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刚刚拿到这本书的时候,深深地鄙视了印刷的纸质,完全可以从一遍透过去看到反面的内容,纸薄到令人发指的地步。就算路边买的盗版书纸张也比这好吧。况且45人民币的售价也不便宜呀。不过好在内容还是令人满意的-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------作为一个土木系的学生,按道理应该对结构原理或者说建筑结构并不陌生。可我本科读了两年,依旧对结构整体的概念没有了解。虽然第一学期的时候有建筑结构(Baukonstruktion)的课程,第二学期有高层建筑结构设计(Planung und Konstruktion im Hochbau I)的课程,第四学期还有建筑结构设计原理(Werkstoffübergreifendes Konstruieren und Entwerfen)这样混合着混凝土设计,钢结构设计和木结构设计的巨无霸课程,加上各类力学,还有建筑材料等等,在脑子里乱成一团浆糊。这本书给我的感受就是通过荷载与荷载路径这个主线,串起了整个我两年来的大部分课程。静力学,弹性力学,土力学,建筑结构,建筑材料,建筑物理,设计原理,所有的最表层的概念都在这本书的体系里提及,同时自己也能够根据所提及的每个最表层的概念发散开来。我顿时明白自己学了那么多东西是一个怎样的宗旨。后来我再翻回第一学期的建筑结构的讲义时,顿时发现讲义的内容和这本书的内容居然有着百分之八十的重合度,所以,我的第一学期的课程是怎么学的?或许有一个解释,当第一学期没有任何基础的时候去读这本书,也许也会像我当时学建筑结构一样一头雾水吧。我现在觉得这本书好,是建立在我用了两年的时间差不多学完了书里提及的每个要点,如果当时什么都不懂,要追问的太多了,这本书读起来也不好玩了。这本书已经出了第二版,以下是第二版的增加内容To enable readers to gain a wider understanding, new material has been added to thefront of the book and at the back. At the front the Introduction has been altered and expanded to give a very brief history of the development of structural understanding. The new Chapter 11, Structures and built form, shows, with reference to numerous examples,how building form can be influenced by the choice of a structural system. It also deals with the effect of the difference between the technically based engineering perception of structures and the aesthetically based architectural one. The new Chapter 12, A simple approach to calculations, allows the reader to enter the technical world of engineering and shows how, using no more than simple arithmetic operations, understanding the concepts permits simple numerical calculations to be made. The penultimate section of this chapter give examples of how relevant calculations can easily be done for parts of some of the projects described earlier.The final Chapter 13, The mathematical basis, introduces the reader to the mathematical world of structures. This requires the rudiments of the differential calculus which are explained in detail. Then, using the concepts and the calculus, the mathematical formulation for columns, beams and frames is developed.



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