
当前位置:首页 > 计算机网络 > 研究生/本科/专科教材 > 数据库系统概念





chapter 1 introduction
1.1 database-system applications 1
1.2 purpose of database systems 3
1.3 view of data 6
1.4 database languages 9
1.5 relational databases 12
1.6 database design 15
1.7 data storage and querying 20
1.8 transaction management 22
1.9 database architecture 23
1.10 data mining and information retrieval 27
1.11 specialty databases 28
1.12 database users and administrators 29
1.13 history of database systems 31
1.14 summary 33
review terms 35
practice exercises 35
exercises 36
tools 36
.bibliographical notes 36
part one relational databases
chapter 2 introduction to the relational model
2.1 structure of relational databases 41
2.2 database schema 44
2.3 keys 47
2.4 schema diagrams 48
2.5 relational query languages 49
2.6 relational operations 50
2.7 summary 54
review terms 54
practice exercises 55
exercises 56
bibhographical notes 57
chapter 3 introduction to sql
3.1 overview of the sql query language 59
3.2 sql data definition 60
3.3 basic structure of sql queries 65
3.4 additional basic operations 76
3.5 set operations 81
3.6 null values 85
3.7 aggregate functions 86
3.8 nested subqueries 92
3.9 modification of the database 100
3.10 summary 106
review terms 106
practice exercises 107
exercises 110
tools 113
bibliographical notes 114
chapter 4 intermediate sql
4.1 join expressions 115
4.2 views 122
4.3 transactions 129
4.4 integrity constraints 130
4.5 sql data types and schemas 138
4.6 authorization 145
4.7 summary 152
review terms 153
practice exercises 154
exercises 157
bibliographical notes 158
chapter 5 advanced sql
5.1 accessing sql from a programming language 159
5.2 functions and procedures 175
5.3 triggers 182
5.4 recursive queries** 189
5.5 advanced aggregation features** 194
5.60lap** 199
5.7 summary 211
review terms 212
practice exercises 213
exercises 214
tools 218
bibliographical notes 218
chapter 6 formal relational query languages
6.1 the relational algebra 219
6.2 the tuple relational calculus 241
6.3 the domain relational calculus 247
6.4 summary 250
review terms 251
practice exercises 251
exercises 254
bibliographical notes 256
part two database design
chapter 7 database design and the e-r model
7.1 overview of the design process 259
7.2 the entity-relationship model 262
7.3 constraints 269
7.4 removing redundant attributes in entity sets 272
7.5 entity-relationship diagrams 274
7.6 reduction to relational schemas 283
7.7 entity-relationship design issues 290
7.8 extended e-r features 295
7.9 alternative notations for modeling data 304
7.10 other aspects of database design 310
7.11 summary 313
review terms 315
practice exercises 315
exercises 319
tools 321
bibliographical notes 321
chapter 8 relational database design
8.1 features of good relational designs 323
8.2 atomic domains and first normal form 327
8.3 decomposition using functional dependencies 329
8.4 functional-dependency theory 338
8.5 algorithms for decomposition 348
8.6 decomposition using multivalued dependencies 355
8.7 more normal forms 360
8.8 database-design process 361
8.9 modeling temporal data 364
8.10 summary 367
review terms 368
practice exercises 368
exercises 372
bibliographical notes 374
chapter 9 application design and development
9.1 application programs and user interfaces 375
9.2 web fundamentals 377
9.3 servlets and jsp 383
9.4 application architectures 391
9.5 rapid application development 396
9.6 application performance 400
9.7 application security 402
9.8 encryption and its applications 411
9.9 summary 417
review terms 418
practice exercises 419
exercises 421
project suggestions 422
tools 426
bibliographical notes 426
part three data storage,querying,and transaction management
chapter 10 data storage and data access
10.1 overview of physical storage media 429
10.2 magnetic disk and flash storage 432
10.3 organization of files and records 440
10.4 data-dictionary storage 445
10.5 database buffer 448
10.6 basic concepts of index 451
10.7 ordered indices 452
10.8 b+-tree index files 460
10.9 hash file organization and hash index 474
10.10 index definition in sql 482
10.11 summary 483
review terms 486
practice exercises 487
exercises 488
bibliographical notes 489
chapter 11 query processing and query optimization
11.1 overview 491
11.2 measures of query cost 493
11.3 implementation of relational algebra operation 495
11.4 evaluation of expressions 509
11.5 query optimization 512
11.6 summary 533
review terms 535
practice exercises 536
exercises 537
bibliographical notes 538
chapter 12 transaction management
12.1 transaction concept 541
12.2 transaction atomicity and durability 545
12.3 transaction isolation 548
12.4 serializability 554
12.5 recoverability 557
12.6 concurrency control 559
12.7 recovery system 573
12.8 summary 584
review terms 587
practice exercises 589
exercises 590
bibliographical notes 592
part four advanced topics
chapter 13 data warehousing and mining
13.1 decision-support systems 597
13.2 data warehousing 599
13.3 data mining 603
13.4 summary 610
review terms 611
practice exercises 612
exercises 612
tools 613
bibliographical notes 613
chapter 14 object-based databases
14.1 overview 615
14.2 complex data types 616
14.3 structured types and inheritance in sql 619
14.4 table inheritance 624
14.5 array and multiset types in sql 626
14.6 object-identity and reference types in sql 631
14.7 implementing o-r features 633
14.8 persistent programming languages 634
14.9 object-relational mapping 643
14.10 object-oriented versus object-relational 643
14.11 summary 645
review terms 645
practice exercises 646
exercises 648
tools 650
bibliographical notes 650
chapter 15 xml
15.1 motivation 651
15.2 structure of xml data 656
15.3 xml document schema 660
15.4 querying and transformation 668
15.5 application program interfaces to xml 678
15.6 storage of xml data 679
15.7 xml applications 686
15.8 summary 689
review terms 690
practice exercises 691
exercises 693
tools 694
bibliographical notes 694
chapter 16 advanced application development
16.1 performance tuning 697
16.2 performance benchmarks 713
16.3 other issues in application development 716
16.4 standardization 719
16.5 summary 724
review terms 725
practice exercises 725
exercises 726
bibliographical notes 727
bibliography 729


(美)Abraham Silberschatz、Henry F. Korth、(印)S. Sudarshan编著的《数据库系统概念》前9章是最基本的内容,讲述数据库系统的基本概念,包括对数据库系统的性质和目标的综述,对关系数据模型和关系语言的介绍,对数据库设计过程、关系数据库理论以及数据库应用设计和开发的详细讨论。第10至12章介绍了数据库系统实现的核心技术,包括数据存储管理、查询处理和事务管理。第13至16章是高级话题,介绍了数据仓库和数据挖掘,新型的数据库系统——基于对象的数据库和XML数据库t以及与高级应用开发相关的性能调整、性能基准程序、标准化等内容。


  数据库系统是对数据进行存储、管理、处理和维护的软件系统,是现代计算环境中的一个核心成分。随着计算机硬件、软件技术的飞速发展和计算机系统在各行各业的广泛应用,数据库技术的发展尤其迅速,引人注目。有关数据库系统的理论和技术是计算机科学技术教育中必不可少的部分。《数据库系统概念》是一本经典的、备受赞扬的数据库系统教科书,其内容由浅入深,既包含数据库系统的基本概念,又反映数据库技术新进展。本书被国际上许多著名大学采用,并多次再版。  我们先后将本书的第3版、第4版、第5版和第6版译成中文,由机械工业出版社分别于2000年、2003年、2006年和2012年出版发行。国内许多大学采用《数据库系统概念》作为本科生和研究生数据库课程的教材或主要教学参考书,收到了良好的效果。  我们基于《数据库系统概念》第5版进行了改编,保留其中的基本内容,压缩或删除了一些高级内容,形成了该书的本科教学版,其目的是使它更适合本科生的数据库课程使用。该本科教学版由机械工业出版社于2008年出版发行,被国内许多高校采用作为本科生数据库课程的教材或主要教学参考书。  现在我们又基于《数据库系统概念》第6版进行了改编工作,希望它能够成为一本效果更好、更实用的本科生数据库课程的教材。  ……


Abraham Silberchatz 于纽约州立大学石溪分校获得博士学位,现为耶鲁大学计算机科学Sidney J. Weinberg教授,计算机科学系主任,曾任贝尔实验室信息科学研究中心副主任。他是ACM Fellow 和 IEEE Fellow,曾获得IEEE Taylor L.Booth 教育奖、 ACM Karl V.Karlstrom 杰出教育者奖、ACM SIGMOD 贡献奖和IEEE 计算机学会杰出论文奖。他的研究兴趣包括操作系统、数据库系统、存储系统、网络管理和分布式系统。
Henry F. Korth 于普林斯顿大学获得博士学位,现为利哈伊大学计算机科学与工程系Weiseman教授,曾任贝尔实验室数据库原理研究中心主任。他是ACM Fellow 和 IEEE Fellow,是VLDB 10年贡献奖的获得者。他的研究兴趣包括为现代计算架构(多核、多线程、多级缓存)设计的数据库算法、基于Web的大型数据仓储、实时数据库系统和并行系统。
S. Sudarshan 于威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校获得博士学位,现为印度理工学院计算机科学与工程系教授,曾为贝尔实验室数据库研究组技术人员。他的研究兴趣包括查询处理和优化、关系数据和图结构数据的关键字查询,以及构建和测试数据库应用系统的工具。


  Atomicity: Suppose that, just before the execution of transaction Ti, the values of accounts A and B are $1000 and $2000, respectively. Now suppose that, during the execution of transaction Ti, a failure occurs that prevents Ti from completing its execution successfully. Further, suppose that the failure happened after the write(A) operation but before the write(B) operation. In this case, the values of accounts A and B reflected in the database are $950 and $2000. The system destroyed $50 as a result of this failure. In particular, we note that the sum A + B is no longer preserved.  Thus, because of the failure, the state of the system no longer reflects a real state of the world that the database is supposed to capture. We term such a state an inconsistent state. We must ensure that such inconsistencies are not visible in a database system. Note, however, that the system must at some point be in an inconsistent state. Even if transaction Ti is executed to completion, there exists a point at which the value of account A is $950 and the value of account B is $2000, which is clearly an inconsistent state. This state, however, is eventually replaced by the consistent state where the value of account A is $950, and the value of account B is $2050.Thus, if the transaction never started or was guaranteed to complete, such an inconsistent state would not be visible except during the execution of the transaction. That is the reason for the atomicity requirement: If the atomicity property is present, all actions of the transaction are reflected in the database, or none are.  The basic idea behind ensuring atomicity is this: The database system keeps track (on disk) of the old values of any data on which a transaction performs a write. This information is written to a file called the log. If the transaction does not complete its execution, the database system restores the old values from the log to make it appear as though the transaction never executed. Ensuring atomicity is the responsibility of the database system; specifically, it is handled by a component of the database called the recovery system, which we describe in detail in Section 12.7.  Durability: Once the execution of the transaction completes successfully, and the user who initiated the transaction has been notified that the transfer of funds has taken place, it must be the case that no system failure can result in a loss of data corresponding to this transfer of funds. The durability property guarantees that, once a transaction completes successfully, all the updates that it carried out on the database persist, even if there is a system failure  after the transaction completes execution.  We assume for now that a failure of the computer system may result in loss of data in main memory, but data written to disk are never lost. We can guarantee durability by ensuring that either:  1. The updates carried out by the transaction have been written to disk before the transaction completes.  2. Information about the updates carried out by the transaction is written to disk, and such information is sufficient to enable the database to reconstruct the updates when the database system is restarted after the failure.  ……





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  •     就喜欢英文版的,书的内容虽然有压缩,但够用了
  •     没办法,经典教材必读,不知道中文版译得如何。。。
  •     不是原版!!!!!是被阉割的本科教学版!!!!!!!!!!
  •     相对比较便宜 不过这教材看不懂
  •     全英的,学校用这个 值得购买
  •     数据库很好的一本教材
  •     正品书籍,,,,,
  •     价钱合适,发货速度够快。不过,对于书的内容还没有细读,不敢妄论,作为教材还算不错
  •     快递很快,书也不错!!!
  •     质量还行,英文版的要很有耐心去读才行
  •     书不如第五版,更像中国的教材了。适应中国国情?
  •     一开始有点难,过一段时间之后适应了之后就比较好了,对提高英语也有很多帮助
  •     快递挺快的,书也挺好的!
  •     不是完整版,不过好好学习还是受益匪浅。
  •     书不错,值得买,物流也很给力!
  •     英文版,挺不错的,给力,物流速度也挺快!
  •     经典的外国教材,很满意
  •     第一次狠下心给自己买了一本英文原著,并且用它上了一学期的数据库课,最后感觉成功了,学到了很多东西。这本书是本科精编版,因此不会像其他书的英文版一样版面既小,页数又多,很适合作为计算机类学生第一本英文教材,狠下心看就能学到东西。
  •     主要是基礎概念,對於搞清楚什麼是什麼有幫助,對於做dev沒啥幫助。。。
  •     现在学习使用,相信以后工作也会用到
  •     快递送到很快,很满意。书的内容也很好,深入浅出。
  •     去英国留学,不过英国教材超贵,这个是原版的,而且实惠。内容感觉挺有条理的
  •     书中的内容虽然是英文,但读起来也不太费力,如果之前对数据库有一点点了解的话,很适合去看
  •     书号 价钱也好 非常好的快递
  •     英文看不懂 看着没有感觉
  •     当教材用,就是经典!!!!
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