


Further substantial climate change is unavoidable and the risks to the natural world, the economy and our everyday lives are immense. The way we live in the next thirty years - how we invest, use energy, organise transport and treat forests - will determine whether these risks become realities. Although poor countries - the least responsible for climate change - will be hit earliest and hardest, all countries must adapt to the effects: hurricanes and storms strike New Orleans and Mumbai; flooding causes devastation in England and Mozambique; droughts occur in Australia and Darfur; and sea level rise will affect Florida and Bangladesh. Lord Stern, author of the "Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change" and former Chief Economist at the World Bank, is the world's leading authority on what we can do in the face of such unprecedented threat. Action on climate change will require the greatest possible international collaboration, but if successful will ensure not just our future, but our future prosperity.  Focusing on the economic management of investment and growth from the perspective of both adaptation and mitigation, Stern confronts the most urgent questions facing us now: what is the problem; what are the dangers; what can be done to reduce emissions, at what cost; how can the world adapt; and, what does all this mean for corporations, governments and individuals. "A Blueprint for a Safer Planet" provides authoritative, inspirational, and hopeful, answers.

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  •     引自中外对话网站:http://www.chinadialogue.cn/article/show/single/ch/3020-Books-a-timely-prophecy-on-carbon-and-markets尼古拉斯·斯特恩指出,气候变化是有史以来最大的市场失灵。如果说政府的挽救是给予金融家一条安逸的出路,那么我们也在以破坏气候为代价的消费模式中搭了便车。斯特恩在《地球安全蓝图》中写道,“当我们排放温室气体时,我们破坏了其他人的期望,除非有合适的政策,我们并不承担造成破坏的代价。作为市场调节机制,价格给出了错误的信号。”在自由市场中,没有人因为出产碳而额外附费。市场在矫正毁灭性的全球气候变化这一点上滞后了。二氧化碳的致命后果在于其长期地、不可逆转地导致气候变化;已经排放到大气中的存量将导致海平面在未来几十年不断上升。作为世界银行的前首席经济学家和英国政府顾问,斯特恩从2005年开始研究气候变化,但他的学说并不是革命性的。他主张通过结合考虑碳排放管制来重塑市场,而并不是放弃市场。他提倡“改正市场缺陷以使其更好地工作”,并通过碳交易、税收和法规来强制执行最低的效率标准。他承诺这些措施下的低碳经济会带来更多的就业机会和繁荣。他的书包含精确的时间表,今年世界各国将达成一项新的协议来取代1997年达成并将于2012年到期的《京都议定书》。凭借2006年对于气候变化经济学的标志性研究成果——《斯特恩报告》,尼古拉斯·斯特恩成为像阿尔·戈尔一样的 “全球变暖的摇滚巨星”。这项由戈登·布郎委托的研究表明,因采取紧急措施限制排放所导致的代价远远低于措施失败或措施过慢所导致的代价。这是一项种子工程,展示了保护环境的结论性的代价和利益。几乎关于气候变化的所有重要讨论都在很大程度上基于上述发现。现为伦敦经济学院教授的斯特恩,在该书出版以来,为总统、首相和商业领袖提供咨询服务。在一次环境会议上,一群青年人争相与他拍照,我只得在一旁等待采访的机会。

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