




第一章 将职业当成第二信仰
第二章 责任、忠诚、敬业――“三位一体”的工作精神
第三章 融入团队,创造卓越
第四章 服从――执行的条件反射
第五章 自动自发――创造性工作
第六章 惜时如金、要事当先
第七章 身体、心理、精神――职业长青的三驾马车

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精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     I was so impressed by the example given at the first. Can you imagine the size of a rocket depends on the width of horse's ass? Recently, my life turns into disaster for the massive chaos, and I suddenly realize I was in this chaos no long ago, how come I felt into this trap again for I had sworn never let it happen again? The habits! To get rid of current situation, I need to change my habits of life. But things turn out to be difficult because I had got used to these habits, they are just like breathing. I remember someone said to start its space tour, rocket needs 10 times fuel to start then it runs; the man in Million Dollar Baby said to change one's habit, just like teache a baby to breath---habits can not easily be changed.However habits are so important, as the book written, the winners who are nobody but just enjoy the good brings by the good habits, while lossers' endevour was gone for their bad habits.Since it is so important to develope good habits of work, we should really think of what kind of habits we need to develop and what kinds of habits we should get rid fo it.Of all the habits recommended, I aprreciated make your job as your second religion the best. The job is not only a thing that provide you the resouse to live but also a opportunity to grow up. fuck english!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!When I try to speak english, I just feel like an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

精彩短评 (总计2条)

  •     上班时的工作用书,自付款。哎。
  •     唯一的收获是从书中的一个小故事联想起刀刀的一句话:推着巨石,西西弗斯可以不死,我只能坚持。呵呵......

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