
当前位置:首页 > 教材 > 高职高专 > 汽车专业英语

作者:彭小红 编




前言Part OneAutomobile Outline Unit 1History of the Automobile Unit 2Basic Components of the Automobile Unit 3Performance Parameter of the Automobile8 Exercises10Part TwoAutomobile Construction13 Unit 4Engine13 Unit 5Chassis19 Unit 6Body25 Unit 7Electrical System28 Exercises32Part ThreeAutomobile Electronic Control System34 Unit 8Sensors and Signals34 Unit 9Electronic Fuel Injection System of the Gasoline Engine38 Unit 10Electronic Control Transmission System43 Unit 11Anti?lock Brake System49 Unit 12Cruise Control System54 Exercises59Part FourAutomobile Service and Maintenance61 Unit 13Automobile Maintenance61 Unit 14Automobile Diagnosis65 Unit 15Automobile Maintenance Equipment68 Unit 16Examples of Automobile Maintenance70 Exercises72Part FiveAutomobile Marketing74 Unit 17Car?Sale Process74 Unit 18Automobile Marketing Skills78 Unit 19Selling a Car Online82 Unit 20Automobile Financing86 Exercises89Part SixAutomobile Insurance91 Unit 21Types of Automobile Insurance91 Unit 22Finding a Cheap Automobile Insurance Policy93 Unit 23Step?By?Step Guide to Filing a Claim96 Unit 24Motor Car Insurance Clauses98 Exercises101Part SevenAutomobile Care103 Unit 25Tips of Automobile Exterior Care103 Unit 26How to Clean Automobile Interior and Avoid Corrosion106 Exercises109参考译文110附录156 附录A常用汽车缩略词156 附录B国外汽车品牌英中文对照表161 附录C汽车常用工具及设备中英文对照表163参考文献167




  随着我国汽车工业的迅速发展,汽车车型不断增加,结构越来越复杂,性能不断改善,电子化程度不断提高,新的结构和装置相继涌现。大量进口汽车涌入中国市场,车型种类繁多,车辆年年改型,而且进口汽车的使用说明书、维修手册、仪表板、熔丝、继电器、各类传感器和主要零部件等大多数都用英文来表达和标注,全球各大汽车公司向各汽车维修站提供技术指导的技术服务公告也是用英文发布的,尤其是现在网上接触的先进汽车技术信息多数也都是用英文来表达的。因此,为了提高汽车类专业学生和汽车行业相关从业人员的英语水平,为他们合理地使用汽车和快速正确地维修汽车提供方便,作者根据多年的教学、科研实践经验。按照教学大纲的要求编写了本书。  本书内容丰富,不仅涉及汽车构造方面的知识,而且包括汽车文化、维修与保养、营销、保险、美容等内容;在内容取材、图文表现等方面符合职业教育的规律和特点。  本书在内容与形式上有以下特色:  1.内容紧密结合当前最新的汽车技术,通过本书读者不仅可以学到最新的汽车专业词汇,而且还可从中学到最新的汽车技术知识。  2.中英文对照,图文并茂,通俗易懂。  3.书后附有常用的汽车技术词汇、进口车型中英文对照以及汽车常用工具及设备中英文对照等,便于读者查询和记忆。


  The automobile industry is one of the most important industries affecting not onlythe economy but also the culture of the world. The manufacture, sale and servicing ofautomobiles have become the key elements of industrial economy. Automobiles revolutionized transportation in the 20 century, changing thoroughly the way people live,travel and do business.  Automobiles are classified by size, style, number of doors and intended use. Thetypical automobile, also called a car, auto, motorcar and passenger car, has fourwheels and can carry up to five people including a driver. Vehicles designed to carrymore passengers are called vans, minivans, omnibuses or buses. Those used to carrycargo are called pickups or trucks, depending on their size and design. Sport-utilityvehicles, also known as SUVs, are designed for driving in mud or snow.  Today automobiles production has grown from small workshops making simple horseless carriages to international corporations that mass-produce advanced automobiles. Automobiles are the products of centuries of innovation and improvemeats.





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