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第一章 何谓公司法
1.1 导言
1.2 何谓公司?
1.2.1 法律人格
1.2.2 有限责任
1.2.3 股份自由转让
1.2.4 董事会结构下的授权经营管理
1.2.5 投资者所有权
1.3 公司法包含什么?
1.3.1 附属性和部分性的公司形式
1.3.2 公司法的其他渊源
1.3.3 非公司法约束机制
1.4 公司法的目标是什么?
第二章 代理问题与法律对策
2.1 三大代理问题
2.2 降低代理成本的法律对策
2.2.1 规制型策略
2.2.2 治理型策略
2.2.3 事前与事后策略
2.3 公司领域中的法律对策
2.4 法律的作用
第三章 公司治理基本结构
3.1 公司治理策略如何保护股东整体利益
3.1.1 任免权策略
3.1.2 其他策略:决策权、信托、激励机制、约束机制和从属权
3.2 保护小股东
3.2.1 任免权策略
3.2.2 决策权策略
3.2.3 信托策略
3.2.4 经济激励机制、约束机制和从属权策略
3.2.5 有关小股东和大股东之间利益冲突的思考
3.3 保护非股东利益相关者
3.3.1 任免权策略
3.3.2 信托策略
3.3.3 约束机制
3.4 公司治理模式
第四章 债权人保护
4.1 公司法为什么要保护债权人?
4.1.1 濒临破产的公司
4.1.2 公司集团
4.1.3 非自愿债权人
4.2 债权人保护的规制策略
4.2.1 强制披露——准入策略
4.2.2 调整法定资本和公司集团的规则
4.2.3 诚信义务——标准策略
4.3 对债权人保护差异的解释
4.3.1 差异的内容
4.3.2 差异的重要性
第五章 关联交易
5.1 经营者实施的利益冲突交易
5.1.1 强制披露:从属策略
5.1.2 无利害关系董事会的批准:信托策略
5.1.3 股东投票:决策权策略
5.1.4 禁止利益冲突交易:规则策略
5.1.5 忠实义务:标准策略
5.2 涉及控制股东的交易
5.2.1 强制披露:从属策略
5.2.2 董事会和股东会批准:信托与决策权策略
5.2.3 诚信义务和公平原则:标准策略
5.3 对关联交易规制差异的解释
第六章 公司重大行为
第七章 控制权交易
第八章 发行人监管和投资者保护
第九章 剖析之外的思考




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精彩书评 (总计2条)

  •     在学校的时候认真看了几遍英文版的。掌握了里面的内容也就掌握了公司法中最基础也是最重要的原理,很多问题都能迎刃而解。学公司法的,不能不看。
  •     To dispel the haunting question "What is the nature and rationale of corporate law?", one should read this book. For corporate laws arround the world (six developed countries: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, and the US), this book reveals their natures, justifies their existence and identifies contemporary thinkings surrounding them. Although not being a legal guy, i found this book quite easy to read, probably because of its close tie to corporate finance. Viewing from a larger picture, corporate law is one conponent under the nexus of law and finance. Finance laws are sometimes viewed as governmental constraints on the purely voluntary economic activies in a laissez faire market. In some circumstances, they also enble activities never practiced by the market. In both cases, they govern the basic economic and business activities arround companies and have different roles associated with differing activities. Based on their roles, lines can be drawn to assort three levels of finance laws. The level 1 contains basic laws: property, contract and tort. They serve the public by empowering the recognition of property rights and enforcement of contracts. The level 3 laws are security laws, mostly SEC regulations, regulating transactions of ownership, assets and liabilities.Level 2 law is the underlying topic in this book: corporate law. Comparing to basic laws, it presents a more complicated case; comparing to security laws, it is often less controvesial. I think the reason is that corporate law is contractarian in nature; the agency relationship resembles a contract between citizens and governments. Clearly my view is only partially right. The book offers a much better description of the essence of corporate law as the limited liability and rules of corporate governance. In order to receive the benefits of limited liability for shareholders, corporations must abide by the rules of corporate governance law. The later mainly concerns the allocation of power among the common shareholders, the board of directors, and corporate managment. The most fundamental power stays with common shareholders who can vote directors and make several fundamental decisions for the company; the directors supervise the management and company's business, but not on a daily basis; management hired by directors is in charge of daily operations. The essense of corporate can also be seen in its five identified characteristics stated in chapter 1: 1) legal personality, 2) limited liability, 3) transferable shares, 4) delegated management under a board structure, and 5) investor ownership. Corporate law also effectively deals with conflicts among stakeholders, the "agency problems", of three types: 1) conflicts between managers and shareholders, 2) conflicts among shareholders, and 3) conflicts between shareholders and the corporation’s other constituencies, including creditors and employees. Chapter 2 dicusses these three agency problems with pratical preventive and corrective legal strategies. Chapter 3 - 9 deal with common transactions and decisions in corporation covering almost all important problems in corporate law. The orginal corporate activities are first presented, derived agency problems are then dicussed, the range of alternative legal responses are recommended, and lastly patterns of problems and resolutions are compared accross different jurisdictions. These insights are written in such a plain language and are so fundamental that they should serve as introductory material for any law students and business profesionals. In regard to the diferences in corporate law between the six countries, the book considers different patterns of ownership as the culprit. The US and UK public firms tend to have widely distributed onwerships possessed ny numerious small investors; Japanese firms tend to favor share coalitions; European firms are often owned by institutional or family controlling shareholders. The variation of ownership styles contributes to the difference in corporate laws of these jurisdictions. Overall, the book explicates the most fundamental rationale of corporate law and offers full review of agency problems and legal solutions. Anyone in legal or business professions should not miss it.

精彩短评 (总计20条)

  •     虽然对实务不明白,但写得很厉害很清晰的样子……
  •     这是书集合了美国牛校和欧盟公司法的权威,永不过时的一本好书
  •     虽然名头挺大,作者们的视角和分析方法也挺独特,但毕竟不太实用。如果你不是搞比较研究,还是不要看了。
  •     近期要再读一遍。
  •     刚开始读第一章、还没有读完的时候,感觉很沉闷,但读到第三章、第四章的时候就慢慢觉得很有见地,且论述科学严谨。看来,刘教授译的这本书确实不错啊,赞一个!
  •     这本书无论对于学者、股东、律师、监管者甚至非营利组织的研究者、管理者和监管者来说,都是非常重要的参考读物。其中的一些议题,例如重大行为(即战略行为)、关联交易、投资人保护等等,都是监管的重要对象。可惜的是,中国对这些问题的研究和认识太肤浅,加之其他政治性因素,导致有关的监管兼职混乱不堪。学者对中国经济领域的监管的研究,同样混乱不堪。读这样的书,想中国的事,心情只有伤感
  •     本论文集反映了新近公司法的研究方法和观注的问题。对国内公司法研究有重要参考价值。
  •     比较法分析的典范!结构清晰,分析一针见血。翻译勉强可用。不过,这么好的书,还是找英文版的来看吧。
  •     书还是正版,挺好的,就是看起来有点旧
  •     刘俊海教授翻译和推荐此书,个人感觉真正体现了刘教授在公司法领域的资深地位。该书确实值得仔细、反复地阅读!
  •     书中的理论有些西化,不太实用
  •     很好!服务及时。讲信用。
  •     对英美公司法剖析那是相当深刻啊
  •     公司法的红宝书。简单明了的阐述了公司法的基本原理和意义;第3-9章列举常见公司活动以及产生的代理人问题、和可行的法律解决办法,论证很清晰、很有用。英文版语言简单易懂,特推荐。
  •     集美欧日公司法大师的功力,成公司法领域至少20年也还是经典之大作。
  •     能从公司的特点,剖析了公司在治理过程中所遇到的问题,分析的视角和分析的深度,读后还是很有启发的.
  •     第一本接触英美公司法的书~仪式情结~
  •     刚看了两章,觉得比较很到位,条理清楚,分析很细致。
  •     本书的确是比较公司法上的经典之作,但是由于篇幅有限,只是给提供了一个简洁的比较。
  •     对于急于了解各主流国家公司法且又有一定公司法功底的人来说,这是比较公司法学方面的好书,值得一读。

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