




前言第1章  界定公共行政  引子:斯巴达勇士  1.1  公共行政的各种定义  1.2  公共行政的演进  小结  复习题  关键术语  参考文献第2章  公共政策及其执行的政治和文化环境  引子:美国如果要发动战争,那么应当由谁来决定?  2.1  什么是公共政策?  2.2  政策制定过程  2.3  权力——外部视角  2.4  权力——内部视角  2.5  公共组织文化  小结  复习题  关键术语  参考文献第3章  政府机构的持续性重组  引子:新封建主义  3.1  政府机构为何物?  3.2  美国政府的行政体系  3.3  州及地方政府机构  3.4  联邦政府机构改革  3.5  私营化的压力  小结  复习题  关键术语  参考文献第4章  府际关系  引子:权力下放的时代  4.1  联邦制的演进  4.2  基本协议  4.3  美国的联邦制  4.4  府际关系的结构  4.5  动态的联邦制  4.6  府际管理  4.7  财政联邦主义——绕着钱转  4.8  权力下放的革命  小结  复习题  关键术语  参考文献第5章  荣誉、伦理与责任  引子:马基雅维利:杰出的公共行政伦理学家  5.1  荣誉的起源与本质  5.2  政府中的腐败  5.3  为国家而撒谎  5.4  伦理的层次结构  5.5  荣誉、行为和伦理之准则  5.6  挑战问责  5.7  立法机关的监督  小结  复习题  关键术语  参考文献第6章  管理和组织理论的演进  引子:摩西见到了第一位管理顾问  6.1  公共管理的起源  6.2  管理原则的发展  6.3  何谓组织理沦?  6.4  科学管理的起源  6.5  正统时期  6.6  官僚制的多重含义  6.7  新古典组织理论  6.8  “现代的”结构组织理论  6.9  系统理论  小结  复习题  关键术语  参考文献第7章  组织行为  引子:好莱坞的组织发展:从《硫磺岛浴血战》到《魔鬼女大兵》  7.1  组织行为  7.2  官僚组织对行为的影响  7.3  激励  7.4  未来的组织  小结  复习题  关键术语  参考文献第8章  管理主义与绩效管理  引子:苏格拉底发现一般性管理  8.1  管理主义  8.2  再造  8.3  授权  8.4  企业主义  8.5  何谓绩效管理?  8.6  提高生产率  小结  复习题  关键术语  参考文献第9章  公共部门的战略管理  引子:当短期领导人,做长期计划  9.1  何谓战略管理?  9.2  四个战略因素  9.3  战略管理工具  小结  复习题  关键术语  参考文献第10章  领导  引子:刺猬、狐狸还是亨利五世  10.1  为绩效而领导  10.2  过度领导  10.3  道德型领导  小结  复习题  关键术语  参考文献第11章  人事管理和劳资关系  引子:一名男青年的人事部门就业记  11.1  人事职能  11.2  苦乐参半的文官制度改革史  11.3  恩惠式任命  11.4  公共部门的劳资关系  小结  复习题  关键术语  参考文献第12章  社会公平.  引子:性骚扰三千年  12.1  何谓社会公平?  12.2  对公平的挑战  12.3  平等就业机会  12.4  非种族歧视  小结  复习题  关键术语  参考文献第13章  公共财政管理  引子:我看球,您买票:公共体育场的资金筹措  13.1  公共财政管理的重要性  13.2  预算理论和实践  13.3  预算编制改革浪潮  13.4  当代预算改革  13.5  公共支出融资  13.6  债务问题  13.7  经济政策  小结  复习题  关键术语  参考文献第14章  项目审计与项目评估  引子:布莱舰长的“邦蒂号”兵变项目评估  14.1  何谓审计?  14.2  审计的类型  14.3  项目评价  小结  复习题  关键术语  参考文献




In the original preface to this text we explained that we sought to create a text thatwould bridge two worlds: one that would be informal enough to be accessible toundergraduates yet comprehensive enough for beginning graduate students. We arepleased to now be able to report that we have succeeded at least to the extent thatthe publisher, after scrupulously studying the adoption statistics, has asked us toprepare this fifth editJon.As we have said since the first edition of this text, public administration is anexciting and fascinating field of study, full of the stuff of fiction, only true. We tryto capture this sense of drama and excitement by beginning each chapter with agood story——what we call a keynote——that highlights a major aspect of the subject.These accounts deal with a rich variety of topics including the attack on the WorldTrade Center in New York, the financing of sports stadiums, the famous mutiny onthe Bounty, and the organization development techniques of Hollywood films. Allof these keynotes have significant public policy and public management implica-tions that are developed further in the chapter. We trust they will lead to many stim-ulating class discussions.The material in each chapter is then presented in an order that should not sur-prise anyone familiar with public administration. We have made every effort tokeep the tone lively so that students, as well as their professors, might take somepleasure in reviewing the material. When a word appears in boldface in the text, itis defined at the bottom of its page. The key concepts at the end of each chaptersupplement rather than duplicate these boldfaced definitions.Readers will also find a list of recommended books and a separate list of re-lated Web sites at the end of each chapter. These have been included as guidesto further information on chapter topics for any interested reader——student orinstructor.Every effort has been made to keep the material as current as possible. Thusthere is extensive coverage of the reinventing government movement, privatization,and contracting out. Because American public administration is being increasinglyinfluenced by practices in other countries, such as managerialism in Britain, a com-parative perspective has been added wherever appropriate.


杰伊·M·沙夫里茨(Jay M.Shafritz),公共行政领域知名教授。美国匹兹堡大学公共与国际事务研究生院教授。曾任教于科罗拉多大学丹佛分校、休斯敦大学明湖分校等多所大学,由他撰写的有关公共事务、组织理论和管理学等方面的专业性和学术性著作达30多本。


插图:Any policy is a decision. A public policy is whatever a government decides to door not to do. It is what a government does in response to a political issue. A publicprogram consists of all those activities designed to implement the public policy:Often this calls for the creation of organizations, public agencies, and bureaus,which in turn need to create more policies that give guidance to the organization'semployees on how to put into practice the overall public policy.Policy is hierarchical. The broadest, most overarching policy is made at the top.Then increasingly more focused policies must be made at every level on down. Forexample, the president of the United States sits at the top of the foreign policymakingpyramid. Dozens of layers below him sit thousands of clerks in the visa sections ofhundreds of embassies and consulates making policy——that is, making decisionsmon who may legally enter the United States. To be sure, policy at the bottom is heavilyimpacted by laws and regulations. But to the extent that these low-level officials——what Michael Lipsky calls street-level bureaucrats——have any discretion at all,they are making policy. And if you are on the receiving end of that policy, whetheras a visa applicant or a motorist receiving a traffic citation from a police officer, thepolicy is as real to you as if it were coming from higher levels in the policymakinghierarchy.It is the sovereign who makes legitimate policy in a political community. In a tradi-tional society, the sovereign (meaning the monarch) is the sovereign (meaning theboss). In the United States, the people are sovereign and government is consideredtheir agent. In a 1916 speech, President Woodrow Wilson rhetorically asked,Justwhat is it that America stands for? If she stands for one thing morethan another, itis for the sovereignty of self-governing people.This kind of sovereignty is generallyreferred to as a democracy.





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