The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Photo Guide (平装)

出版社:Houghton Mifflin (2003年11月1日)
作者:David Brawn
页数:47 页页



The Lord of the Rings film trilogy reaches its phenomenal conclusion as Frodo, Sam, and Gollum struggle toward the fires of Mount Doom through Shelob's Lair. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli must choose the Paths of the Dead to bring desperate aid to the besieged city of Minas Tirith in Gondor, where Gandalf and Pippin have gone to rally the steward Denethor. Merry, forbidden to accompany his friends or the army of Rohan in their long march to war, joins a mysterious rider banished to a similar fate. Spectacular imagery illuminates the story as it proceeds to the Battle of Pelennor Fields and beyond.

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精彩书评 (总计2条)

  •     每一个人都在为了自己的国度而声嘶力竭的呼唤 呼唤亡灵 呼唤精灵 呼唤自己的国王 他们在腥风血雨里用置换的暗灭换回力量的新生 和平最终光临圣土 伴随一缕灰烟 永远埋葬高塔
  •     Sam:"It's me.It's your Sam.Don't you konw your Sam?"Frodo:"I can't do this,Sam."Sam:"I know,it's all wrong.By rights,we shouldn't even be here.But we are.It's like in the great stories,Mr.Frodo.The one that really mattered.Full of darkness and danger they were.And sometimes you didn't want to konw the end,because how could the end be happy?How could the world go back to the way it was,when so much bad had happened?"Theoden:"Victory!We have victory!"Sam:"But in the end,it's only a passing thing,this shadow,even darkness must pass.A new day will come.And when the sun shines,it will shine out the clearer.Those were the stories that stayed with you,that meant something.Even if you were too small to understand why,but I think,Mr.Frodo.I do understand.I know now.Folk in those stories,had lots of chances of turning back,only they didn't.They kept going,because they were holding on to something."Frodo:"What are we holding on to,Sam?"Sam:"That there's some good in this world,Mr.Frodo,and it's worth fighting for."

精彩短评 (总计7条)

  •     历时五个月,终于把这三部看完了!!
  •     好好好!!
  •     暂停
  •     永远的爱!
  •     还好之前是在学校里借书看的,看得快,而且也不怎么要钱
  •     今生再也不看别的魔幻小说了
  •     踩v

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