


这是我搬离生活了27年的城市来到人生地不熟的异乡看的第一本书。知道欧阳靖是在上大学的时候,看她的抑郁她的哥特风和手臂上藤蔓一样的纹身,当时觉得哇好酷+这个人应该会很早死吧!所以当我看到这本书的时候第一反应居然是原来她还活着。到了新城市各种水土不服,至今都没胃口吃饭的我也开始跑步了,从开始的走走停停到了不间断5公里。这座城市到处上山下坡对我是不小的挑战呢。一直觉得自己脆弱玻璃心,但是深陷重度抑郁症6年一直靠药物控制的阿靖都能恢复,我有什么理由再懦弱呢!嗨,一起跑步吧! 我已经报名了这座城市的半马了。


看过这本书,不仅说了很多实用的跑步锻炼技巧和注意事项,更重要的是贯穿着一种面对人生不屈的精神,一种从人生困境中走出来的勇气。跑步是一种修行,在跑步中你可以聆听到自己生命的真实呼吸。跑步就是人生,你的步伐要不紧不慢,摆臂动作、迈腿方式、你的呼吸调节,你的神智空灵,还有在突破极点时的艰难坚持才能赢得能够继续跑下去的尊严的挑战,无不与人生的节奏合拍。人生就是一次长跑。当你处于困境的时候,陷入自我心智的纠葛无法自拔的时候,跑步吧,它会给你空乏的身心以源源不断的生命源泉,会给你继续跑下去的勇气! 2014,中国跑步年!


There is an expression among even the most advacned runner that getting your shoes on is the hardest part of any workout.--kathrion switzerin teh midst of rugular life ,running is the touchstone that breathes adventure into my soul.--KRISTIN ARMSTRONGthe miracle is not that i finished, the miracle is that i had the courage to start. --john binghamif u want to run, run a mile. if you want to experience a different life, run a marathon.--emil zatopekthe best pace is a suicide pace, and today is a good day to die.--steve prefontainerunning is a big question mark that's there each and every day. it asks you ,r u going to be a wimp or r u going to be strong today?--peter maheri have learned that there is no failure in running, or in life, as long as you keep moving-- amby burfootrunning is about finding your inner peace, and so is a life well lived.--dean karnazesto give anyting less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.--steve prefontainevery day is a good day when you run--kevin nelsonremeber the feeling you get from a good run is far better than the feeling you get from sitting around wishing u were running.--sarah condor





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