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高考红皮书全国名校考前押题卷:英语(含听力 2007年版),ISBN:9787301098868,作者:康新建 主编


第一部分 全国名校考前押题卷 英语(一) 英语(二) 英语(三) 英语(四) 英语(五) 英语(六)第二部分 参考答案


  高考红皮书本着“巩固基础,突破重点,逐步提高”的理念,安排了以下七期试卷,按照由基础到能力的顺序,一环紧扣一环,形成一个完整的总复习备考体系,与高考的各个复习阶段相对应,涵盖总复习的整个过程,全面指导考生的备考。  全程卷——夯实基础:以教材为本,通过全面、系统的训练梳理基础知识,通晓教材内容。  高考卷——荟萃真题:汇集2008年全国各地高考试题,以精辟的解析,帮助考生全面了解高考、指导考生的高考复习。  考题卷——突破重点:以专题复习的形式,对重、难点进行强化训练,总结解题规律,分析解题思路。  标准卷——指导备考:严格以2008年全国各地的高考试卷为标准命题,让学生了解2008年高考题型,指导2009年高考备考。  冲刺卷——切磋交流:邀请全国各地名校名师编写最新冲刺试题,供广大师生了解全国教考动态,相互学习备考经验。  信息卷——提供信息:解读信息《考试大纲》,提供权威备考信息,及时传递高考动态。  押题卷——考前押题:在复习备考最后阶段,特邀全国各地名校名师命题,为考生提供一期命中率及高的押题卷。  高考红皮书,圆梦你我他。


  Richard,my husband,never really talked a lot about his time in Vietnam other than he had been shot by a sniper(阻击手).However,he had a rather grainy,8×10 black and white photo he had taken at a USO show of Ann Margaret with Bob Hope in the background that was one of his treasures.  A few years ago,Ann Margaret was doing a book signing at:a local bookstore.Richard wanted to see if he could get her to sign the treasured photo,so he arrived at the bookstore at 12 o’clock for the 7:30 signing.  When I got there after work,the line went all the way around the bookstore,circled the parking lot and disap-peared behind a parking garage.Before her appearance,bookstore employees announced that she would sign only her book and no souvenirs would be peLrnitted.  Richard was disappointed but wanted to show her the photo and let her kfiow how much those shows meant to lonely GI’s(陆军士兵)so far from home.Ann Margaret came OUt looking as beautiful as ever,and as second in line,it was soon Richard’s turn.He presented the book for her signature and then took OUt the photo.When he did,there were many shouts from the employees that she would not sign it.Richard said,“I understand.I just wanted her to see it.”  She took one look at:the photo,tears welled up in her eyes and she said,“This is one of my gentlemen from Vietnam。and I most certainly will sign his photo.I know what these men did for their 60untry,and I always have time for‘my gentlemen.’”  With that,she pulled Richard across the table and planted a big kiss on him.She then made quite a to-do about the bravery of the young men she met oveKthe years,how much she admired them,and how much she appreciated them.There weren’t tOO many dry eyes among those c.10se enough to hear.She then posed for pictures and acted as if he were the only one there.





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