
作者:诺曼·梅勒 Norman Mailer


A dark, brilliant novel of astonishing pitch, set in Provincetown, a “spit of shrub and dune” captured here in the rawness and melancholy of the off-season, Tough Guys Don’t Dance is the story of Tim Madden, an unsuccessful writer addicted to bourbon, cigarettes, and blonde, careless women with money. On the twenty-fourth morning after the decampment of his wife, Patty Lareine, he awakens with a hangover, considerable sexual excitement, and, on his upper arm, a blue tattoo bearing a name from the past. Of the night before, he remembers practically nothing. What he soon learns is that the front passenger seat of his Porsche is soaked with blood and that in a secluded corner of his marijuana stash in a nearby woods rests a blonde head, severed at the throat.
Is Madden therefore a murderer? He has no way of knowing. As in many novels of crime, the narrative centers on violence—physical, sexual, and emotional—but these elements move in their orbits through a rich constellation of character as Madden tries to reconstruct the missing hours of a terrible evening. In the course of this in-quiry a bizarre and vividly etched gallery of characters reappears to him as in a dream—ex-prizefighters, sexual junkies, mediums, former cons, a police chief, a world-weary former girl friend, and Mad-den’s father, old now but still a Herculean figure, a practitioner of the sternest backroom ethics.
Tough Guys Don’t Dance represents Mailer at the peak of his powers with a stunningly conceived novel that soon transcends its origins as a mystery to become a relentless search into the recesses and buried virtues of the modern American male. Rarely, as many readers will discern, have the paradoxes of machismo and homosexuality been so well explored.



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精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     简单说两句因为不知道该怎么表达自己的感受感觉梅勒在说冷笑话我第一次觉得一个比喻也可以这样冷我带着崇敬看完一章带着郁闷看了第二章恐怖在第三章若隐若现~~。。。。。。读完之后回味一番果真如传闻所言你可以倒着读顺着读左读右读中间随便抽一页读因为感受是一样的莫名奇妙又好像有模有样不知所云而后恍然大悟再又迷惑不解~~~

精彩短评 (总计5条)

  •     像是一种混装酒。。。貌似硬汉侦探体,又有些黑色幽默。。。不一而足
  •     不记得是哪位兄弟当初强烈推荐的这本书。相当的感谢。。。 早年在野人花园的SANTA MONICA里听的NORMAN MAILER一词,自作多情的翻译成了邮递员。 现在想来有点搞笑有点荒谬。 无论SG歌中的NORMAN MAILER是否即是本书作者。 只记得当我接受了硬汉不跳舞这一推荐,开始搜书时,便被这一大名所震,那一刻我决定,去看吧。。。 找找找。资源很少。书店都没有卖。 终于通过豆瓣,找到个淘宝店,虽然是二手出售,并且依旧是88年那么历史性的版本,但是绝对物超所值。 感谢推荐者,感谢淘宝
  •     这文字。。。啧啧啧
  •     奇书。读起来很累,但是感觉很牛。得细细多读几次。喜欢这个书名。
  •     超爽的读感!

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