
出版社:白远 中国人民大学出版社 (2002-06出版)




Chapter1谈判动机与关键概念谈判冲突利益得失案例研究:松下电器公司Chapter2谈判程序与结构谈判程序谈判的一般结构贸易谈判结构:案例研究I:对等性让步原则案例研究II:中美知识产权谈判Chapter3谈判润滑剂设定谈判目标信息调研配备谈判组成员谈判地点的确定模拟谈判:丝绸销售案例研究:谈判前准备工作的重要性Chapter4双赢原则传统理念赢——赢理念的引入——谈判界的一场革命怎样实现双赢案例研究:发展中国家与发达国家的争论Chapter5合作原则谈判法合作原则谈判法及其四个组成部分对事不对人着眼于利益而非立场创造双赢方案引入客观评判标准模拟谈判:旅馆销售案例研究:公司政策Chapter6利益分配法则需求理论需求理论在谈判中的应用国内谈判的三层利益双层游戏规则案例研究:荚日半导体谈判Chapter7谈判力及相关因素(谈判力及谈判力的来源)(影响谈判力变化的因素)(谈判力策略的应用)(测量谈判力)(案例研究I:石油合同谈判)(案例研究Ⅱ:法律——谈判力的一个来源)Chapter 8(信任法则)(信任及其解释)(怎样决定一个人信任他人或者是被别人信任)(影响一个人信任或不信任行为倾向的决定因素)(信任的效应)(如何增进相互信任)(模拟谈判:新产品的市场调研)(案例研究:经理层的尴尬)Chapter 9(谈判者性格类型与谈判模式)(谈判者的性格类型)(个人性格类型与AC模型)(性格类型与谈判模式)(性格测试在谈判中的应用)(案例研究:在纽约曼哈顿购物)Chapter lO(博弈论及其在谈判中的应用)(博弈论及其基本假设和规则)(结果和矩阵排列)(囚徒困境)(合作目标的直接决定因素)(案例研究:不确定条件下的决策)Chapter 11(两分法谈判与价格谈判)(两分法谈判)(价格谈判和谈判区间)(模拟谈判:二手车销售)(案例研究:一个运用成本分析法的例子)Chapter 12(复杂谈判)(复杂谈判及其特点)(第三方的参与)(多方参与的谈判和谈判联合体)(模拟谈判:格林银行)(艾柯卡拯救克莱斯勒公司)Chapter 13(文化模式与谈判模式)(文化的定义)(文化模式)(在世界各地谈判)(模拟谈判:全球公司与高科技公司)(案例研究:IBM公司的一项文化研究项目及其成果)




The book of International Business Negotiation has been com-piled to contribute to high qualified negotiation specialists, who willpossess necessary knowledge in both negotiation theories and practices. The objective of the book is in complete accordance




A conflict is a dispute, disagreement or argument between two or more interdependent parties who have different and common interests. A conflict canblock each other's ability to satisfy their interests.The definition of conflicts states three points, which can be specified as.First, parties in conflict are interdependent, which means there remains akind of relationship developed by interrelated interests and concerns.Therewould be no conflict if two parties were not interrelated and had nothing to dowith each other.Second, both different and common interests coexist, which appears to be illogical. However, if there are only contradictions and no sharing of common interests, negotiations become groundless and unnecessary.Third, two parties in conflict will naturally fight for each other's own interests and make every effort to gain more from the other side, as a result it will reduce gain of interest expected initially.People's attitudes toward conflicts differ greatly in certain contexts and aremixed in others. People who think negative of conflicts often cites devastatingwars and fighting which caused huge loss of lives and property; those who conceive conflicts as positive often argue that conflicts can lead to innovation and social progress, such as computers created during the Second World War. Stillthere are some other people who take middle ground. However, concerning relation between conflicts and negotiations, such aspects are taken into consideration. communication, creativity, relationship and outcomes. Let's examine thefour aspects in view of good and bad features of conflict (see table 1—1).





精彩短评 (总计4条)

  •     内容不错 不过虽然是英文版 感觉还是中式教材
  •     买来作为教材其中的英文都是中国人写的 不难读懂
  •     没有辅导,如果是自学的话,里面的一些题目好难解决,建议与《商务英语谈判》外研社的结合使用。
  •     有点发黄,好像放了很久了

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