
作者:ناصر الدين أبو الخير عبد الله بن عمر بن محمد البيضاوي,嘎最·阿布都拉·本·欧默尔·拜达威,Nasir al-Din Abu al-Khair 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar al-Baydawi


此经注是注释《古兰经》的权威著作之一,是国内清真寺经堂教育的重要教科书。开篇有译者简历,甘肃伊协副会长 《序》及作者《前言》。此书是伊斯兰教经训丛书第4本,全书两册分开各编页码,外有精致书函。


Nasir al-Din Abu al-Khair 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar al-Baydawi (Arabic: ناصر الدين أبو الخير عبد الله بن عمر بن محمد البيضاوي), also known as Baidawi, was a Muslim scholar, born in Fars, where his father was chief judge, in the time of the Atabek ruler Abu Bakr ibn Sa'd (1226–60). He himself became judge in Shiraz, and died in Tabriz about 1286. Many commentaries have been written on Baidawi's work. He was also the author of several theological treatises.
His major work is the commentary on the Qur'an entitled The Secrets of Revelation and The Secrets of Interpretation (Asrar ut-tanzil wa Asrar ut-ta'wil)'. This work is largely a condensed and amended edition of al-Zamakhshari's (al-Kashshaf). That work, which displays great learning, suffers from Mu'tazilite views which al-Baydawi has tried to amend, sometimes by refuting them and sometimes by omitting them.





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