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如果该书完整收录Tweedy, Browne的What Has Worked In Investing 这本小册子,内容就更精彩了。这样,该书既有统计分析的理论,又有长期实践的验证,具有完整的投资体系,值得每一位价值投资者深入学习。附Tweedy, Browne的投资哲学。Traditional Investment PhilosophyThe investment management principles practiced by Tweedy, Browne derive from the work of the late Benjamin Graham, professor of investments at Columbia Business School and author of Security Analysis and The Intelligent Investor. Tweedy, Browne’s research seeks to appraise the worth of a company, what Graham called “intrinsic value,” by determining its acquisition value, or by estimating the collateral value of its assets and/or cash flow. The term “intrinsic value” may also be referred to as private market value, breakup value or liquidation value. The process is more closely related to credit analysis, for as we have said, we are as concerned with the return of our capital as we are with the return on our capital. Investments are made at a significant discount to intrinsic value, which Graham called an investor’s “margin of safety.” Investments are generally sold as the market price approaches intrinsic value, with the proceeds reinvested in other situations offering a greater discount to intrinsic value. Adhering to the principles of intrinsic value and margin of safety results in an investment policy that runs counter to the general market psychology, and seeks to reduce the decision to purchase or sell securities to a discipline rather than an art.In determining intrinsic value, our research focuses on fundamental principles of balance sheet and income statement analysis, and a knowledge and understanding of actual corporate mergers, acquisitions, and liquidations. From more than 20,000 publicly traded corporations worldwide, we research and select for investment, those issues selling at substantial discounts to our estimate of intrinsic value. To minimize errors in analysis or events which could adversely affect intrinsic values, we adhere to a policy of broad diversification within individual portfolios, with no one issue generally accounting for more than 3% to 5% at cost of portfolio assets, and no one industry group generally accounting for more than 15% to 20% of portfolio value. Portfolios are not constrained by market capitalization considerations with the result that a significant portion of portfolio assets may be invested in smaller (generally under $1 billion) and medium (up to $5 billion) capitalization companies.Most investments in Tweedy, Browne portfolios have one or more of the following investment characteristics: low stock price in relation to book value, low price-to-earnings ratio, low price-to-cash-flow ratio, above-average dividend yield, low price-to-sales ratio as compared to other companies in the same industry, low corporate leverage, low share price, purchases of a company’s own stock by the company’s officers and directors, company share repurchases, a stock price that has declined significantly from its previous high price and/or small market capitalization. Academic research and studies have indicated a historical statistical correlation between each of these investment characteristics and above-average investment rates of return over long measurement periods.


几个星期前读的,很容易阅读,即便我是以非常认真的态度,但阅读过程中基本没有什么需要思考的地方,略微做些笔记也都是细枝末节的收获,很遗憾,虽说价值投资颠来覆去就那几句话,确实不复杂,但像这样一本既没特点又没深度的书又有什么出版的必要呢,本书推荐者中巴顿.比格斯和查尔斯.埃利斯自己也有作品出版,而且质量都还可以,搞不懂为什么要为这本书写推荐呢....当然本书作者克里斯托弗.布朗的投资业绩肯定是过得去的,毕竟用正确的方法做正确的事结果总不会差到哪去,可作者所用的理念基本上都是别人的东西而且又没有什么创新,埋头低调做自己的事不好么,非要搞本书出来浪费各方资源....... 本书主要是介绍作者运用价值投资之父格雷厄姆的价值投资理念在自己投资过程中的运用心得。价值投资理念不赘述,写点格雷厄姆和巴菲特不同之处(主要来自本书中): 1、格雷厄姆主张用低于2/3的价格买入股票,巴菲特主张用4毛钱买1块钱东西 2、格雷厄姆认为安全边际的一个原则是多样化,巴菲特则主张集中投资 3、本书中强调(不知道是作者自己还是格雷厄姆)账面价值,在作者组合中有1/3股价是低于净资产的,巴菲特则不在意账面价值 4、本书把“落下的刀子”定义为12个月内下跌60%的股票,这些股票破产率和失败率是总体市场4倍,但他们在1年,2年,3年期内的收益率却让市场望尘莫及,文中对这类股票表示青睐。根据巴菲特在佛罗里达大学的演讲中对长期资本管理公司破产的描述,他是不会搅这趟浑水的。


本书英语版叫《The Little Book of Value Investing(价值投资的小册子)》,翻译后的名字虽然和原先的名字差别挺大,不过看完后感到现在的书名也是比较靠谱的。作者不愧在投资领域征战几十年的老将,把价值投资一些重要的原则涵盖在书中了。作者也比较实在,明白地告诉读者做价值投资要耐得住寂寞,要无视各种非议,更要坚持自己的选择和决定,这些其实也是做投资最困难的地方。如果读者看完本书后,还不感到过瘾,可以上作者公司网站下载《What Has Worked in Investing》或者通过谷歌搜索。不幸的是,作者已经于2009年逝世,本书也成为了他的绝笔。


看到这样一本好书不能成为一本畅销书,深感悲哀也深感庆幸。价值投资,其实是一件极为简单的事,简单到少有人相信;也是一件极为复杂的事,复杂到投资者要与自己的人性进行生死搏斗,只有胜者才能有资格享受那种简单收获的快乐。这本书绝不是一本普通的书,因为作者虽不为中国投资大众所熟悉,但在价值投资界名头极响,应该是巴菲特所讲的价值投资动物园里的一只大猩猩。就凭这一点,就有必要对此人进行深入的研究。在哥伦比亚商学院后推荐书目中,他的一篇统计报告也被列入其中:Browne, Christopher H., et al. What Has Worked in Investing New York: Tweedy, Browne Company LLC, 1992. (available directly from Tweedy, Browne Company LLC)(每周一本英文原版畅销书, 供大家交流http://www.55188.com/viewthread.php?tid=2318033&fromuid=1433890)第524楼可以下载这是卡拉曼在2009新版《证券分析》导读中所提到的:“1992年著名的价值投资公司崔帝布朗(Tweedy,Browne Company LLC)以「有效的投资之道」(What has worked in investing)为题,发表了综合四十四项研究的报告。该报告发现真正的投资之道,其实颇为简单:便宜股票(根据市账率、市盈率及股息率来衡量)的表现往往优于贵价股票,而且表现落后(超过三至五年)的股票最终会胜过近期表现良好的股票。换句话说,价值投资的确有效!据笔者了解,没有一位长期投资者会后悔坚持价值投资的理念。”如果这本书看起来简单,那并不是真正的简单。









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