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Psychological Types by Carl Jung

according to Gustav Jung Carl’s psychological types…   introvert thinking(similar with deduction or deconstruction) is to deduce/extract from existing principles to some individual result… and lawyers, manufacturing managers and quality managers are introvert thinking work.. for a manufacturing manager conducts his work in accordance with the existing manufacturing standards, a lawyer deduce something from a big premise, they are past vision and past language guys, they are guardians of logistical intelligence   extrovert thinking(similar with induction, integration and construction) is to construct/synthesize from the existing facts… conceptualise and construct, they like to have theories to explain things, they are strategical… extrovert thinking speaks a future language of possibilities…   as far as the management is concerned, the top is man of vision, future vision and future language.. their job job is to make future visions/plans based on the existing information… under them, there should be guardians of past vision, and past language… (of course lawyers and quality managers speak a past language and their work is conducted according to the rules set in the past), they are conventional guardians- they are to ensure that the visions are executed…   this matches Plato’s Republic theory of course…   an example is – lawyer(introvert thinking work) and jurist (extrovert thinking work), a lawyer works in accordance with the laws set by the jurist, and it is difficult for a lawyer to work the work of a jurist, it is difficult to switch from one thinking to opposite thinking   specially in those big structured companies people practise one sort of work everyday, and can not develop the opposite of themselves…   apart from strategy and guardian, there should be tactics who are in the battlefront,   the information goes to the strategists, who make decisions   guardians are to make sure the visions/decisions are executed – and also feed back the the information to the strategist who’s to make future plan…   tacticians are in the frontbattle (to use their body language and facial expressions to make things happen… these guys are good at it) – like in a campus outdoor activity, the teacher says we are to send someone to the training of …. a tactician says’ yes I like it hehehehe…’ they are quick and grab the opportunity(high EQ)   these become a matrix… in fact a boss can be a strategist, because if he is a diplomatic guy or tactician, he usually makes the management complicated… but the start-up businessmen are usually tacticians…   by the way, my extrovert thinking is stronger than my introverted thinking, and there are issues which i am not in position to think about… I kept the thoughts to myself, so that they do not cause me trouble.      Carl Jung, the first disciple of Sigmund Freud, was the first to identify the psychological types which evolved to be MBTI and temperament and types theories. The main focus is the way we use our psychological energy including introvert and extrovert and the internal four functions of each of our types i.e. Sensing, Intuiting, Thinking and Feeling. He indicated that one of these four internal functions (with Introversion or Extraversion and either Judging or Perceiving on either end of each four letter type) was our dominant function or the. No matter who we are, our type automatically determines which of the four internal functions is our dominant function which is our most powerful surviving tool.   Carl Jung believed that people have inclinations in using their psychological energy – Extraverted (E) and Introverted (I) to arrange their inner world. The four functions, sensing(S), intuition(N) are the way we receive information and thinking(T) and feeling(F) are the way we compute or process the datas. In some theories, sensing is included in intuition, for instance Kant would regard sensing as empirical intuition… the difference betwixt sensing and intuition in Jung’s theory is that sensing is the five senses – the hearing, the seeing, the tasting… they are all concrete whilst intuition is abstract and intellectual. Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers, who formulated the two fundamental ways for people to execute or put their decisions into action, Judging (J) for those who are structured and planful in execution and Perceiving (P) for those who are spontaneous and casual in their execution. And so we have a system comprised of four functions, two options for each function and therefore sixteen different combinations. They are 16 types which tries to map the people patterns.   Jun   www.junrwang.com


荣格的一生都在认识真我,他曾有过以下一段话 “我就是相信,人类自我或曰人类灵魂的某一部分,不受制于时间和空间的法则”。荣格认为,人并非自己的主宰,而主要受一些不为我们所知的力量控制。荣格深信,心理现象必将遵循着一种有别于物理法则的法则。   荣格是一位观察敏锐、涉猎广泛的西方著名心理学家,从中国的道家、《易经》、藏传佛教,到印度的瑜伽、日本的禅学,几乎无所不包。荣格阅读过大量有关中国宗教哲学文化的书籍。荣格的工作囊括了如此众多和如此不同的兴趣领域,他所产生的影响,迄今只能说刚刚开始.今天,人们对荣格的兴趣正越来越浓厚,特别在年轻一代中更是如此.与此相应的是:他的影响的日益增长,迄今也只能说仍然处在早期阶段;从现在起,三十年之后,我们可能会用完全不同的话语来讨论他的工作和他的着作.也就是说,荣格是如此领先于他的时代,以至今天人们也只能逐渐地追赶他的种种发现”。 荣格治疗过大量病人,他晚年回忆,他分析过的梦,总数不下八万.作为一位能够一直深入到他人灵魂深处的医生,许多曾经接受过荣格治疗的病人,后来虽然恢复了健康,却一直保留着对荣格的深刻记忆。   一位当事人回忆:在荣格(Carl G. Jung , 1875-1961)应邀去耶鲁大学讲学之际, 此前,在英国,荣格已经习惯了在小礼堂那样的场合对听众演讲,这一次,他也向校方提出同样的要求. 但美国东道主的说法是:一开始,将安排他在一个大会堂作报告. 以后,如果听众减少,再改在小会堂. 东道主一再向荣格解释,不论访问者是谁,其地位和声望如何,都是这样安排的. 出乎东道主意料的是:第一次演讲时,大礼堂中的三千个座位,有三分之二以上都是空着的. 可以想象,荣格在空荡荡的礼堂中给大约七百名听众作报告时,其心情一定相当沮丧. 然而,出乎他意料的是:当他坚持第二场报告要改在小会堂进行时,校方却告诉他,大礼堂已经座无虚席. 听众对荣格的报告报之以极大的热情和兴趣. 报告结束后,主持报告会的一位教授的夫人邀请荣格去家中出席茶会.茶会上,她流着眼泪告诉荣格:“你的报告我没有听懂,但我却深受感动. 你的声音、你的举止、你讲话的方式感染了我. 我明白你所说的全是真理. 我无法控制自己,实在痛快极了。” 确实,在一些人眼中,荣格简直就像是一位圣人或“先知”。   他跟所有的人谈话都坦率自然,毫不装腔作势,不管对方是名人还是中学生.他十分民主,一点也不拿架子和自认为了不起……凡是与荣格有过私人接触的人,事后都提到他具有开朗的心情和无与伦比的幽默感. 他的眼睛愉快地闪动,不时发出开心的、富于感染力的笑声. 他自己风趣健谈,又能专心听别人谈话,从来不显得匆忙,从来不显得心不在焉. 在谈话过程中,他对问题的把握灵活变通,表达简练准确,能够容忍和接受不同的意见。   1910年,荣格再次出席国际精神分析学大会并出任国际精神分析学学会的终身主席,后来因为与弗洛伊德发生分歧而辞去这一职务。1932年,以其深邃的思想、不懈的写作和在自己领域中独树一帜的发现,获苏黎世城特别文学奖.1934年,创办并出任日内瓦国际心理治疗医学会主席.1936年,获美国哈佛大学荣誉博士头衔.1938年,获英国牛津大学荣誉博士头衔,并成为英国皇家医学学会成员.1943年,成为瑞士科学院荣誉院士.1945年,荣格七十诞辰之际,获日内瓦大学荣誉博士头衔。   尽管生前就已经获得了如此巨大的声誉,荣格却一如既往地保持着自己的“平民风度”而仅仅在精神上显得是一位“巨人”或“贵族”。

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