


书中各章标题较简,在此将其稍加拓展,以备查阅。1、【针对普通英语学习者】读较新(一百年内)的英美作者所著英语书籍,不必是经典。2、朗读是必要的。3、在阅读时培养英语思维习惯,了解英美人生活。4、【针对普通英语学习者】要关注一般受过教育的英美人所用的英语。5、要了解一定的英语典故。6、用英语写的书和论述英语的书:多读前者、少读后者。7、要注意英语中那些汉语里没有表达方式。8、要了解英美人通用的不正确表达,但自己不要这么用。9、要注意英语中不合语法的结构。10、要了解英语中一些不合逻辑的习惯用语。(双重否定)11、仔细阅读和反复练习比单纯学习语法更重要。12、要注意英语中不合语法的结构,并学会自己运用。13、【针对学习英语的情形】读英语故事时,应该把语言作为主要的东西,要注意句子中各个词语或词组的用法。14、要了解英语中一些不合逻辑的习惯用语。(逻辑与词序)15、在阅读中发现不自然的地方,可能是你的理解有误。PS:这也是翻译的一条黄金法则。16、要了解“坏英语”,即未受过教育而以英语为母语者所使用的英语。17、读词典(至少是常用词条)很有用处。18、根据自己的阅读内容整理一本惯用法词典(手册)。19、类似上一条,可以编订为主题词典,即将相关内容汇编在一个主题之内。20、【针对为学习写作而阅读的学习者】应该读现代英语散文,并且是对于你而言相当容易的那些。21、【针对英语学习者】在阅读时要注重文章使用的表达方式(句式),积累并运用。22、通过模仿的方式学习英语对话。语言是口头的东西,讲得好就能写得好。23、不宜模仿文体风格,但对于应用文,模仿很重要。24、讲得对就能写得对,学习讲是学习写的好方法。25、应当注意那些不被看作习语但有用的表达方式。26、看似不重要的惯用法点是值得所有想把英语写得正确的人注意的。27、你想表达而又用英语表达不出的想法,有许多已经被别人表达出来过。平时阅读不注意这些,需要时就不会懂得使用。28、英语写作的一个建议:只使用自己见过的结构、表达方式和词组。29、要牢记英语中不同于汉语的表达法,以及所谓的“熟词生义”。30、使用词语时,不止要使用正确的义项,更要注意正确的用法。(以for为例)31、使用词语时,不止要使用正确的义项,更要注意正确的用法。(以能和不能带双宾语的动词为例)32、句子的好坏与句子长短无关,长句短句各有风格。但对于英语学习者,长句更难把握、出错更多,因此更宜写短句。33、扩大词汇量和进一步了解熟词含义及用法,后者更重要。34、一个单词,只知道它的汉语对应词并不能保证你能正确使用这个词:要了解单词的用法。35、不要使用任何你不确定标准英美作家是否使用过的词。36、研究同义词对选词有帮助,但常见词的正确使用更多还是依靠惯用法。37、我们应该学写“文学英语”,但“文学英语”不等于“正式英语”。附三处印刷错误:P.22 注释10缺失。P.71 Helaire应该为Hilaire。P.73 Can your read dreams?your似乎应该为you,中译文同。


英语大师葛传椝老师专门针对中国英语学习者分享他的英语学习心得。本书共收录了他的37篇短文。通过这些短篇,我们有幸了解到英语大师的学习方法。对于不了解葛传椝的同学,大家可以百度,这里就说一个故事:葛传椝在查阅《简明牛津词典》(The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English) 时,发现其中不少错误,即致信词典主编英人福勒 (H.W. Fowler)。1933年Fowler回信称赞: … your letter is in faultless English, and, long as it is, nowhere betrays, as nearly all foreigners’ letters do by some trifling lapse in idiom, that its writer is not an Englishman. I receive many letters in English from foreigners, but do not remember ever having had occasion to say this before.(大意为:你的信用完全无误的英语写成,并且,虽然很长,没有一处透露出来你的英语非母语,大多非英语母语的外国人的信都有一些习语上的细微错误。我收到了很多外国人用英语写的信,不记得哪一次能有机会说出我跟你说的这些话。)另外,我还是想提一下葛传椝先生是自学英语!37篇短文,内容比较松散,但是核心思想就是英文表达要地道(idiomatic)。关于阅读:作者建议英语学习者要广泛地阅读英语材料从而接触各种表达方式,同时又要用心地阅读这些材料从而记住这些表达方式,两条腿走路,缺一不可。阅读时不要忘记作为英语学习者的目的是学会地道地英语表达,因此时刻要注意书里的表达方式,而书本身的内容在这里反而是次要的。你应该多读当代的,地道的,简明的英语,而且要尽可能地朗读,培养语感。关于语法:作者指出中国英语学习者太过注重英语语法和语言的逻辑,反而忽略了那些习惯用法。语言更是艺术而不是科学,没有完美的公理去遵循。判断英文表达好坏的标准不是语法,而是要看母语为英语的人常不常用。关于词汇:不要孤立地来学习单词,单词的用法比它单独的一个意义要重要的多,而用法只有在句子里,上下文中才能体现出来。大多数中国英语学习者一味图单词记忆的数量是错误的。应该去掌握最基本的常用单词,能正确地使用一个单词才能说是已经掌握它了。作者自己就曾经背诵过字典中常见词的词条。葛老花了最多的篇幅谈论英语阅读,可能作者的年代原因,语音视频材料都比较匮乏。有关听和说葛老谈得并不多。但是道理是一样的,中国的英语学习者要多关注地道的表达方式,并且多模仿地道的表达方式。


✨1. 主要读物应该是少于一百年的东西,英国人或者美国人写的,用简单的英语,最好是短篇。读现代英语散文,不要有太多言外之意和引经据典,这样可以把精力放在学习英语写作上。[杂志应该是个不错的材料。古典作品不适合用来学习英语。✨2. 应该培养朗读的习惯。3. 多读一般英语读物,并了解英语国家的历史、思想和习惯。4. 一个人不能只靠读讲到中国事物的文章来精通英语。[然而我觉得学习一些中国事物在英语中的表达也是重要的。以后读Economics话题还是一中一外好了。5. 积累一些必要的背景知识。6. 花较多时间读用英语写的书而不是论述英语的书。[刚开始学语言学概论的人表示,用英语论述英语也很有趣。✨7. 注意英语中没有相应汉语表达的表达方式,习语等等。✨8. 在良好的写作中碰到不合语法但合于习语的结构,记下来。了解英语习惯用法。中国学习者常常不把一个单词用在不容易译成汉语的词义忽视。如society作为companionship的语义.✨9. 仔细阅读和反复练习比学习语法更为重要。✨10. 读英语读物时,应该把语言看做最主要的东西。时常为学习表达的艺术而阅读。积累表达方式可以改进写作。每天记一两段文字就更好。[学术狗表示也要get information.11. 了解坏英语的知识。没有它一个人会错过文学中的很多东西。12. 阅读词典常用词条。✨13. 编写自己的惯用法词典和题目词典(与一个词相关的所有表达、短语、句子)14. 用模仿学习英语会话。✨15. 自己认为太容易理解而不值得牢记的词、短语、句子要记入心中。16. 句子的好坏不由长短决定, 尤其警惕长句。✨17. 比扩大词汇量更重要的事情时了解普通次的各种意义,合乎习语的用法, 做到真正懂一个词。不要认为每一个你认为理解的词都是你自己的。✨18. 别用任何你不确定看到标准作家使用过的词,有疑问查词典。19. 一个人只能靠着阅读合乎习语的英语而进步,这是多少词的研究都无法代替的。总结:广泛而仔细地阅读,从中学习正规的表达。任重而道远,立个flag.


本书是文章选编,内容较散乱。以下是我的笔记,按照自己理解的做了些整理。然挂一漏万,营养远不及原文。诸君若感兴趣,需详读原文。Hints for learners of EnglishSection one: Reading1.What to read? Your chief reading matter must have been written far less a hundred years ago, must have been written in simple English by an Englishman or an America.A book on English is one that deals with the English language; a book in English is one that is written in the English language. It should be noted that language is not an exact science, nor a mere matter of principles, rules, exceptions, definitions, formulas, and diagrams. Please devote more time to reading books in English and less time to reading books on English.Do not spend much time on reading English about Chinese subjects.2.How to read?Read aloud to realize the music and beautiful of such language. Focus on the language instead of the story. Do care to study the use of words and phrases in it, if you are a learner of English rather than the general reader. Reading to learn the art of expression.Do take notes and pay special attention to those ways of expression for which you do not find corresponding ways in Han. Also take notes those seems not grammatical correct to you, and to see if you will meet with a similar one in your reading. Then, you will most likely understand the construction. As English is not a perfectly logical language, make a record on the expression which is illogical but is natural and idiomatic today. A group of simple words you do not understand, take notes of it, you may understand it later.3.The question of background knowledge Background knowledge of the English mind, the English character, the English traditional, the English life and so forth, will help understand Englishmen’s English. The subject is a very large one, including history, geography, mythology, the Bible, sports, characters and facts in fiction, games and customs, that quite natural to those born to the language and brought up on it. Section two: Different Kinds of English4.What kind of English? There are English English, American English, Scotch English. There are business English vulgar English as well. Advanced learners of English ought to such details and at least know English used by the average educated Englishmen or American.5.Spoken English is not quite different from ordinary written English. The pen cannot go wrong where the tongue goes right. Having a teacher to correct you whenever you makes a mistake in writing or speaking is a very good method.6.A good knowledge of bad English. Bad English is English used by native speakers who do not use good English, often found in modern fiction and drama and in the writing and speech of uneducated English-speaking persons, which is quite different from your bad English in the Chinese way.Section three: Words7.Reading dictionaries. Some common words and phrases is very common to English-speaking children but is not likely to be acquired by Chinese learners. Therefore, reading articles on common words in dictionaries is a great aid.8.Knowing a wordKnowing a word means knowing its true sense or senses instead of merely knowing one or more of what we call its Han equivalents, this is more important than enlarging one’s vocabulary. Remember that not every word that you think you understand well is really your own. And do not invent words, if you are not sure, consult the dictionary. In writing, it is quite hard to find the exact word, therefore, the study of synonyms is very helpful. Pay attention to the illustrative examples of your dictionary. Make your own dictionary, for example, a topic dictionary. Section four: Sentence9.Grammar.Do not look on the study of grammar as all or nearly all that you have to do in order to master English. Careful reading and constant practice are far more important. Without reading enough material, what we know about grammar is just enough for us to go wrong.10.Ungrammatical expressions are worth knowingYou out to learn to use English correctly. But you ought as well to learn to understand the incorrect expressions that are common among Englishmen and Americans. 11.Double negatives in current English is not the same as in Elizabethan literature. Do not use such unreasonable construction, and talk and write like an educated person.12.Many small pointsThose tiny points show whether one is really at home in English or not. Advanced learners should pay close attention to this, reading aloud is a good help.13.How to say itYou cannot invent the way to say something, you should read widely enough and carefully enough and memorize enough words, phrases and sentences. A foolish but useful principle of composition is that do not use anything you have not seen in your reading. If there is not Han equivalent, just remember such construction. Learning English conversation by imitation. Learning by imitating consciously.14.A sentence is not good or bad merely because it is long or short.

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