
作者:Andy Pratt/ Jason Nunes


‧向網路界奧斯卡獎(The Webby Awards)的得獎者,學習如何成功打造互動企劃案。

設計,不外乎是為了因應「人」的需求,空有華麗的介面與外型,但使用者卻不曉得怎麼與其進行互動,那麼這就是失敗的設計!就如同賈伯斯曾說的:「Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.( 設計不僅是產品的外觀與感受,設計是關於產品如何運作 )。」


Chapter 1-何謂「使用者中心設計」?我們為何需要它?
Chapter 2-跟您的同事與客戶一起協同合作
Chapter 3-目標、使用者與成功準則
Chapter 4-了解您的使用者
Chapter 5-了解競爭對象
Chapter 6-內容為王
Chapter 7-替恰當的裝置進行設計
Chapter 8-引導、激勵與吸引使用者
Chapter 9-建立網站地圖、線框圖與原型
Chapter 10-品牌化體驗
Chapter 11-您能從「易用性」測試裡學到什麼?
Chapter 12-即使網站蓋好了,顧客不見得會再度光顧—為體驗進行宣傳
Chapter 13-關注、了解與適應
Chapter 14-展望未來


Andy Pratt
具有12年以上建立得獎的互動媒體經驗。曾協助傳遞多家大型世界知名品牌的願景與策略,包括史密森博物館、芝麻街工作室、卡通頻道、Noggin頻道、The-N頻道、溫納媒體、樂高與透納廣播公司。Andy也是pricetaghq.com(互動的商品自訂報價工具)的共同創辦人。同時也是紐約知名的視覺藝術學院(School of Visual Arts)的兼任教授,在藝術碩士課程裡,教授與互動媒體相關的「Designer as Entrepreneur」課程。Andy也是紐約市這家Funny Garbage互動廣告商的創意總監。
Jason Nunes
客戶包括ABC新聞頻道、BBC、花旗銀行、CNN、可口可樂、艾迪斯娛樂製作公司、ILM廣告製作公司、麥格羅希爾高等教育、大都會人壽、Monster耳機、MTV頻道、諾基亞、國家廣播公司、Orange電信、路透社、史密森博物館、Teen Nick頻道、Vogue雜誌等。

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精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     - 每個人都會高度關注重要的日子,真的,不必懷疑。花了這些時間, 心力的目的,就是為了要走到這一天。 壓力,爭吵,焦慮,扯頭髮,消瘦等,都是經常發生的事情。 這些戲劇化的過程都是為了創造完美的時刻,讓真替呈現出最美好的一面。接著翌日清晨同樣受到這些事情的打擊,然後你想起來了,這才經歷了一天而已。- UGC不錯,但是你仍然要給予使用者首次造訪的理由, 甚至再度持續造訪的理由。 Facebook達成此項因素的方式是利用持續更新新內容來作為最基本的UGC內容。- Content precedes design. Design in the absence if content is not design,it’s decoration 內肉優先於設計。- A good experience has a clear goal. Different design promote design decisions to accomplish it. but the goal should always remain consistent. 不同裝置應該有不同的設計決策來完成產品。但是整體的設計目的是一樣的。- To create a product that feels natural and intuitive , you need to understand the context in which it is being used. What feels natural in a living room id different from in an office or at a public event. 理解產品使用的環境。- Brevity. Simplicity. Do one thing and do it well. Thinking mobile first is about all three of these. It’s relevant information when you want it, and designers have opportunity to curate an unique experience for products, brands, and services. Force yourself to focus.- 簡單而迷人。- 遊戲化設計。 激勵使用者。- 設計前先畫草圖。- We designed and paper prototyped for months before started coding. Grimed, the team was experienced in what could be coded. Visual designers are by definition capable of imagining th jump from paper or whiteboards to reality. That may not be equally true for some programmers or most end-users. In our case, it would have been vert expensive to program design ideals half-baked for user feedback when we already knew they were half-baked.- 線框圖說明#(編號) 元素名稱 類型 描述/連結 附註(非正常情況說明)- Code gives breath to ideas. Knowing how to code is crucial. Knowing how to code well is completely unnecessary.- 美觀的設計,並不代表會自動變成優良的使用者經驗- 易用性測試:效率(使用者完成一項任務所花的步驟數目與時間) 精確(完成任務過程裡犯了幾次錯) 記憶(使用者對圖剛剛的體驗還記得多少) 情感回應(使用者在完成這些任務的過程裡有什麼樣的感覺)建議要由高到低排序 難易度 優先級- By carefully observing the player (or user), one should try to understand what caused the problem in the first place instead of just designing to what the wishes for.- 案例 (ALO飲料) free music in every bottle 一邊聽音樂一邊嘗試各種口味。- The most important time for a designer to be involved in a product is all the time. But after launch is perhaps the most critical time.- 不一次就推出所有功能,要留點調適的空間- Sometimes, the simplest tweaks can yield huge results.. There is always room for improvement. Always be on the lookout for simple and inexpensive things you can do to provide a better user experience.- Metrics can tell you what users like and dislike, but they can’t tell you what they dream about.- A good persona can-can-and should-be used throughout the life span of a project. Reference your personas in the wireframes and designs and talk about them in meetings and presentations. Give life to your personas and you’ll end up designing a great experience for the people they represent.- Accessibility is not specific to any device, system, o platform. It is driven by an understanding of behaviour, the business climate in which that behaviour resides, and the social responsibility to manifest a common good. Accommodations people’s diverse needs is at the heart of any inclusive design practice.

精彩短评 (总计1条)

  •     成为设计师比我想象中复杂。现在的设计师,除了设计,还需要构思,品牌化自己的产品

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