馅饼和馅饼锅的故事The Tale of the Pie and the Patty-Pan

作者:Beatrix Potter


To celebrate Peter's birthday, Frederick Warne is publishing new editions of all 23 of Potter's original tales, which take the very first printings of Potter's works as their guide. The aim of these editions is to be as close as possible to Beatrix Potter's intentions while benefiting from modern printing and design techniques. 

The colors and details of the watercolors in the volumes are reproduced more accurately than ever before, and it has now been possible to disguise damage that has affected the artwork over the years. Most notably, The Tale of Peter Rabbit restores six of Potter's original illustrations. Four were sacrificed in 1903 to make space for illustrated endpapers, and two have never been used before. Of course, Beatrix Potter created many memorable children's characters, including Benjamin Bunny, Tom Kitten, Jemima Puddle-duck and Jeremy Fisher. But whatever the tale, both children and adults alike can be delighted by the artistry in Potter's illustrations, while they also enjoy a very good read. Because they have always been completely true to a child's experience, Potter's 23 books continue to endure.


  Written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter (1866-1943).


 馅饼和馅饼锅的故事The Tale of the Pie and the Patty-Pan下载



精彩短评 (总计6条)

  •     简单的英文读物
  •     笑死了!
  •     开本很小,大概是小64开(正常书的一半稍小),大部分图是黑白的。画的很可爱,英国田园风。
  •     好乌龙。。。
  •     这个故事挺好笑的,却不知为何有种笑中带泪的感觉
  •     非常小的绘本,64开本,小巧精致,不奢求它有多大,这样就很漂亮,看上去感觉更精美。这套版本封面简洁清新和故事内容很符合,这样简洁的封面设计我很喜欢,仔细观察会发现每本封面上图画的外框是各种形状的,很用心的设计。喜欢作者清新的水彩风格,每幅画面都很漂亮,不亏为经典的作品,好的作品永远不会过时,如今看这样的绘本仍会被吸引,因为它太棒了,喜欢彼得兔系列。

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