The Art Of War 孙子兵法

出版社:Amber books Ltd


This book has been produced using traditional Chinese bookbinding techniques,
using a method that was developed during the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644) and remained in use until the adoption of Western binding techniques in the early 1900s.
In traditional Chinese binding, single sheets of paper are printed on one side only, and each sheet is folded in half, with the printed pages on the outside. The book block is then sandwiched between two boards and sewn together through punched holes close to the cut edges of the folded sheets.


Introduction  ---------------------------- 4
计篇 Planning ------------------------- 6
作战篇 Waging War------------------ 12
谋攻篇 Strategic Offence ----------- 16
形篇 Deploymennt ------------------- 22
势篇 Momentum ---------------------- 26
虚实篇 The Substantial and the Insubstantial ------ 32
军争篇 Manoeuvres against the Enemy -------------- 40
九变篇 The Nine Variables ------------------------------- 48
行军篇 On the March ---------------------------------------- 52
地形篇 Terrain ------------------------------------------------ 62
九地篇 The Nine Types of Ground ---------------------- 70
火攻篇 Attacking with Fire --------------------------------- 84
用间篇 Using Spies ----------------------------------------- 90
Index --------------------------------------------------------------96


Sun Tzu, also known as Sun Wu or Sunzi, was an ancient Chinese military strategist believed to be the author of the acclaimed military text, The Art of War. Details about Sun Tzu s background and life are uncertain, although he is believed to have lived c. 544-496 BCE. Through The Art of War, Sun Tzu s theories and strategies have influenced military leaders and campaigns throughout time, including the samurai of ancient and early-modern Japan, and more recently Ho Chi Minh of the Viet Cong and American generals Norman Swarzkopf, Jr. and Colin Powell during the Persian Gulf War in the 1990s.

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