
作者:Della Thompson


《牛津简明英语词典》内容:“牛津简明英语词典”是外研社引进出版的牛津大学出版社95年版的“The Concise OxfordDictionary of Current English”。正文之外,还收入了十七篇极富知识性的附录,以方便读者使用。


PrefaceEnglish over Fifteen CenturiesUsing this DictionaryAbbreviations used in the DictionaryNote on Proprietary StatusThe Concise Oxford DictionaryAppendicesI  Countries of the WorldⅡ Counties of the UKⅢ States of the USAIV The CommonwealthⅤ Books of the BibleⅥ The Greek and Russian AlphabetsⅦ Roman NumeralsⅧ Weights, Measures, and UnitsⅨ The Chemical ElementsⅩ Major Divisions of Geological TimeⅪ The Beaufort Scale of Wind SpeedⅫ Biological ClassificationXIII Style GuideA. Punctuation MarksB. Spelling RulesC. CapitalizationD. ItalicizationE. References to PeopleF. Offensive Language and SexismXIV Proof-reading MarksXV Indo-European LanguagesXVIT Terms for Groups of Animals etc.XVII Word Games SupplementIndex


  Preface  The ninth edition of the Concise Oxford Dictionary is 14 per cent larger than the eighth and it takes further the changes in methodology and presenta-tion that were introduced in its predecessor. These changes were in tow main areas: firstly, the use of computer technology; and secondly, the aim of making the information contained in the diction-ary more accessible to the user.  With regard to the use of computer technology, the COD has benefited in this edition not only from the availability of the previous edition in the form of an electronically tagged database, but from access to large bodies of corpus and citational evidence. The British National Corpus, a database containing over l00,000,000 words of text. has been the most significant of these, together with the OUP Dictionary Departments vast computer-ized collection of selected citations and its other computerized dictionary texts including the twenty-volume Oxford English Dictionary. The gath-ering of evidence for new words and usages has been greatly enhanced by electronic access to these sources, and the dictionary is now able to incorpor-ate more quickly and reflect more accurately changes that have arisen in the language since the previous edition, with additions being made to the text. right up to the time of printing. As a result, this edition contains over 7,0O0 new words and senses in a wide variety of areas. For example, the growing availability of international cuisine in Britain and elsewhere is reflected by the use in English of terms such as bhaji, fajita, gravlax, penne, sharonfruit, and many others; in the field of politics we have dream ticket Euro-rebel, placeman, rainbow coalition, and spin doctor, in ecology new terms such as arcology, carr, ecocide, greening, and wind farm have arisen; in science and medicine, blue box, bron-chodilator, Creutzfddt-Jakob disease, Feynman diagram, hyperspace, nicad, packet switching; repetitive strain injury, and wormhole.  Access to large corpora has also facilitated the statistical evaluation of disputed spellings, a re-assessment of the hyphenation of compound nouns and a review of the italicization or other-wise of foreign words and phrases. The general trends away from the hyphenating of compound nouns and away from the italicization of foreign words and phrases are now recorded in the dic-tionary. For example, instead of being hyphenated,aftercare, postdoctoral, and teardrop are now usually written as one word, while boiler room, hand grenade, and tax/driver are usually found as separate words. Similarly, en route, hoi polloi, and tour de force now tend to be written in roman rather than italic script, reflecting their increased assimilation into English. In addition to these changes, some propri-etary terms are now recorded in the dictionary with a lower case initial letter, also reflecting gen-eral usage (but not affecting their legal proprietary status).


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  •     在The Oxford English Dictionary(20 Volume Set)基础上编写了一系列中、小型词典、The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (2 Vol. Set)、The Concise Oxford Dictionary of current English 、Pocket Oxford Dictionary 和Little Oxford Dictionary ,此外还有Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary ,其中以《简明牛津词典》最为突出。它虽属中型词典——而且中型中还是偏小的:The Concise Oxford Dictionary(1982年7版)也只40,000词条,连收在词条内的派生词、复合词,总共74,000词,篇幅仅Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary(1983年9版)的一半——但六十年来对全世界英语界影响极大,普遍认为是英语词典中的权威著作。1 常用词处理特别样尽Fowler兄弟在词典初版序言中强调声明:这是一本词典(语词词典)而不是百科全书。他们把百科性的词汇和百科姓的释义的地位尽量让给对常用词的处理。每个民族的语言,其精髓、其灵魂总是它的最常用的单词和极大部份是由这些最常用的单词所构成的习语。有些词典往往对常用词的处理很简略。简略的原因正是认为这些词太常用,人们对它们太“熟悉”,无需多加阐释。这对于这一语言是母语的人们来说,似乎还有道理——其实也不然。而对于学习和使用这一语言的外国人,更是恰得其反。学习任何一种语言(尤其是外语)最大的困难是掌握这些常用词的繁多的意义和千变万化的用法。《简明牛律词典》的最大特点就是对常用词的处理特别详尽。一些最常用的介词、副词、go、put等动词、hand、way等名词,其释义、搭配、用法和有关习语之丰富,都远非其他一般词典所能企及。   关于释义,Fowler兄弟在他们所编《袖珍牛津词典》序言中说,给多义的单词罗列一些本身又是多义的同义词作为释义,既不限定其涵义,又不设用例的,那是“坏词典”。这种情况,我们在使用有些词典(如Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary)时常会碰到。对比之下,就知道《简明牛律词典》不同寻常。   《简明牛津词典》所收习语之多,更为突出。一般American College Dictionary百科性的内容比较丰富,所收复合词也多,但习语则少得可怜。而正因为习语极大多数是由常用词构成的,不收习语或少收习语,势必常用词词条只剩干巴巴几个释义。而且更根本的是:每种语言都有它大量的习语,习语是每种语言中最生动活泼的部分,词典如不反映这些生动活泼的部份,决不能算是一部完备的奸词典。而对使用者来说,习语的正确意义和正确用法又往往是经常有疑难,需要请教词典的。《简明牛津词典》中所收习语,如果整理出来,足以单独成为一本相当完备的习语词典。   2 搭配和用法的说明其他(包括Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary、Webster’s New World College Dictionary、Random House Webster’s College Dictionary、American Heritage College Dictionary,号称美国词典界的顶梁柱)词典也有这种说明,但其详尽程度远不能与《简明牛律词典》相比。3 简要  《简明牛津词典》原文名称叫“The Concise Oxford Dictionary”。照这本词典自己解释,Concise是brief but comprenhensive in expression的意思,即“简捷而内容丰富或全面的’的意思,汉语里难以找到一个完全同义的对应词,但“简要”似乎要比“简明”更接近些。事实上,福娄尔兄弟在煞费苦心解决“简捷”和“内容十富或全面”的矛盾时,难免有“简而不明”之处。这是好多读者都有同感,引以为憾的。其实体例弄弄清楚,多查查,查惯了,用熟了,许多原以为“不明”之处也“明”了。所以汉译书名用“简明”一词,还是切合实际的。   除了释文简要之外,《简明牛津词典》为了尽量简省篇幅,对那些不常见的词语的解释,就只能是简单明了,不多辞费。   Concise Oxford Dictionary,Tenth Edition编写依据是The New Oxford Dictionary Of English(1 Vol),并非从Concise Oxford Dictionary,Ninth Editon修订而成;COD9源于The Oxford English Dictionary(20 Volume Set)。  《简明牛律词典(9版)》例证丰富,反映词义的色采,说明搭配、用法,对使用者帮助尤大。不仅是常用词词条如此,一般词也然。Concise Oxford Dictionary,Tenth Edition——长处:收词量大,覆盖面广,检索方便等;不足:大量压缩成语搭配,例证极少等。   COD11与COD10 = 孪生兄弟,不说也罢!

精彩短评 (总计5条)

  •     这个是第九版吗?之前买的就是这个啦,毕业时候扔掉啦,好可惜!
  •     旧书店30块淘换来的,自以为得了个便宜,放在书柜当权威~~
  •     第9版最经典
  •     现在的英语程度更喜欢看这本的英文解释
  •     最后一版保持传统的牛津简明,10版开始为增加收词大量删减短语、例证,十分可惜。

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