
作者:毛 姆,陈雄尚,蒲诗华

《月亮和六便士》的笔记-第13页 - II

到第二章看到 Tahiti 瞬觉好亲切!
Coulson啊… 快回归!!(T ^ T)哎… 还好有注释!慢慢啃… 希望能来得及拯救我的梦想!

《月亮和六便士》的笔记-L...LVIII - L...LVIII

Chapter LSome men are born out of their due place. Accident has cast them amid certain surroundings, but they have always a nostalgia for a home they know not...Perhaps it is this sense of strangeness that sends men far and wide in the search for something permanent, to which they may attach themselves. Perhaps some deep-rooted atavism urges the wanderer back to lands which his ancestors left in the dim beginnings of history. Sometimes a man hits upon a place to which he mysteriously feels that he belongs. Here is the home he sought, and he will settle amid scenes that he has never seen before, among men he has never known, as though they were familiar to him from his birth. Here at last he finds rest.unassuming:不傲慢、不自大的
Chapter LIV
the square peg in the round hole:格格不入
Chapter LV

《月亮和六便士》的笔记-X...XLIX - X...XLIX

Chapter X
fly into a passion:大发脾气
for change of air:出去透透气
Chapter XII had not yet learnt how contradictory is human nature; I did not know how much pose there is in the sincere, how much baseness in the noble, nor how much goodness in the reprobate.assume an airy manner:装作轻松自如
ill at ease:不自在 <-> perfectly at home:很自在
Chapter XIV
break with irksome tiesMan's desire for the approval of his fellows is so strong, his dread of their censure so violent, that he himself has brought his enemy within his gates.
Chapter XV
give sb. plenty of rope to hang himself: 让某人自取灭亡、自作自受(lie on the bed one has made for oneself)
Chapter XVII
grow stale in sp.:在某地呆腻了
Chapter XXIHe was a sensual man, and yet was indifferent to sensual things.他是个注重声色、感官享受的人,但对于世俗的事物却毫不在意。
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
rapier of sarcasm:讽刺挖苦的利剑
bludgeon of invective:恶言谩骂的棍棒
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
pull through:度过病危阶段
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXII
disembodied spirit:游魂、行尸走肉
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XLIIIn social intercourse he gives you the surface that he wishes the world to accept, and you can only gain a true knowledge of him by inferences from little actions, of which he is unconscious, and from fleeting expressions, which cross his face unknown to him.
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLVI
put on airs:装腔作势
persons of his kidney:他这种脾气的人
remorseless:无恻隐之心的He could as little escape her as the cause can escape the effect.
Chapter XLVII
come to the end of one's resources:山穷水尽(busted)a life intense and brutal, savage, multicolored, and vivacious.dissipation:放荡
three parts drunk:七八分醉

《月亮和六便士》的笔记-第123页 - 19

Why do you think that beauty, which is the most precious thing in the world, lies like a stone on the beach for the careless passerby to pick up idly? Beauty is something wonderful and strange that the artist fashions out of the chaos of the world in the torment of his soul. And when he is making it, it is not given to all to know it. To recognize it you must repeat the adventure of the artist. It is a melody that he sings to you, and to hear it again in your own heart you want knowledge and sensitiveness and imagination.

《月亮和六便士》的笔记-月亮和六便士 - 月亮和六便士

我们每个人生在这世界上都是孤独的。每个人都被囚禁在一座铁塔里,只能靠一些符号同别人传达自己的思想。而这些符号并没有共同的价值,因此它们的意义是模糊的、不确定的。我们非常可怜地想把自己心中的财富传达给别人,但是他们却没有接受这些财富的能力。因此我们只能孤独地行走,尽管身体互相依傍却并不在一起。既不了解别人也不能为别人所了解。我们好像住在异国的人,对于这个国家的语言知之甚少。虽然我们有各种美妙的、深奥的东西要说,却只能局限于会话手册上那几句陈腐、平庸的话。我们的脑子里充满了各种思想,而我们能说的只不过是一些庸常乏味的话。 ——毛姆

《月亮和六便士》的笔记-I, II...VII - I, II...VII

Chapter I
whet the appetites of the inquiring:吊人胃口The faculty for myth is innate in the human race. It seizes with avidity upon any incidents, surprising or mysterious, in the career of those who have at all distinguished themselves from their fellows, and invents a legend to which it then attaches a fanatical belief. It is the protest of romance against the commonplace of life.eke out:弥补
episcopal:英国国教The Anglo-Saxon race is accused of prudishness, humbug, pretentiousness, deceit, cunning, and bad cooking.哈哈~~He had an unerring eye for the despicable motive in actions that had all the appearance of innocence:一切隐藏在貌似无比纯洁的行为背后的可悲动机,都逃不过他的目光。
Chapter IIA painter's monument is his work.Heaven knows what pains the author has been at, what bitter experiences he has endured and what heartache suffered, to give some chance reader a few hours' relaxation or to while away the tedium of a journey.gaiety:快乐、兴高采烈
as dead as mutton: totally neglected or forgotten
thrice:=very much
Chapter III
all this is by the way:以上都是题外话I felt they expected me to say clevel things, and I never could think of any till after the party was over...I wanted no one to take notice of me, so taht I could observe these famous creatures at my ease and listen to the clever things they said.
Chapter IV
fastnesses:僻静的住所-Why do nice women marry dull men? Because intellegent men won't marry nice women.
Chapter V
His large face looked uncomfortably naked: 人的脸naked是肿么一个情况!!
Chapter VII
kink:奇思怪想I saw its ordered happiness, but a fever in my blood asked for a wilder course...in my heart was a desire to live more dangerously. I was not unprepared for jagged rocks and treacherous shoals if I could only have change-change and the excitement of the unforseen.

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