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  《2012全国专业技术人员职称外语等级考试专用教材?职称英语冲刺考试卷:卫生类(A、B、C级)》包含如下网络同步教学内容:1.冲刺考试卷精讲、2.课程讲义、3.考前二模、4.添知赢题库、5.2012考试用书重点篇章强化课程、使用期限:年系列专用教材全国首发、赠:2011年全国专业技术人员职称英语考试真题及答题卡。  为帮助考生快速提高职称英语应试能力,使考生通过自学,在短时间内一次性通过职称英语等级考试,我们特别编撰了全国专业技术人员职称外语等级考试系列专用教材。  与此同时,为了帮助广大考生解决在自学过程中遇到的困难,职称外语等级考试系列专用教材均配有完整的免费视频培训课程,以及课程讲义、随堂练习、期末测评、考前二模、添知赢题库等,使教、学、练相结合,快速掌握考点,让考生职考之路更加通畅。


  While some forecasting methods had limited SUCCESS predicting the 1997 El Nino a fewruonths in advance, the Columbia University researchers say their method call predict large El Ninoevents up to two years in advance. That would be good- news for governments, farmers and other sseeking to plan for the droughts and heavy rainfall that El Nino can produce in various parts of the world. Using a computer the researchers matched sea-surface temperatures to later El Ninooccurrences between 1980 and 2000 and were then able to anticipate El Nino events dating backto1857, using prior sea-surface temperatures. The results were rep  rted in the latest issue of the journal Nature.  The researchers say their method is not perfect; but Bryan C. Weare, a meteorologist at the University of California, Davis, who was not involved in the work, said it "suggests El Nino isindeed predictable."  This will probably convince others to search around more for even better methods." saidWeare. He added that the new method "makes it possible to predict El Nino at long lead times,"Other models also use sea-surface temperatures, but they have not looked as far back because the yneed other data, which is only available for recent decades, Weare said.  The ability to predict the warming and cooling of the Pacific is of immense importance. The1997 EL Nino, for example, caused an estimated $20 billion in damage worldwide, offset bybeneficial effects in other areas. The 1877 El Nino, meanwhile, coincided with a failure of the Indian monsoon and a famine that killed perhaps 40 million in India and China, prompting the development of seasonal forecasting, Anderson said.  ……






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