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  倒8 From the time we were babies we have been taught man-tiers.We are taught how to hold a knife and fork and not to talkwith our mouths full.We are taught how to shake hands and whento stand and when to sit and the way to introduce people.  Sometimes good manners in one place are very bad mannerssomewhere else.Almost everywhere eating together means that peo-pie are very friendly to each other.But in parts of Polynesia(波利尼西亚)it is bad manners to be seen eating beside each other.Sothey politely turn their backs to each other when they are takingfood.  Some East Africans spit four times as a kind of blessing(祝福).They do it to show that they want a sick person to get well,orto bless a new-born baby.In most other places,spitting meanssomething completely different.It usually shows an unhealthy hab-it.In many countries。it may mean that you hate someone.  When we go to visit someone we say“Hello!”or“How areyou?”or things like that.But if you are visiting an East African vii-lage,everyone will be very careful not to pay attention to you.Thepolite thing there will be for you to go quietly,without speaking toanyone.and sit beside your friend.You should wait until he has fin-ished what he is doing and then he will begin talking to you.  In a village in Arab.a visitor will walk behind all the tents an-til he gets to the one he wants to visit.If he passes in front.he will be invited into each tent and asked to eat.It is rude to refuse.






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