礼上,一个核心环节就是烧纸钱,给死去的人送去资产……”他接下来的分析则更为尖利:“由于文化大革命导致的对政治体系的不信任,以及腐败和改革年代持续的变化,很多中国人把他们全部的信任都放在了钱上。”我个人比较倾向于McGregor的观点。1978年前相当长的一段历史时期内,中国人生活在一种由革命话语和领袖崇拜编织起来的制度化生活中,各方面都实行严格禁锢,而当中国实行改革开放政策尤其是建立所谓“市场经济”之后,之前那套体制灌输给中国人的道德、价值观、行为准则又在一夜之间被证明为错误、荒谬的,那么,接下来该怎么办呢?茫然不知所之的中国人于是本能性地选择了“金钱”这一选项,并用金钱换来的各类消费品填满了自己旧有的价值系统崩溃后内心的荒芜,似乎只有通过购物与消费,他们才能获得安全感,才能有继续生活下去的理由。http://money.163.com/15/0322/00/AL97CPLQ002552IJ.html

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