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作者:宋卫玲 编








  面对即将来临的中考英语第2轮复习,做适量的专项题型练习必不可少。然而有的人做练习事半功倍,有的人却事倍功半,究其原因,还是因为有些人通过做题找出了自己的知识缺陷,过后加以弥补,下次碰到便不会再错,而有些人除了做题还是做题,并没有从错误中及时总结,发现题目背后的知识问题,导致一次又一次贻误机会,进步缓慢。在多年的一线英语教学实践中,我们深感有必要编写一套合适的练习题,让学生们通过做题切实找到自己的知识漏洞,在临近中考的第2轮复习中能够快速有效地查漏补缺、事半功倍。在我们看来,做题只是手段,发现问题才是目的,这也就是我们将这套丛书取名为“专项诊断”的由来。选题贵精不贵多。丛书编写伊始,我们就进行了大量的数据分析和汇总工作,并根据近5年以来的中考命题趋势,尤其是近3年以来的中考真题,为每个专项题型(听力理解、单项选择、完形填空、阅读理解与任务型阅读)都细分出几大类常考知识点。在之后的编写过程中,我们严格按照所列知识点,珍惜同学们的每一次练习机会,力求每一套题都全面涵盖这些知识点。进入第2轮中考复习的阶段后,学生们除了需要命题精准的练习外,还应提前适应中考真题的难度和中考氛围。为此,我们对全书的习题设置也进行了精心的安排。在前面的练习中,我们在每套习题里都穿插了2005年之后各地中考的真题。真题总量大约控制在30%。在每本书的最后几套练习中,我们采用了2008年全国中考全真试题,让同学们完全了解中考究竟是怎样一回事。  除上述考量外,这套丛书最大的特色就是每本书后所附的诊断表和测评报告。我们为每一套练习题都配备了一张诊断表,供同学们在做完题之后迅速获知每道题所考的知识点是什么、自己哪方面的知识点比较薄弱、错误原因是什么以及应该如何解决。通过计算正确率,同学们可以大致知道自己在这一题型上的掌握情况。除诊断表外,每5套题或10套题后,我们还准备了一份测评报告。大家可以通过画曲线图的方式,看出自己在这一阶段的做题过程中,成绩是稳中有升还是原地踏步。解题同时也离不开解题技巧。我们在每本书的全书最后都为大家准备了一份《解题技巧》,希望帮助同学们在查漏补缺知识点的同时,对考试常用的解题技巧同样做到心中有数。


  In a small village in England about 150 years ago, a mail coach (邮车) was standing on thestreet. Around the coach many people were talking to one another about it.  Mail coaches did not come to that village so often in those days. People had to pay a lotof money to get a letter. The person who sent the letter did not have to pay. The person whogot the letter had to pay the postage (邮资).  "Heres a letter for Miss Alice Brown," said the mailman. Everyone turned to a girl of about 18 who was standing by the coach. "Im Alice Brown," she said in a low voice. The mailmangave her the letter.  Alice looked at the envelope for a minute, and then handed it back to the mailman.  "Im sorry I cant take it," she said,"l dont have enough money to pay the postage."  The people standing around were very sorry for the girl. They were silent for a while. Thena gentleman came up to the mailman and paid the postage for Alices letter.  When the gentleman gave her the letter, she said with a smile, "Oh, thank you very much,sir. This letter is from the young man Im going to marry. His name is Tom. He went to Londonto look for work. He has to get enough money for our marriage (结婚). Ive waited a long timefor this letter, but now I dont need it. I dont have to open the envelope because there isnothing inside."  "Really?" the gentleman said in surprise. "How do you know that?" "He told me that hewould put some signs on the envelope. Look, sir, this cross in the corner means that he is well,and this circle means he has found work. Thats very good news."  The gentleman was Sir Rowland Hill. He did not forget Alice and her letter.  "The postage to be paid by the receiver has to be changed," he said to himself. He thoughtand thought for many years. At last he had a good plan.  "The postage has to be much lower." he said, "What about a penny (便士) for a letter? Andthe person who sends the letter pays the postage. He has to buy a stamp and put it on theenvelope."  "A good idea!" people said when they heard of his plan.  The government decided to adopt (采纳) the plan. The first postage stamp was put out in1840. It was called the "Penny Black". It had a picture of the Queen on it.






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